
Thank You Kathleen.

As soon as Kathleen stepped out of her car, she was surrounded by two waiters and another man she recognized as the manager of the restaurant.

Her eyebrow rose in inquiry when they all respectfully bowed in greetings to welcome her like a princess.

One of them hurried to the other side of the car to open the door for the children and Eleanor, dressed in a beautiful, pink princess dress, stepped out first. Her little legs which had the potential of being outstanding like her mother's were laced in a lighter shade of pink hose.

Her face lit up in a disarming smile which instantly endeared her to the heart of the female waiter that greeted her.

Following in tow was Elvis, though not as dramatic as Eleanor but gave a mind blowing surprise to the waiters, by his uncanny resemblance to their boss.

He nodded curtly at the two waiters who were too stunned to close their gaping mouths.


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