
11: All dressed up for nothing 18+

"You don't last long do you? It's only been a few minutes." I asked after seeing Jungkook coming inside, "Awww, are you jelly? Little bitch, we didn't fuck, nothing was inserted anyway." Pst, as if I'd believe that, "Aww, you're a cryer, you need a hell loud of makeup just to cover up that disgusting face of yours on the daily. And now you need even more, you're all puffy and your eyes are red." I teased, "Ha, funny coming from a literal troll, and btws, your eyes are puffy too." A troll?.... that's a bit harsh isn't it?.. Sure I've been crying but it's not that bad is it?...

"Calling me a troll? Look at your bedroom on its own, shit laying everywhere. You're closet is literally hanging open and I don't even know what colour the floor is! It's so filthy." I retorted careful not to show any emotion, "Oh, so that's why you're snooping through my things? Is cleaning your excuse?" He asked snatching away the backpack I was looking through.

"No, I'm snooping. At first I was looking for handsoap and then found a whole entire collection of skin care products and hair care, which, by the way, aren't working. Then I wanted to see if you have any other interesting things, I was not disappointed." I confessed, "Found my flesh light collection or toy cars?" Jungkookie asked... "What collection?" I felt my glands heating up along with my cheeks, why would he confess to having that?!! And mentioning toy cars as if they fall in the same category! I suppose I deserve it for snooping though.

"Help yourself, I only really like the blue one and don't often use the others. There's a travel size too."

"You're disgusting!"

"At least I'm not a slut that sleeps with anybody they can find instead of using safe toys." What is that supposed to mean?... I'm not a slut!

Jungkook's perspective:

"Here you are." I said finally, I've been looking for Tae and mum kept giving me riddles and leading me on wild goose chases, "Here I am." He repeated, I went to go sit on the bed next to him, he was looking through some old boxes.

"Ohhh, you'd look great in this." I said after taking one of the many long plain light brown plad skirts from a box, he looked at it and rolled his eyes then continued looking threw a bunch of books.

"So what's this?" I asked, "It's my mum's old things." He said plainly, not once has he looked me in my eyes, "What did I do?" I asked, usually he'll take any chance he gets to stare into my eyes even though he thinks he's being slick, but he keeps ignoring me.

"You did nothing, why would you think you did something?" "By the attitude you're giving me right now." I answered at his 'im literally going to shoot you if you don't leave me alone' voice.

"Knock knock?" I heard the most beautifullest voice in the doorway, my face lit up as I saw Jimin hyung in the doorway, "Jiminie-paboo!" Taehyung exclaimed reaching his arms out for him, "Did you just call him a fool?" I asked confused while they hugged.

"It's an inside joke." Taehyung said still giving me attitude, "You wanted to see me?" Jimin asked cutely holding Taehyung's head, "I sure did." I thought to myself, "Yes, Miss Jeon gave me these, they're my mum's old stuff."

"Why did she have them?" Jimin asked starting to look through it with Taehyung while ignoring my existence, well, I wasn't saying anything or doing anything to pay attention to but still, "My dad didn't want them, so she took them."

"Our mothers used to be best friends before Tae's mum died, that's one of the main reasons why we were best friends growing up. And why they thought it would be okey to promise us to each other." I said, Jimin looked at me and seemed to pay close attention, he's so cute!

Taehyungie glared at me and told me to get out, while literally holding Jiminie's waist! I'll show you, two can play at that game.

I scoffed and got up to leave mumbling, "Stupid baby." then literally slammed the door, "Hyungie, I'm needy, plwase come to my bedroom🥺 I have a surprise for you😋" I typed into my phone after getting the 'surprise' and sent it to Namjoonie who knocked on my door in a matter of seconds seconds.

"What's up- oh my god..."

"What are you wearing?..." I heard Namjoonie say after a few seconds of silence, "Don't you like it?" I asked as if I was completely innocent showing my mum a picture I drew, "Oh my god..." I heard a faint whisper, just barely audible.

I felt my body tense up watching hyung come closer to me, I felt a chill go down my spine feeling his cold, lifeless hand softly caressing my exposed nipple and then down to my waist. I hitched in a gasp feeling the other hand caress my outer thigh, "Dear god, you look absurdly beautiful...." Beautiful?... Sure I felt in confident in the dark blue leather lingerie basically tying ribbons around my body with no intention of hiding anything from him but... Beautiful? Isn't that a little bit of a strong word? Sexy, pretty, doll like. Those are all the compliments i expected but, hyung really thinks I'm beautiful?

"You think so?" I asked keeping my composure sure not to let him know how flattering that was, "Jesus, it's all for me?" Hyungie kept a shocked, yet excited look on his face as I nodded. I suppose it is strange for someone like me to dress up like this when I'm used to always being on top, but for Namjoonie hyung I'll do anything. I was expecting him to embarrass the fuck out of me but now he's being all sweet about it!

"Do I get to unwrap it too?" He asked towering over me forcing my body down onto the sheets by my throat, i gulped and nodded hesitantly. I still feel hesitant, I'm married after all, I shouldn't be doing this. But then again, Taehyungie is married, it doesn't keep him away from onlyfans with another man.

"P-please fuck me hyung." I begged, i was getting desperate. I'm already fucking horny.

Hyungie pressed his lips onto mine making me moan in impatiently, "Hyungie~" I complained into his mouth but was cut short by a loud and sudden, "POLICE OPEN UP." I groaned annoyed feeling namjoonie get up, "I need to go sort this out..." He said probably knowing it's because of Jingoo.

"BiTcHy PoLiCe Is AlWaYs CoCkBlOcKiNg Me!" I yelled out loud enough for the officers outside to hear me, so that's means Tae did too.

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