
The Meeting

With Kon trying to let his emotions just flow, he couldn't really make sense of anything anymore. All these memories of the ones he's loved just keep flashing in his mind and in his eyes. He never knew what it meant when people can see their lives in their eyes just flash before them, but he isn't dying.

He was happy that Eevee took Neo and the other little black fox with her and left. He didn't like having people see him like this. He hated it, having himself be shown like this. He can show a little sadness and a little unease, but when it came down to him being truly vulnerable, he wouldn't let anyone see him like this.

Kon: "..." He couldn't think, couldn't feel anything. He was so used to forcing all these emotions down that he started to do it again unconsciously. Stopped the feeling to save himself from having to deal with them, stopped thinking because when he started to think he would start to chase the rabbit and fall into a hole.

So he got up. Started to tell himself that it'll be fine and that it's all okay. He started moving around and using magic to help dry himself off. The water made him just float there, which was nice. Now he was gonna head back up to the surface since its been a bit since he was up there.

Though this time he just decided to just use magic to float on up. He just kept thinking of all the things with his family, but he decided to just shake his head, slap his face lightly on both sides on his cheeks and to put a smile on his face. 

Kon: "Best to just try and ignore it. Just shove it down and it'll be fine. I'll be fine." He said to himself. And he went up. He kept practicing magic while on the way to help keep himself occupied. The monsters looked at him and pretty much just let him be. Every one of them were content with him around. 'I need to eventually figure out the reason behind that too. I know that I wanted all creatures to like me and everything, but I didn't think the Dungeon would also like me. It's cool and all, but I'm very curious. Oh well that's for future Kon to deal with.' He thought to himself.

He eventually made it up towards Rivera, and just floated over to the other side and kept going up. He was surprised that the Goliath had respawned. It was standing over towards a corner and there was some pretty good dents in the floors and walls. He floated over to it, trying to figure out why it was standing over there, when he saw a glint. He looked down towards its feet and saw the remains of some adventures.

Goliath turned around to see who intruded into his space, and looked at the entrance. He couldn't find them, since Kon was floating instead of walking around. Kon eventually flew closer and Goliath saw him. He raised his right hand, flat and open with the palms up. Kon landed on his hand, and Goliath just raised him to eye level.

Kon's eyes swapped into a Yellow hue, and he waved his hand and said, "Hi, how are ya?" While smiling. Goliath raised his other hand and put a thumbs up slowly. Kon smiled then looked back at the corpses. He surprisingly didn't feel anything towards them. He then waved at the Goliath and pointed down, and the Goliath then lowered his hand till he put it on the ground for Kon to hop off. Kon walked over to the corpses and saw that they were crushed into meat paste, and the Dungeon had already started devouring all that the bodies had to offer for energy. 

Kon decided to also just take the plates with their names on them. He couldn't really do much else for them. When he looked at the names, they were from the Apollo Familia.

Kon, remembering that Apollo here was very...unpleasant to say the least. He decided to just drop them off at the Guild. So he turned to the Goliath. "Bye Goliath, see you later." And Goliath also responded with a wave bye to him too.

Kon then took off, making it quickly through the floors since he didn't want to stay any longer in the Dungeon. He makes it to the top, where he finds a lot of people there standing guard looking in. He decides to just ignore them, but they saw him walking out and started walking over. 

Kon, not looking at them, decided to pick up the pace and speed walk, the small group decided to also speed up. So he stopped and went the other direction, and the group did the same thing. 

The people around them were confused, watching the people. It was a bunch of blurs with them moving back and forth in front of each other. 

Finally Kon just sighed and stopped entirely. "Can I help you with something folks? Y'all look like you want me for something?"

The group had a gentleman walk up from the side, it was an employee from the Guild. It was the Elf from before. Kon had his eyes switch to Yellow. "Oh, it's you. What does the Guild want from me?"

Elf: "Well, how about we take this to a more private area? This isn't the kind of thing others need to hear." He said while taking a look around at the people who were looking and listening in. Kon nodded and decided to follow the Elf into the Guild.

Kon: "...Well what's goin on here?" Kon said a little irritably. His Southern Accent coming out more because of it. The Elf took notice of it slightly, since it's not a accent that is heard around Orario. The Elf looked back and smiled. "We'll be there shortly. There's a certain Goddess that wanted to see you. Last anyone saw you you went into the Dungeon and you haven't been seen for a week or so. Oh, and I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Faesolor. But you can call me Fae since its easier to say, or Sol. It's nice to meet you Kon."

Kon: "I never told you my name though?" Kon said with smile, though his tails were flicking in irritation and his eyes bore into the eyes of Faesolor. He stood about 5' 11'' (5 foot 11 inches or 180cm). With hair closer to a Golden green, pure white skin, the uniform of the guild and slightly longer ears than a typical Elf would.

Faesolor: "Well we had gathered your name from the Goddess looking for you in particular. They wanted to talk to you about some matters. Though what they are, that we have no idea. We are only here to be a guide to them." Fae the walked to a door and opened it up for them to go inside. "They will be here shortly, since no one knew if you would come back out of the Dungeon after you disappeared. I'll just leave so you can get some privacy when they do come, I also have to guide them to this room so they can talk to you." And with that Fae left the room.

Kon not knowing what to do, didn't want to really stay. Though he was curious, his eyes have been Yellow the entire time while he was walking this way. But after waiting for about 10 minutes, without anyone walking in and checking in on him or anything, he started to explore the place. He went and walked around the room. It was lit up brightly with windows allowing natural light in through the glass. The several sofas around a coffee table and another few chairs spread around the room with stands next to them. With the door on one wall, the windows on the adjacent one. Opposite of the windows is a mirror that was seemingly made into the wall, with a golden border around it to give it a pop. And finally some conservative paintings around the room and a big one of the Tower of Babel on the back wall.

He walked around the room to get used to him. That's when he felt eyes watching him. He turned towards the source. It came from the mirror of all places. He looked at it, and it looked like a normal mirror. He walked over to it and started to study it. His eyes changing into a sunlike Yellow, and as he studied the window he felt magic coming from it. It was a spell, almost like a charm to keep people from looking through it. Kon then put his hand up to the mirror, and he noticed that his hand didn't actually touch itself on the mirror. That's when he realized that it was a false mirror and that he was being watched through it.

He decided to leave, but not without using a magic spell to cover the mirror. He didn't know who was on the other side the spell didn't allow him to see through. It wouldn't have been hard for him to break the spell since he now has the basics of all magic spells, and anything tied to magic. But he didn't want to break it just in case something else got triggered from the spell breaking.

He then finally walked over towards the sofas, and decided to wait for the supposed Goddess to walk in and talk with him. And finally after a few minutes after the magic spell got put up, a certain Goddess walked in with a smug look on her face.

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