
Curiosity Killed The Cat [Part 2]

As the three Archangels neared the island, they immediately sensed the ripples of magic in the surroundings.

It didn’t take them a lot of time to pinpoint its location, so they quickly headed there.

The Archdevils, the Fae, Elves, and Beastkins, who were holding back the Shadow Worlders, the Fomorians, and the Demons could not divert their attention, making them feel helpless.

If they went after the three Archangels, then their enemies would be freed and would also head toward the island, making the battle more complicated.

They could only hope that the three Archangels were only curious and would not attack Cliodhna, who was maintaining the barrier as well as the ceremony that would allow Ethan to attain an Origin Magic.

The Archangels weren’t their enemy, but they weren’t their friends either.

Knowing this, the beautiful lady could only hope that the three wouldn’t attack her and simply watch from the side.

Next chapter