
Chapter 63

There were too many things happening in that single hour for Danuja to even understand just how did a hour pass and not more. The bell was saying otherwise.


After Dad come at the fence looking a little more than confused, Danuja made sign for him to enter and the dog happily throw himself at the fence breaking it down with him, getting himself startled in the process.

Danuja snorted at the sight before waiting for the dog to approach again with much more caution before he begin to wag his tail happily, sniffing around the place. She wasn't that worried, the worst he could do was rise the dust around after all. Rolling her shoulders, Danuja looked back at the useless fence before turning at the patch of tall grass, taking a handful of it.

It was surprisingly sharp for her already harsh hand. Danuja couldn't help but image how Kana small and sensitive hands would fair like. She clicked her tongue again, calling Dad and when he come close enough, Danuja took a fistful of grass and tugged.

Not long after that, the giant dog begin digging around her, Danuja pushing him slightly when he would dig too deep before beginning all over again. 


'' Fuck.'' Danuja said, hissing when her nail chipped in the ground before falling on her knees, observing Dad rolling in the dirt and grass they just deal with '' Right that's enough I suppose.'' she said dragging her nose before going inside the Club room, frowning at the blasted dust that was still there

In exchange, Danuja turned around and dragged the door that goes towards the small garden even more open, letting the air come in. It wasn't the first time Danuja would clean. Living alone, with a dog that shed all year round at that, Danuja learned how to clean quickly, good enough so she won't be bothered till the next month.

She wasn't the best at it, but Danuja survived years without any disease and never got a cold in her life. So she liked to think that she wasn't bad at all.

'' This place it's a shit hole.'' she said stopping herself from sneezing again before she moved some of the desks experimentally. It didn't look like anyone else entered the place since that fight from a long time ago. Danuja glance back at the giant dog outside that was occupying almost half the garden and looked ready to take a nap in dirt and grass.

Danuja looked around, at the dirty floor and walls, at the endless mountains of dust, at the garbage lying around and the grim in the corners before looking back at Dad, walking back at him, stopping in front of the door.

'' Dad, I'm going to leave for a bit.'' she said pointing behind her making the dog look up from his spot '' You are not leaving.'' she said almost sternly '' Or opening the door.'' Danuja said nodding to herself while Dad just go back to his nape.


With propose, Danuja walked the school halls going all the way to the highest floor, where a pretty big storeroom with cleaning supplies was waiting for her.

The storeroom, with all the things in it was used by the famed Cleaning Club that were just students who didn't join a club and where forced by the teachers to clean the school after classes in exchange. From what Danuja gathered in the few days since the school year begin, there were some weirdos that were joining the Cleaning Club for pleasure.

Danuja arrived in front of the door and she didn't even bother trying the handle before taking out a small screwdriver, taking the thing apart and opening the door with a small click. 

'' Ah.'' she said quietly looking at the cleaning supplies, rags and at last ten brooms and mops '' That's better.'' she said before taking with her just enough so the fanatics of the Cleaning Club wouldn't begin searching for them

She didn't know enough stories about them but Danuja really didn't want to meddle with people that would voluntary clean the school after at last seven hours of classes.

Danuja put the door handle back, making sure it didn't look any different before returning to the Gardening Club room, barely fitting in the door frame with all the things she brought.

She glanced at Dad, that was still in the same spot she left him, who was looking at her before snorting and going back to sleep making Danuja smile amused. Taking the broom she took with her, Danuja begin working.


'' Oh.''

'' Ah.'' Danuja said blinking startled at Kana who opened the door cautiously, having Danuja jacket that remained with her, covering her nose and half her face 

When did the bell rung  Danuja thought getting up from the relatively clean floor

'' So that's where you disappeared.'' Kana said amused and Danuja could have sworn she was blushing heavily under that cloth

'' Well, if we want to clean together, there should be something to clean with.'' she said nodding towards the cleaning supplies, wiping her nose when the need to sneeze come again, making Kana jump in her place before she gasped loudly

'' It's that-?'' she said pointing to the sleeping dog who didn't move at her arrival

Oh Danuja thought startled  forget he was there 

'' Danuja-san-'' Kana said excited before showing her the broken fence ''- you can make a door there for him.'' she said making Danuja look a little lost at the fence

Kana, still excited, took the cloth off her face, revealing some strange looking face mask that was looking too expensive to even be near Danuja, before pushing or at last trying to, Danuja in the open space, startling the dog awake who looked grumpily at them.

'' Sorry.'' Danuja mouthed at him making him snort before nosing Kana legs, tail wagging gently '' A door?'' she said loudly this time making Kana nod

'' That's right.'' she said excited taking out of her pockets some strange looking cleaning gloves, a match with the mask before taking the cleaning supplies from Danuja hands '' Winter it's coming closer and it would be too cold for him to stay outside on the concrete. I can finish off the floor till then.'' she said hopping back in the indoor space making Danuja look after her confused

Dad whined confused, getting up on his hind legs, leaning on Danuja side making her snort.

'' Hear that? You are getting a door I suppose.''

Stray Kids "락 (樂) (LALALALA)" M/V

Today I eat pasta and a sandwich with cheese and chicken. It was amazing and I wish I got enough chicken for another but I don't but all things aside it's Friday which means I can drink Pepsi.

Have a great meal today!

Michiko_Bcreators' thoughts
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