
A Kind Soul (2)

Mina's POV

"They're here," Mikasa announces as we all watch the horses from afar. With the wings of freedom and some with the unicorn embedded on the back of their capes, the soldiers made their way to the place where we took refuge on top of the wall. 


"Isn't that…?" 

Moblit rises from his spot, eyes blazing from hope and wonder. It even made him smile, one that I relish myself to witness. "Commander Erwin!"

"And the Military Police!" 

Realizing that their arrival signifies the progression of our story, I hummed in contentment. It took a while and a whole lot of insecurities, but in the end, they're finally here.

"I never thought they'd ride along the wall." Armin mulls it over as his gaze looks unchanging and ready to fight.

"That's probably the quickest route," Krista replies, her expression similar to his. 

Recalling how their conversion would go, I simply held my gaze and listened to their worries for the second time around. "Krista…" Armin's eyes landed downwards as worry replaced his motivated gaze. "I'd prefer if you stayed back, but…"

"No matter what you say, I won't." Krista clenched her fist as a way to visibly show her frustration from the conclusion of our fight earlier. "I refuse to wait here when Ymir was taken away. You should know how I feel." 

"Krista has a point, Armin." With his arms crossed in front of his chest, Connie shares his thoughts. "We have plenty of reasons for chasing after them. One of which I still can't believe… That Reiner and Bertolt are our enemies."

Several pairs of eyes landed on his figure just when he said those words out loud. Without letting that fact affect him, he continued. "I've got to hear it straight from their mouths." 

"So, my words aren't enough to make you believe, huh?" Sighing in vexation, I tried to understand why he acted like so. "Am I that unreliable, Connie?" 

"That's not what I-!" He shifted his foot to look at my figure, but I still refused to meet his gaze.

"We can't concisely save Eren if that's your priority in this mission." Like his early position, I have crossed my arms over my chest, forcing down the anger that continues to leak out. "I already told you, Reiner – the man himself – admitted that he was the Armored Titan. Eren also accepted that fact, even though it probably broke his heart into pieces. So, just fucking believe in what I told you and treat him as your enemy."


"Enough, Connie." Mikasa's voice was enough to cut our little banter as she placed a hand on top of my shoulder. "Mina's right. Our goal right now is to save Eren, and that's a fact that we can't ignore."

I bit my lip in irritation while guilt washed over my infuriated state. "Sorry, I lost my composure."

"You're a pain to look after, young Yeager." Lowering my gaze from shame, I didn't even try to deny that fact. "But then again, you are a Yeager, after all."


That's right.

I am a Yeager, though and though.

Unconsciously, the frown that was plastered on my face vanished as composure once again radiated from my figure.

That ancient being really is starting to look like my sitter, and I don't know what to do with that fact. 

"Just be grateful and start worshipping me?" The amusement in her tone was not left unnoticed, making me frown once more. 

In an attempt to ignore her obnoxious laugh, I focused on what was happening right before us just when the commander finally reached our spot. He was greeted by none other than the right-hand man of the 4th squadron's captain, Moblit Berner. 

"You made it, Commander Erwin!" The relief in his voice certainly reached the ears of those who were wounded, as some had tried to get up to see the man being spoken to. What took me by surprise, however, was the woman who continued to crawl toward them. It pained me to see her in a rough state, so as her subordinate, I immediately took a step forward and silently offered my assistance to support her.

Commander Erwin wasted no time and asked if the situation remained unchanged.


"Good." The commander lifted his arm and began to order for the lifts to be deployed.

As if he was sensing that someone was behind him, Moblit turned around and was shocked by the presence of our captain. His eyes passed through my own before landing directly on the person with her arm looped around my shoulder. 

"Squad Leader?!" 

"Moblit…" Her legs became wobbly, making me wrap an arm around her waist to support her whole body. "G-Give me a map."

After a few minutes, we all found ourselves hunched over to look at what Captain Hange was pointing toward on the map. She was now lying on her stomach, even though we all protested. However, stubbornly enough, she eventually got what she wanted as I reluctantly supported her down to her requested position. 

"It might be a long shot, but there's a giant forest here." She places a finger on the drawing where a group of trees is gathered. "We should head straight for it. Though it's not like they have a way to hide the Armored Titan's footsteps, but… I think that's where they're headed." 

And she's right. From what I've seen from the second world, a vision that Ymir had provided, I remember seeing their group resting on a tree branch just after they fled. It was her way to calm my enraged state, forcing me to get my shit together. 

"Why is that?" Commander Erwin couldn't help but ask why she thought so. 

One that our captain has an answer to. "It's a gamble, but even if they have the strength to change into Titans, the other Titans outside the wall might still be a threat. Especially after all that fighting. They might not be as bad off as Eren, but I'm sure that they're exhausted. Like how Annie was out cold for a while." 

Once again, she was on point with her deductions. Seriously, she really is an intelligent human. 

"Let's assume for now that their destination is somewhere outside of Wall Maria. Considering the distance they'll have to cover, we can assume they'll need to recover their stamina. This means… they'll want to rest somewhere where titans are unable to reach them. At least until nightfall when titans can't move."

And with that said, "We have until night!" Captain Hange announces, providing us with the needed time limit for our rescue mission. "If we reach the forest before nightfall, we might still make it in time!" 

That's right.

We only have until nightfall.

So, before the sun sets for this day, we need to retake Eren from our enemies. 


"Aren't you too wounded for this mission?" 

Just when I was going to pull myself up on my horse, the voice of the commander halted me from doing so. It took me a whole second to comprehend what he had just said, a second too late for the others to notice what was happening. 

"I'm fine, commander." I once again regained my footing, all the while turning my whole body to gaze directly at his figure. "I can still fight." 

He said nothing and simply stared at my expression. Whatever he was trying to look for, I didn't know, but after a few seconds of silence, he must have gotten what he wanted to see. 

When he finally left me to my own devices, it was then that I realized how I must have looked to the other soldiers. Some were giving me a pitiful gaze, while others were trying to comprehend why I continued to fight even though I was too wounded already. 

"Mina!" From a distance, a voice called out 'my' name, as he successfully distracted my thought process. Even though he was wounded, Moblit walked at a fast pace. "Will you be all right? You can just stay with us."

This man… I held back a chuckle, amused at how he truly acts like a mother hen. He was supposed to stay on top of the wall, but it seems that 'worry' has taken over his actions, one that I greatly appreciate. "I'll be fine, Moblit. I already rested, and I honestly can't feel any pain. Just stay with the captain and support her. I'll be back before you know it, along with Eren, of course."

Amazed at my sudden declaration and confidence, he gave me a small smile. "That's right, that's the spirit! Oh, before you leave, a garrison soldier wanted to give this to you."

Garrison? Ah! If I'm right, the bag that Moblit must be holding right now probably contains the supplies I've requested Blake to prepare. "Thank you… She must have a hard time getting these, huh?" 

"From the look on her face, she probably experienced worse."

Ahaha. I'm now indebted to you, Fanya Blake. With that said, after making sure to strap the bag properly on the side of my horse, I finally hopped on just as Moblit steadied it. But before he left, and before I could move towards the front, I opened my mouth to speak, wanting nothing more than to ask for a quick validation. "Say, Moblit, do you think that Eren will blame himself if anyone dies in this mission?" 

"Huh?" He tilted his head to gaze into my eyes, wondering why I suddenly asked such a question. "Are you worried about the consequences?" 

"Yes." I am.

He mulled it over for a few seconds just when the soldiers began to ready themselves up ahead. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Mikasa and Armin's gazes, probably wondering why I was still not with them.

"He probably will." Moblit's answer was all I needed to hear. It was enough for me to dedicate my whole being just for this mission to succeed. "He's a good kid. If he learns about how some soldiers have given up their lives just to rescue him, I'm sure that he'll be devastated about it. I may not know him that long, but even I can guess as much."

"That's right…" Eren, in this timeline, is still a naïve kid who just wants to attain freedom. That's why… "I have to do it."

"Do what?"

Confused by my statement, Moblit's question was left unanswered as I finally bid him a short farewell. "See you later, Moblit." 

"Yeah." He waved his arm at me and smiled. "See you later, Mina." 

"What were you talking about?" Mikasa asked me just when I finally reached their spot in this formation. 

"Nothing of importance." I collectively replied as my gaze landed on the bare land right before us. "Mikasa, I'll leave Eren's retrieval in your hands." 

"Huh?" Puzzled at my declaration, her eyes fractionally widened. "Why? What will you be doing?" 

"Hmm…" In an attempt to diffuse any form of strain in our conversation, I gave her a brief and short smile. "I'll ensure the other Titans won't get in your way. So, just trust me and focus on what's up ahead."

"That goes without saying." Chuckling at how one-sided her mind works, a sense of relief washed over my anxious heart. 

"It's finally starting," Ymir whispers right beside me, audible enough for me to notice how tense she's uncharacteristically acting. But, I must say, it is a bit nerve-racking. After all, the scenario she'll witness next is a turning point for humanity's fight against the Titans. "Make sure that you won't die, young Yeager, for it seems that you've already decided what you want to do in this mission."

Yes. Yes, I have.

If the other soldier's mission is to rescue Eren, then I'll make sure to limit any casualty that may haunt him after this battle. 

"He's a good kid." Moblit's voice echoed inside my head, one that I wholeheartedly agreed to. Eren is selfless like that, that's why, instead of saving him directly…

Let me save the kindness in his soul.

"Let's move!" Those words were enough to light the flame in our hearts as we began our mission to save humanity's hope and savior. 

Wait for us, Eren. 

We're coming.


Next chapter