
New Cafe opening- Postponed!

Tenshi returned to the group and cheered up looking at Wanda and Robin. He landed down and waved, "Hey everyone!" they looked at him and smiled as Robin asked for more history.

Wanda mimicked Tenshi and tried to act mysterious as she told her.

Tenshi's lips twitched as he watched this.

The group had a party with everyone right after.

Tenshi watched as Luffy did the basket dance before bursting out laughing, slapping his knee. Uta and Usopp joined Luffy as Tenshi started crying from laughing too hard. He fell off his chair and held his stomach.

The party went well and the night passed without incident.

Tenshi popped the ship back onto the sea on the 2nd day and waved goodbye to everyone as they sailed away.

The employee squad relaxed on the ship as Tenshi went to check everything. He went to all his doors and cafes, smiling that the cafe would return tomorrow. Everyone was excited.

Tenshi came out on Zou to find that everything was fine.

He went out to check and found out that Inuarashi went out beforehand, destroying Jack's ships and sinking him in the sea. Nami, Brook, and Chopper were sitting around aimlessly.

Tenshi looked at them and asked "Sanji left?" Nami pouted, "Mhm…" Tenshi was startled, "Do you like him?!" Nami froze and glared at Tenshi, "No!" Tenshi's lips twitched, why was he more sure of it now?

His EQ was very high, okay?!

Don't lie to him!

Chopper looked shifty when the word 'Like' came out. He blushed and rubbed his Hooves together. Tenshi looked at him and followed his gaze to Milky, the Reindeer Mink.

Tenshi's lips twitched, it's springtime for everyone!

Tenshi sat down and said "Cafe is open tomorrow." while looking through the Achievements list.

They all groaned and stayed silent.

They were pretty sad about Sanji.

Tenshi looked through the list, saying "He's getting Married in Tottoland against his will by a family that abandoned him, by the way."

[Be useless and let someone else save a country- Completed]

[Reveal The Wedding's Secret Truth- Completed]

Nami, Brook, and Chopper froze and stared at him, shouting "WHAT?!" Tenshi nodded, "Mhm." Nami rushed over and a wall of Coffee blocked her hands as she shouted "Are you serious?!" Tenshi nodded, "Mhm." as he collected the rewards, adding "Please don't touch me, I'll throw up for real."


[Mink Bloodline]

[Cow-Cow Fruit: Model Cretan Bull]

Tenshi froze and looked at the description hesitantly.

[Cow-Cow Fruit: Model Cretan Bull- A Pure White Bull full of Beauty, grants strength, speed, long white horns, and the ability to reproduce with any species without producing genetic defects.]

Tenshi was speechless… This… Was considered a plus… Sort of? Well… He would keep it for now… If he got something similar, he would eat both of them. Just thinking of that Myth, he was feeling nauseous.

Tenshi pressed a little ball of coffee, saying "Hey, Chopper… Want a coffee?" Chopper jumped up, "Boy do I!" Chopper held the ball of coffee and smiled happily, drinking all of it.

He froze and suddenly got a bit taller, stretching out as his hooves morphed into fingers on his arms but his leg hooves didn't change. His entire body bulged like a balloon before emitting steam as it came down, revealing a Chopper the size of Mocha with Black Keratin fingers and his usual cute face.

He looked really cute, just like a Mink and a Reindeer at the same time. It was a bit strange how he didn't really change much though.

Chopper looked at himself and tilted his head all the way, before electricity crackled on his hands. He jumped in shock and his hat flew off his head along with his horns, Tenshi burst out laughing and clicked the prompt again.

[Make Chopper's Romance Dream hopeful- Completed]


[Cow-Cow Fruit: Model Minotaur]

Tenshi's heart was dead ashes and he stopped laughing, wanting to cry instead.

He quickly left, upset at his rewards.

The system was telling him something but he didn't want to listen! He didn't want to become a Cow! Damn it!

Tenshi returned to the ship and told everyone he was going back to Kakariko.

Uta came with him as the rest watched over the ship.

The duo walked back to Kakariko as Uta sighed, "I mean, being a Bull isn't so bad, right?" Tenshi wanted to cry, "But I want to be something cool! Who wants to be a Bull!?" Uta laughed happily before freezing as she started groaning painfully.

Tenshi frowned and pulled her back into the cafe, closing the door to Kakariko. Uta returned to normal, holding her arms in fear, "What the hell was that?!"

Tenshi looked outside and grinned grimly, "So it's begun…" he turned to Uta and said seriously, "Uta, return to the ship. I want you to tell Haku he is in charge of the Cafe for the time being." Uta was worriedly "Are you okay? What's going on!" Tenshi smiled gently and nodded, "Yeah! Nothing's wrong. It's just that you all can't leave the Cafe in Kakariko but I can, so while I stay around here, you guys should take care of the cafe."

Uta let out a breath of relief, smiling happily "As long as you're alright, Tenshi." she waved at him cutely before walking through the door, disappearing.

Tenshi smiled warmly, his lovely little employees. He really loved them all.

He opened the door to the cafe and walked outside before closing it.

He looked at the sky and hummed at the Twilight that covered the entire Eldin Province, muttering "Shouldn't be long now…" as he sat down on the wooden steps leading to the road.

Next chapter