
Chapter 23: Giant Mech Upgrading Plan

One day, within the chaotic Narumi workshop, strewn with scattered blueprints on a large table, Narumi found himself lost in deep thought. The impending battle with the 3rd colossal biomachine monster weighed heavily on his mind as he contemplated how to upgrade his giant mech or create a new weapon to ensure victory.

As he immersed himself in his work, Christina approached him, noticing that it was already past noon. Concerned for his well-being, she couldn't help but force him to stop working. With a slightly annoyed expression, she grumbled, "Hey, Narumi! It's already past noon. You should take a break and try this sandwich I made. Tell me what you've been working on with such intensity."

Narumi gratefully accepted the sandwich, taking a bite before responding. "Thank you, Christina. I've been pondering ways to upgrade my giant mech or develop a new weapon. I value your opinion, so what are your thoughts?"

Christina, attempting to conceal her genuine worry beneath her tsundere exterior, arched an eyebrow and posed her question. "Why haven't you considered equipping your mech with the ability to fly, like those Floating High-Speed Bikes?"

Narumi, choosing his words carefully, elaborated on his reasoning. "There are a couple of factors to consider, Christina. Firstly, enabling the massive and weighty giant mech to take flight would consume an excessive amount of fuel, resulting in a significantly reduced operating time. During extended battles against the colossal biomachine monster, stamina becomes our lifeline."

Rolling her eyes, Christina crossed her arms and muttered, "Well, I guess that kind of makes sense." Narumi continued his explanation, "Secondly, my expertise lies in engineering and designing user-friendly weapons, not in mastering aerial combat like a seasoned military ace pilot. Controlling a giant mech in the skies demands acrobatic finesse and skills that I lack."

Christina, who had witnessed Narumi's combat prowess on several occasions, struggled to comprehend the challenges of aerial maneuvering. To her, Narumi appeared to be an ace pilot already, effortlessly handling any situation. She failed to grasp the complexities of controlling such a giant machine in mid-air, requiring finesse and skill beyond what Narumi possessed.

Momentarily dropping her tsundere façade, Christina cast a fleeting glance at Narumi, mixed with genuine admiration. "Hmph! I suppose you have a point. I've seen you in action, and you handle yourself admirably. I hadn't considered the tremendous difficulty of controlling something of that magnitude in the sky."

Narumi, moved by Christina's understanding and unwavering support, expressed his gratitude with a warm smile. "Thank you, Christina. Your unwavering encouragement means a lot to me. Together, we will discover the most effective strategy to confront the 3rd colossal biomachine monster and safeguard those we hold dear."

As they concluded their meal and conversation, the pair returned to the workshop. Christina, maintaining her tsundere demeanor, couldn't resist her curiosity and prodded Narumi about his ideal upgrades for the giant mech and the new weapon he intended to create. "Hey, Narumi, spill the beans. What's your plan? What kind of upgrades are you thinking of?"

Narumi, caught off guard by Christina's persistent questioning, tried to evade the inquiry with a mischievous smile. "Oh, that's a secret... Ouch!" His words were cut short as Christina pinched his arm, scolding him with a stern expression.

With a tinge of guilt, Narumi quickly apologized, his voice laced with sincerity. "I'm sorry, Christina. I couldn't resist teasing you a little when I saw your adorable tsundere gesture." Christina, not entirely convinced by Narumi's apology, crossed her arms and huffed. "You better be sorry! Just spill it already. I want to know what you have in mind."

Narumi, deciding to appease Christina's curiosity, began explaining his several upgrade plans. "Alright, alright. I've been considering a few things. First, I want to create a new system technology that can convert mana energy from the air in this world into fuel energy for the giant mech. This could potentially increase the operation time by 30-40%."

Christina's eyes widened with intrigue as she listened intently, her initial annoyance fading away. She could see the value in this upgrade and silently applauded Narumi's ingenuity.

Narumi continued, his excitement growing. "I also plan to incorporate a mode-changer into the giant mech. This new mode will consume additional energy but will allow for high-speed dashes, high-speed jumps, and powerful slashes with the Proton Laser Blade."

Christina's expression softened, impressed by Narumi's innovative ideas. She could envision the advantages this mode would bring to their battles against the colossal biomachine monster. Furthermore, Narumi shared his intentions to enhance the cockpit interior, designing it to support the new mode and reduce the pilot's burden when maneuvering at high speeds. He emphasized the importance of ensuring Narumi's safety and efficiency during intense combat situations.

Christina nodded in understanding, appreciating Narumi's consideration for his own well-being. Determined to contribute to their strategy, she interjected, "That... sounds promising, I suppose, Narumi. But before we get into that, don't think you're off the hook! Can you, like, spill the beans and tell me more about the characteristics of the 3rd colossal biomachine monster? I mean, it's not like I want to reduce your burden or anything, but understanding our enemy is, like, crucial or whatever. So, hurry up and give me the details, okay?"

Narumi's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he began to describe the monster's formidable attributes, discussing its size, agility, and devastating attacks. Christina listened attentively, her mind racing with ideas to counteract the monster's strengths.

As the discussion continued, their camaraderie grew stronger. They eagerly delved into planning and strategizing, their shared determination propelling them forward in their mission to overcome the impending threat. In that moment, Narumi and Christina forged an unbreakable bond, ready to face any challenge that lay ahead.

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