
Dungeon Home and Monster Maker

When Kon ran towards the dungeon he just decided to go back down to where he started from. He finally ran all the way back toward the Trees in the Lower Floors. He then remembered something however.

Kon: "Ya know Eevee, if I remember right there's a big lake area if we go down a little more. Ya wanna go down there?" And with that Eevee nodded, but wasn't as excited as Kon though. He's always been a water baby.

And with that it sealed the deal and they ran down a little farther into the Dungeon. Finally getting to the water front where the Second Rex lives, Kon was just enjoying the scenery and the blissful nature of it all.

He was about to walk away from it when he noticed that there was a dark shape in the water. 'Huh, guess you can see things in the water before it gets to ya, who would've thought?'

And the shadow kept getting bigger. And bigger. And bigger. Before finally breaching the water, a two headed monster showed itself.

Kon: "You're a big one aren't ya?" He said with a slightly cocked head, and eyes filled with Yellow wonder.

The Monster Rex staring back at Kon, but eventually just puffed a bit of air his way and floated off a distance, but not too far.

Kon: "Ya know Eevee, I don't know what is making the Dungeon like me so much, but I ain't gonna question it. Do ya wanna go wonder around for a little bit?" Kon asked. He wasn't too worried about her, though he wouldn't let her go too far. She just nodded and jumped out his arms and just wandered around the waters edge.

Kon was worried about her, but it'll be alright if he could keep her in eye sight.

As he went back to the water front, he decided to make a ice bridge going from the beach to the center of the water area, since it's all pools and waterfalls going up and down for several floors. He just wanted to make a waterfront home that hangs off the edge of the pool and over the edge slightly so he can jump off the deck into the waterpool below.

When Kon is finished with th ice bridge going to the edge of the waterfall, he decides to finally make the ice doesn't look good, so he gets rid of it and instead makes it out of rock and wood. He likes it better.

The he decides to focus on the house. But instead of it sitting on top of the water, he decides to have it hanging off of th cliffs itself. But for it to work, he needs to do something first.

Kon looks around and sees no one watching him, he feels embarrassed by doing this, but he feels like it's the right choice.

Kon: "Hello Dungeon, got a question. Would it be alright if I decide to make a home here off the side of the cliff. It would change a little bit of the floor, so I wanted to ask first." He doesn't know why he asked out loud,but knew that this would be the best choice.

In response to his question however, he felt th Dungeon rumble a little bit and som rock walls raise itself out of the water blocking water from flowing down a good portion of the waterfall in front of him.

His eyes turn into Yellow orbs almost as bright as the sun if you looked into them. Then he starts laughing to himself. 'I don't think that th dungeon is supposed to do this but I also didn't think it would work. Why does the Dungeon listen to me though. As far as I know it hates everyone that isn't a part of it in the first place... Well, not like I'm going to complain though.'

He finally finishes up his home hanging off the side of the cliff and waterfalls so now he has somewhere to live. And it's even better now that he knows the Dungeon won't try to get rid of it. When he's finally done it looks like a upside down temple poking out of the rock slightly, but instead of it being older in looks, it's almost like a modern version with lots of glass and stone. It's definitely helpful having a ton of knowledge from the Elemental Magic coming into play.

He even has a little balcony that he and Eevee can walk off of and jump into the water below. He also made a crude version of the elevator, but functional with magic.

Also complete with a slight dock and little boat house/man cave at the bottom. It's nice looking being completely made out of wood and with a nice couple waterfalls falling near it. Kon has twisted th rock slightly outwards and away from the boat house so that it wouldn't damage it and also give it a more pleasant look.

Finally deciding to go grab Eevee he decides to walk back up top. He gets to th top of the stairs and get on th stone bridge and see that Eevee is playing with some of the water monsters in the water, riding them around. Kon is happy seeing her alright, and releases a breathe of stressed air.

He was worried about her the entire time, but also knew that he is being extremely clingy to her. He doesn't know how she feels about it, but he thought it would be best to give her her own little space for a while.

Seeing her enjoy herself cause Kon to smile though with Emerald Green eyes shining. He makes the bridge have a couple of posts every now and then to give it a more pleasant look and also something he can lean on. He makes lanterns hang off the sides and makes mana crystals that will shine during the night. He made his home on th side of the water that is opposite from where adventurers would come down so they wouldn't seeing, and the way down is past them so they wouldn't really come near there.

He also makes some little light traps for anyone he doesn't want to be coming down to his home. With this he'll beale to see a giant flash if he's on the floor or the ones below.

It'll also blind the people who has ill intentions for him or Eevee. I was an intent spell that he placed, sincehe didn't want anyone innocent getting hurt. But also for good measure put down a couples spells that both hid the bridge from those who didn't know it was there from sight, making it look as if nothing has changed, and also to nudge people away, making this place feel as if there isn't much here, and to divert their attention elsewhere.

He would like some company, but he's fine with it being just him, Eevee and the Monsters here. Surprisingly they're very playful towards both him and Eevee. But he did have an idea though.

Kon: "Excuseme dungeon, but would it be alright if I could get some monster cores. I wanna see how they work please." He asked. And in response to that, the Dungeon again shook the floor.

What Kon didn't expect was the Dungeon to be given one monster core of EVERYTHING that has ever been made. So he had a mountain of cores to go through. He didn't know what the pile had, he honestly just thought that there were multiple of the same core. He would find out later as he sifted through them all.

Kon: "Thank you!" He wanted to be polite to the Dungeon.

He then just went to the pile and started collecting all of the cores. He would look at them with his Yellow eyes, and read all about them. When he got to the Rex cores, he was surprised that the Dungeon hadn't upgraded them, but it seems as if it has been stockpiling a lot of energy, and a good bit of it was used to give Kon all these cores.

Kon felt bad about someone, or something in this case giving him something this big, he never really put much though into how much the Dungeon actually makes its monsters and everything. So in order to return the courtesy, he decided to just give the Dungeon back all the cores by throwing them into a water pool inside his dome of magic. That way the Dungeon could take back all it used.

He also decided to give the Dungeon a new monster. He didn't care how it would effect the story at all, but he wanted to repay what was given to him. So he decided to make a fox monster beforehand completely went through all the cores. He was modifying his monster core as he went along.

What the end result would be would be anyone's guess. Kon wanted a monster that would be, in his mind, more dangerous in that as long as the little fox monster survived the first couple days, it would adapt and learn much quicker than any other monster.

I don't really have a picture available tht I can explain what th house looks like, sorry about that.

Forgotten_Saintcreators' thoughts
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