
Chapter 33

I like my brother Draco, who am I you ask?? Well I'm Vasiliki Black and I have a great relationship with my brother Draco. I want to clarify that my admiration for him is purely platonic and non romantic.

At least that's what I would like to believe. Draco nii has always been an odd ball to me. He was unconventional in his approach to magic, but it only added to his allure.

His views and ideas on the subject were always outside the box, and I found them fascinating. From the beginning of my own studies.

I found passion for magic that only grew as I learned more. Draco nii had influenced my development in magic and I am grateful for his insight in shaping my relationship with this unique and powerful craft.

I also liked to study with Rize but she left to return home. The most compatible element of magic for me was always ice, I don't know why but it was like that since the beginning of my craft. Hopefully with the addition of falna, I could gain other forms of magic to further my research.

A lot of things had happened, finally I had arrived at Orario, met our eldest brother Draco and met some interesting new people and finally currently in the dungeon that I had heard tales about. I am a bit excited and afraid but everyone is with me so it's ok.


We entered the first floor around 9am and I had been cycling my familia member groups to take care of monsters in turns. It was efficient and they proved to be way better than I originally anticipated.

I felt that we could go deeper but that wasn't happening today, maybe after a week, I would take them to the 5th floor and within a few weeks, I would get them used to going by themselves through the upper floors.

I intended to resume my solo dive after they were comfortable with diving without me to watch them.

I knew that, I was being a bit over protective but what would I tell my parents if any of them died in the dungeon because I was in a hurry to level up.

I planned to reach level three within a year and would even resort to using that shady white powder as bait to draw and fight hordes of monsters, of course after making sure that no one was around to be affected.

While I was lost in thoughts my wind spell picked up another group of monsters which we proceeded to attack. The day went on like that till I felt it was time to go home.

They were severely exhausted, despite the potions that were used to supplement their stamina, mind and health.

Well couldn't blame them, potions weren't tasty and had limits. We also named our familia home the Dragons den, cringe as it was, that was what everyone wanted so went with it. It was decided on the fly while we chatted in the dungeon.

We continued to dive the dungeon daily until the ending of the first month. They looked like they could handle themselves in the upper floors but I prohibited them from going beyond the 9th floor without me and they should always rotate the groups when fighting monsters.

That way they would always have a free group to deal with sneak attacks from both monsters and people.

They were very cautious during dungeon dives so the tricky war shadows and killer ants weren't much of a problem because I showed them all my tricks to deal with most monsters.

Now that they could fend for themselves it was time to prepare for the for the upcoming great feud. It was definitely going to happen this year. I had at most 2 to 3 months before the main craziness began and I didn't want my familia as one of the casualties.

A few days since I resumed my solo dive. I had been fighting monsters everyday but I still avoided going beyond the 16th floor.

I wanted the save the experience of Rivira, the safe point on the 18th floor. This was to enjoy it after an expedition with my familia, no need to enjoy it alone.

I also wanted to avoid the Goliath and possible evilus ambushes by not being too far from the surface to receive help. The Goliath was currently beyond my capacity to deal with it solo. I still fought monsters on the 17th floor when the Goliath wasn't around.

Today I was once again in the middle floors but things were different. I was using some illegal monster bait to draw them in my direction. I had finally found a decent place with little to no adventurers nearby.

I had potions stacked and filled my side bag with stamina and mind potions, so I had quick access to them. Some safe places were made with earth dome.

These spot were made to be a safe haven for me in an event where the monsters become too much for me to handle. Crazy but it would speed farm excelia.

Feeling ready, I opened the first bottle of monster bait. I then summoned my grimoire and cast an earth rune along with wind. Using partial transformation to change my hands to claws, make wings, cover my body in scales and change my legs.

I forced my senses to the highest that I could and finally cast stone skin and increase toughness spell, to increase my defence.

The wind rune was to increase mobility and keep track of my surroundings. This was both mind and stamina draining but it was the quickest way to farm excelia and I wanted to experience the feeling that I felt when fighting the mutated liger fang.

The full silence was soon replaced by the ominous sounds of lurking monsters. The once peaceful space was now filled with growling and snarling from a distance.

The sound of scraping and shuffling of feet could be heard echoing through the halls. There was an undeniable sense of danger looming around and even the walls around me felt like something would pop up when I least expected it.

"Yes this is the feeling" I muttered as my primal instinct were beginning to come in full effect. This was what I wanted. The sounds got closer as the time to fight had come.

I lowered my stance ready to dash in any direction, my tail swayed from side to side ready to slam any monsters that came from behind.

I didn't cast any wind spells yet as it was still a bit early so I waited and listened with heightened senses to the sound of monster that approached me.

To my surprise the walls and ceiling opened releasing a horde of at least 40 Almiraj. They were cute but dangerous bunny monsters, a reminiscent of bell.

The horde of Almiraj approached me with relentless speed. I wasn't going to hold back, so I unleashed my full power. One swipe of my claws sent multiple Almiraj flying, and I continued to strike to finish them off before the stronger monsters arrived.

After dealing with the Almiraj the main horde of monsters arrived and my instincts were on full alert.

Alone and outnumbered, I stood my ground as the monster horde charged towards me. There were a variety of them, natives to the middles floors but I was lucky as no mutant or variants were among them.

I took a deep breath and cast my wind spells for movement and control. My claws flashed as I struck out against the first wave, but they kept coming.

The dungeon sometimes spawned some fresh monsters from its walls at random intervals but I was prepared and dealt with it.

Anytime that I felt my stamina and mind running low, I took to the air with my wings and drank some potions before diving back down into battle.

The battlefield was a blur of chaos and drop items. I refused to give up and kept fighting as this was a situation that I brought upon myself. Through sheer determination, potions and plot armour.

I survived as the number of monsters started to decline. I had no idea on how I long the battle took but, I knew that I would emerge stronger after this. I had burned through most of my potions and after a while the monsters stopped coming.

"Sigh, it's finally over" I muttered to myself as I was incredibly exhausted. The stash of potions I kept we're almost entirely gone.

The potions cost a good chunk of Valis so my farming methods would be somewhat expensive but I felt it was worth it.

Chugging my last stamina and mind potion for the day, I looked at the ridiculous amount of loot that was to be picked up.

'Sigh, if only I had space magic or was it possible to get a Hermes special back pack' I thought as I picked up the loot around me.

It was weird that I hadn't bumped into Hermes at all since my arrival in Orario but I had bigger problems to deal with.

The fact that no familia had tried to poach me or even challenge my familia was weird considering that we were currently weak.

It could be that, I was just lucky or Bahamut is that scary but those options were unlikely. So the best I could think of was that someone was protecting me or the other familias did not want to offend someone.

This was complicated but that's a problem for the future me. After picking everything thing, I used earth mold to seal the path to my secret farming area and exited the dungeon. When I got to the surface it was noon, not of the day I left but the next day.

Gimme them stones. Feel free to read ahead on my patreon and donate.

HungryMushroomcreators' thoughts
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