
Is Aunt Lauren A Vampire?

They chatted on and on until Kathleen pulled up at the kindergarten parking lot. They didn't have to wait for long before the children came out to meet them at the pickup area.

"Mom!" The two children ran forward and were caught in their mother's embrace.

After their little bonding time, Kathleen took their hands and they headed to the car.

Beside the car they saw a gorgeous auntie with long glossy black hair that cascaded down her shoulders.

Two lovely dimples appeared on Lauren's beautiful cheeks when she saw the two children staring at her in disbelief.

The first to react was Eleanor who asked in a skeptical voice, "Aunt Lauren?"

"That's me sweetheart, are you surprised to see me?" She grinned as she bent down and scooped the stunned Eleanor in her arms.

They had only communicated with her on Skype and this was the first time they were meeting physically.


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