
Chapter 25

Exiting the Hephaestus Manor, a peculiar sensation coursed through me. It was a mixture of discomfort and confusion, as if something unseen was amiss within the surrounding. The feeling lingered, as if something significant had been left unresolved.

I couldn't help but wonder if there was something, I had missed or was deliberately hidden from me. The unknown factor left a sour taste in my mouth as we walked away from the manor, and I was left with the feeling that something big might happen sooner or later.

The way I felt currently was weird in contrast to the happy feelings I felt when inside the manor. This left me with questions, was something going to happen to Hephaestus or Tsubaki or was it someone else that I was acquainted with. My strange change in demeanour was noticed by my goddess and Lili.

I felt I was forgetting something important or a premonition to something, but couldn't tell what it was yet. Hopefully I figure it out soon.

"What's the problem Draco" Bahamut asked after she noticed the change in Draco's demeanour.

"I don't know why but I have a bad feeling, like something will happen soon or was happening that is related to me" I replied truthfully to her.

Her eyes seemed to show a weird glint for a moment before it returned to normal but it was so brief that I nearly missed it. Lili on the other hand looked confused while clutching my cloak.

"Don't worry about it, you just need to keep getting stronger. Alright no need to be depressed as today we have to go celebrate" she said lightly dismissing the subject.

This made me feel a bit better. It seemed she knew what was happening and it was probably related to me, and she was right I just needed to keep getting stronger to know the truth. Today was a day to celebrate after-all.


" I have got some fine things for sale, come see my wares"

"Come, try this new fruit we just imported"

"Grilled chicken, get your grilled chicken here"

I heard the voices of vendors and many others on the busy streets as we walked down one of the many streets in Orario. It was filled with street vendors selling everything from food to strange items.

Despite Orario being in its dark period, the economy continued to thrive. The resilience of the local businesses and the opportunistic nature of the outside merchants kept things afloat despite the dangers around them.

As I walked down the street with my familia, I paid extreme caution to my surroundings. Despite everything around me looking all rainbow and roses, we could still be attacked. The security was currently being maintained by the Ganesha and Astraea familia but they were too short handed to manage the security of all Orario.

I knew about some bad incidents that would happen to both familias, which I intended to help with but lacked the numbers and power to do anything now.

This would be solved soon with the addition of Clair and my siblings joining the familia which would make us 9 members in total. Maybe some others would join but that would be for my goddess to judge.

I planned for our familia to help with the security of Orario as it would gain us the trust of its residents, potential allies and some level of protection. This also matched Bahamut's image as the dragon goddess of justice.

Well enough about my rants.

We three mingled with several vendors.

I had two girls with me in a street filled with items to buy. I didn't want to be out very late so we bought some things as I led them to the Hostess of fertility. It was time for my identity to be revealed as denatus would be held soon. Better to be exposed on my own terms than for it to be done through shady rumours.

Since I was with my goddess. Syr, also known as Freya, wont try any funny business, well at least directly.

We soon arrived at the place. As we walked in I was greeted with the sight of Mia Grande, also known as Mama Mia, former or partial captain of the Freya familia. The place was filled with people but I spotted a few free tables. I also saw two little girls in uniforms, one was Syr while the other I did not recognize.

'Maybe it's Anya' I thought as we waited to be guided to a table. I and Bahamut were wearing cloaks so we did draw the attention of a few.

"Ptsss, hey could that be the black hunter" I heard someone say, which earned some whispers from others.

"Has anyone seen his face before"

"No but I heard the black hunter was female"

"I heard it was a guy with a handsome face"

"No it's an ugly face, why else does he hide his face"

People with differing opinions kept popping up. I became the talk in the restaurant. Some people walked up to us. They were Syr and Anya I think.

"Welcome to the hostess of fertility". Syr said to us.

"Yes welcome nya" Anya added to which I smiled.

"Hello to you too, table for three" I said.

"Follow me nya" Anya said with a smile on her face as she led us to a free table.

After we got seated, we were handed the menu.

"Can you get two servings of juice and one of beer while we look through the menu" I asked.

"Ok nya" she said as she went to get the juice and beer. I wasn't an alcohol person and preferred drinking juice instead , so I didn't order alcohol for myself and Lili meaning only Bahamut would drink alcohol.

A few moments later after we ordered drinks Anya returned and placed them in front of us but she didn't return alone, Syr came with her. I knew what she was going to ask about, after all it's Freya. It just gave me an excuse to take off my cloak in public. My identity as a dragon kin wasn't something that would stay hidden for long. Hopefully the evilus don't take an interest in me.

"Alright nya, here are your drinks. Are you ready to order?" She asked.

I ordered some chicken mixed with beef dish while Lili got some ramen and lastly Bahamut got some pasta. According to Bahamut, it looked interesting. I was surprised that Bahamut hadn't been to this restaurant considering that she was somewhat a gourmet.

After placing our orders Anya left while Syr remained standing there until she spoke.

"Are you the black hunter" she said.

"Some call me that, why do you ask?" I replied not looking at her.

"Sorry I was just curious about why you wear a cloak. There are many rumours about you which got me curious if any of them were true" she said.

The restaurant that was bustling with chatters became quite as it seemed like everyone's attention was on me. With this I was sure that she knew of me and put me on the spot. I briefly noticed Bahamut look at Syr with a warning gaze but it might have been my imagination. I thought of how to answer without anybody freaking out.

"Why is everyone so curious about you Draco" Bahamut said as she took off her cloak. As she did everyone looked shocked. Surprisingly that was the only reaction that occurred with the revelation of her features, well compared to what I thought would happen.

I guess that, I was being paranoid about my race. I thought we would be compared to the Xenos. I forgot that Bahamut had been in Orario for a while and must have been seen by a lot of people. I felt a bit stupid now with all the secrecy.

"I am sorry, Uhm you are?" Syr asked even if she knew.

"The goddess of the Bahamut familia" she said puffing out her chest with pride as if to brag.

"Sigh, I am Draco black of the Bahamut familia and this is Lili" I said as I dropped the hoodie of my cloak and patting Lili head. The sounds of gasps of shock and surprise could be heard in the restaurant. Well I couldn't tell what exactly about me surprised them.

"Your eyes are pretty but what race are you from. I haven't seen anyone like you before" Syr said.

"Thanks, we're called dragon kins" I replied while turning my face away from her direction.

"Oh, are there others like you, where did you come from etc" Syr kept barraging me with questions.

"I don't think I have to answer any more questions, I just came here to eat" I said putting a stop to her antics.

"Oh, sorry I was just curious. I will go check if your meal is ready" she said as she walked away.

After she left murmurs about me could be heard in the store. I was just glad everything ended peacefully for now as I knew that all of Orario would know about me soon.

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