
Bar Barter

I was kicked out of the carriage.

I jumped down on the cold rock floor while the captain of the iknights starred out of the carriage, straight at me.

"Well then. I hope you have a good life in the world at the bottom of the realms, nameless man."

"You could have let me out gently."

The carriage hadn't really stopped, but was at a trot. The captain leaned out and spoke to me as the carriage continued, slow yet steady. It was an easy way to splash water ove all the possible dignity he had establiushed up to this point.

"Sorry, we're in a rush! Wake up every day with fresh hatred for the Serafim! Goodbye!"

With those words as their signal, the horses pulling the carriagew sped up again and shot off the streets and into the distance.

I sighed as a I looked around.

This place.

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