
In Love With His Best Friend’s Wife

"She is such a daring fireball, too hot to handle. No wonder my poor friend has not been able to convince her all these months, despite all his charms and wealth." Steffan muttered after he recovered from his coughing bout.

With this thought also came the painful realization that he was in love with his best friend's wife.

"Why am I so unfortunate that the first woman that stole my heart happens to be married to my best friend."

"Damn you Shawn," he cursed. "You are always having the best of everything. Now I can't even live a happy life with the one I love."

With that he got into his car and drove back home, perhaps after resting, he will be able to think clearly.

He had made such a huge sacrifice, denying himself of his much needed rest just to help his friend, only to hit himself in the foot with this horrible truth.


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