
At World’s End [Part 2]

“Standing before me, and holding the soulless body of Princess Ramona was none other than the Progenitor of Magic. And those who know her name, refer to her as…


Godfrey’s gaze landed on Ethel, as if wanting to know what kind of expression she would have after hearing his story.

He thought that she would look surprised after hearing his story, or become curious about the Progenitor.

The Vampire Lord even thought that she would give him a doubtful gaze, as if thinking that every word that he said was a lie.

He had also considered that if ordinary people heard his tale they might think that he was just making up a grand story, in order to give them a form of entertainment.

But, out of all the expressions that Godfrey was thinking, he didn’t expect that he would only see sadness on the young beauty’s face.


Ethan looked sad.

Extremely sad after hearing Godfrey’s tale.

Next chapter