
All I Have To Do Is Pull The Trigger

"Damn! What just happened?" Drake, who was driving the black Jeep that has been trailing Kathleen was taken aback.

"Will you stop asking questions and catch up with them? It's obvious we've been discovered, but at this speed even a snail will leave you behind."

Drake pushed his foot down on the gas pedal hard. The speed gauge jerked past 80 miles per hour and they were in a high-speed chase.

Meanwhile Marcus, Kathleen's driver saw a junction ahead and at the same time caught sight of a street by the right just before the junction. He swerved into the narrow street, nearly tipping the car over in the process. He whipped the car around, almost running into some pedestrians who were crossing the street.

"Watch out!" shrieked Cheryl and covered her face with her palms.

Marcus stepped hard on the brakes not a second later making a long skid mark behind him.

He stopped a few blocks ahead and from his mirror, saw that no crowd had gathered and there was also nobody lying on the road.

"Humph! That was close," he released a gust of air he didn't realize he was holding in.

Cheryl peered through her fingers when she could no longer feel the car moving. "Thank goodness," she breathed in relief when she saw that no one was hit.

The engine was still running when Kathleen nimbly got down from the car.

"Get down and move over." She exchanged seat with Marcus and took over the steering to drive after fastening her seat belt.

"We can't stay here for long. Let's follow the road down, although I don't know where it leads to."

They started off again.

Drake got to the T- junction and got confused. He didn't know which direction the car disappeared.

"I saw the car veer off the street before this junction. I'm sure they're headed down the road on the right," Spider analyzed. "Now take the right turn, we'll boycott them in front. We just have to wait for them to show up." He guided.

"Are you sure?"

"What do you mean, am I sure?" He barked, his anger gradually mounting. "See…" he extended his left hand and gave a few taps on the back of the palm. "I know this route like the back of my palm."

"Why am I even explaining anything to you, hurry up and do as I say," he commanded finally losing his patience.

"Sure boss." Drake dare not argue anymore and drove to a gray spot to wait for Kathleen's car.

Few minutes later, Kathleen's Bentley appeared on the main road.

"That's them. Hurry up and go after them,"

"Boss, the driver has changed." Drake had a quizzical frown on his face. "The one now driving is the lady in the photo"

"That makes our job even easier then." Spider chuckled , he felt nothing could have been more better. With this they don't need to work hard.

He bent down and retrieved a gun from under his seat. " All I have to do is pull the trigger when we're by her door."

"Now quick, drive the car very close to her side."

Marcus glanced at the side mirror and realized that all was not yet over.

"Madam, the black Jeep."

"Yeah, I saw it, they're right behind us."

The black Jeep whooped behind their car and Kathleen's eyes shot to the rearview mirror.

She saw a gun being pointed at them. "Holy sh**! He has a gun. Duck! Go down!" Kathleen cried out to Marcus and Cheryl.

Spider pulled the trigger and a gun shot rang out just as Kathleen swerved to the left, overtaking a red Chevrolet. She dodge the bullet by a hair's breadth but the Chevrolet was not that lucky as the bullet hit its wheel resulting in a flat tyre.

The black Jeep flew past them at neck breaking speed, disappeared onto a road by their left, burst out on the main road, and blocked Kathleen's car in front.

'They must be very familiar with this route, but I'll be darned if they know what befell them after I'm done with them.' A mischievous grin adorned Kathleen's face.

From the side mirror, she did a rough calculation of the distance between her and the van coming behind her and decided to go for it.

Marcus was sitting beside Kathleen, and thus had a clear view of what was in front. He suddenly broke out in cold sweat, seeing that a collision was inevitable. "Ma…ma… Madam," his shaking hand gradually rising to point at the Jeep blocking them.

However, Kathleen did something no one would have imagined. She slowed down as if she wanted to stop but within an inch of a head-on collision, yanked the steering wheel and did a parabolic turn.

The tyres screeched in agony, smoke and burnt rubber spread through the road as the car spun around, causing it to face the oncoming vehicles that were previously behind them. By then Cheryl had already fainted from fright.

It narrowly missed the van that was initially behind their car, swerved between other vehicles and narrowly escaped another truck.

She saw an opening into the other lane and swerved onto that lane merging into the traffic easily.

Drake, who was closely chasing after Kathleen, didn't see the truck on time and by the time he saw it, it was already too late.

He swerved, screaming as the vehicle spun out of control, and finally crashed into the large truck carrying bricks.

A loud, jarring noise reverberated throughout the place.

The rear windshield exploded, shards like bullets flew in all directions.

The traffic police arrived at the accident scene almost immediately.

No sooner than the accident occurred, the paramedics were called and the ambulance arrived and Drake and Spider were quickly sent to the hospital.

From her side mirror, Kathleen saw the explosion and shook her head, muttering under her breath, "Useless."

"Did you say something, Madam?" Marcus finally pulled himself out of his trance and asked.


She drove peacefully to Wyatt's villa. After turning off the ignition, she glanced at Cheryl who was still out at the back.

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