
Day 3x1 - No Sudden Movements

"I'm not going to run away."

You awake to the sound of a phone call. Groggily, you reach to the coffee table in front but roll off the couch, hitting your head on the table. Still tired but not annoyed, you answer. It was the rep. Brain on autopilot you recall there being a brief conversation, mostly him praising your work and thanking you for sticking to the job. He acknowledged the report and stated that he would have replacement parts ready ASAP.

As the call comes to an end you recall that you needed to ask him something. You don't remember what so you just let the call end, him again thanking you for your work so far. He apparently did not expect you to make it this far with the work.

A bit awake now you check the time. 10:21AM. You grumble. It's still too early for you. You get up and go to a more comfortable spot, your bed.

You sleep far more soundly than the previous day. It helps being exhausted from the night before though the answers you got also give you some resolve.

You fully awake around 6:00PM. You make some food; go to a walk-in clinic for a quick tetanus shot do some miscellaneous stuff around the apartment. You also charge both your phone and the tazer. Sure, it wasn't one of those 'fancy' long-range, police-issue ones but it did the job. It's not like any of the animatronics had 'long-range' capabilities. At least, you hope not.

It occurs to you later that you were supposed to ask the rep what happened to Bonnie. Oh well, next time. At least your hand was healing nicely. It required a few bandages but for the most part it would be back to normal in a few days.

By 10:00PM you were ready to go and get another night done of work. You also remember to pack an energy bar or two just in case.

It's a bit warmer tonight but the cool air still lingered. Outside waiting at the plex doors was Vanessa. She was not on her phone this time instead staring aimlessly. When got closer she noticed you.

"Hey (Y/N), ready to go?"

"Evening, Vanessa. And, yes, I am."

Vanessa unlocks the doors and the two of you enter.

"Everything alright? You weren't in yesterday."

"Yeah, something came up. Don't worry about it. You know where to go?"

The plex seemed darker somehow. Maybe the evening lights weren't on bright enough? It evoked an ominous feeling. So far you could get around mostly okay with your sight and ambient phone light. With how dark it was this night you reckon you may need to use your phones built in flashlight.

"Yep. I'll be in parts and services. How was Freddy today?"

"He still seemed a bit out of it but apparently he was better today. Did he bother you last night?"

You decide to lie. "No, barely saw him."

"Hm, well he'll hopefully be better tonight." You nod. "Oh, and if you see a kid with brown hair wandering the plex just ignore him. He's with me."

"A kid? What is he, a lost customer?"

"Don't worry, management knows. He has a long history here. He's a cousin of mine. Name's Gregory. He helps the animatronics out."

Flashbacks of Freddy trying to hunt you down last night appear in your mind as you ask, "He helps them out?" You try to envision a child experiencing what you did. Maybe the animatronics behave differently around kids, you think.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. It's a long story."

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind." Gregory, huh? That name had appeared yesterday on one of the watches. He must be close with Freddy, you think. You were a bit skeptical about the legality of having a kid run around after hours but weren't going to question it further. Not your problem.

"I will be patrolling around so page me if you need anything."

"Sure." You nod and start to go up the stairs. With that you began walking to your station, passing the lobby, guest sign in and to the walkway above the race course.

Looking down it was darker tonight. While the walkway was illuminated below you could barely see the race course and mock desert it had. You leaned over to see below. You hoped parts and services wasn't this dark otherwise there would be issues. You did spot something going on below.

You could tell from two dimly glowing lights that one of the animatronics was down there. They were moving slowly and methodically. They're eyes were darting all over, hunting. "I will find you." A quiet but taunting feminine voice said from below. As it turned the light from above reflected off the animatronics figure. It was Roxanne. You didn't get a clear look at her expression. Feeling another presence she looked up. You could see glowing eyes lock with your from below. Her expression shone fury and you could feel the colour drain a bit from you face. Staring daggers at you she mouthed something and used her thumb to make a cutting motion on her neck. You just nodded and gave thumbs up, starting to paralyze from fear.

Roxanne nodded and looked ahead to whatever prey she was stalking. It was a not-so-friendly warning to stay out of her business tonight. Regardless this was not something you wanted to get involved with and hurry on to Bonnie's room. Whatever she was doing it wasn't your problem. You think to call Vanessa and inform her but quickly remember that you ditched the watch during Freddy's chase yesterday.

That reminds you. It's possible that Freddy might have it or it's still by the escape route. There was no way you would go up there right now though. Not with Roxanne on a possible rampage. You recall you do need to give Freddy the picture but unless he finds you first there wasn't any reason you absolutely needed to go yet.

You set a reminder for later to find Freddy.

Fortunately the lights in the repair room were unaffected by whatever was going on with the rest of the plex. You lock the door behind you and block it with the spare chair. Just in case.

Bonnie was in the same condition you had left him. There were a few boxes added to the room that you check out first. In them contained some of the replacement parts you needed. Perfect, you think.

There was a note attached to Bonnie's head with a piece of tape. It had a response from the rep. The letter just read that he was grateful you were making such progress and that some of the replacement parts had arrived. It explained the few cardboard boxes that now occupied the room. There was a P.S. at the bottom telling you not to worry about the worker bots. As part of some memory dump and defragmenting the bots will 'occasionally spew nonsensical information'. It said it was perfectly normal but he understood if it caught you off guard.

With everything ready to go you resume where you left off last night. More wires and gears. This time you would also work on adjusting the endoskeleton. Some of the pieces were injured in parts, bent wrong or just banged in. You begin with the wires then plan to remove Bonnie's "armor" to try and adjust the endoskeleton.

Honing in on the wires you enter a state of hyperfocus. It helped that Parts and Service had little activity going on. There was nothing to break your concentration. The only sounds heard are your breathing, the use of your tools and the almost mute brushing of wires and gears.

You don't even notice the lights flickering occasionally as you work. A surge of power ran through them.

An undetermined amount of time later you examine the damage on the left leg. Something stands out to you. Looking at the exposed metal you realize you missed a detail in the 'autopsy'. The metal had been smashed in leaving a flat pattern. Examining the shape closely it resembles a golf club, specifically a five iron. It matched with the right leg, it having a thin cylindrical wound.

Like Bonnie had been struck across his knees with an entire golf club.

While you still couldn't make out what exactly had killed him the presence of that wound indicated a possible 'murder weapon'.

You write it down, knowing this information could be useful later.

Back to work.

A ding on your phone finally breaks your hyperfocus session. It was the reminder you left earlier.

Confront Freddy.

You were nearing the completion of the wires and gears so it was time for a break. While they hadn't mentioned the specifics of breaks and lunch hours nobody was checking on you anyways. Who would know? You get up and leave, locking the room behind you.

So where could Freddy be? You guess he wasn't actively searching for you tonight judging by how quiet everything was. He must have known you would be in parts right? Maybe he just thought you were hiding there as a one off? Maybe he thought you quit?

Whatever the reason Vanessa would know his location right? You began heading back to the lobby from the elevator and raceway. There was no guarantee Roxanne was finished whatever she was doing so staying above was the only choice. You check your map. It didn't seem like Freddy has any area to himself unlike Monty Golf and Roxanne's race course. You figure you would just call Vanessa from the telephone in the manager's room again.

Exiting the elevator from parts you immediately notice that everything seems brighter. Whatever the light issue from before was, it had been fixed. While the plex was still dark it wasn't pitch black anymore. Maybe that was intentional? Either way, you felt a little safer.

There was nothing out of the ordinary on the race course at the moment. Roxanne had left. It was visible on the ground now. However there was no indication of a struggle or anything. Whatever Roxanne was doing was over.

Thankfully that manager's office had been unlocked allowing you full access. You ring up Vanessa. 130. The sound of clicking can be heard on the other end. "What is it?"

"Hey, it's me (Y/N)-"

"Why are you calling me from the offices? Didn't they give you a watch yesterday?" She asked, annoyed.

"I, uh, lost it last night. And the phone in the workshop is still busted."

"Do you remember where? It's against protocol to be going without one."

"It was near the race course. I think."

"Hang tight. I'll dial it." She hung up.

You were just relieved she didn't ask about work. It did occur to you that since the rep had been so encouraging in trying to keep you that you walking the plex wouldn't matter to him.

You played off the rep's desperation and he was willing to let you take some time off, in exchange for fixing Bonnie of course. As you waited for Vanessa you lose yourself in thoughts.

Come to think of it why did so many technicians refuse? Sure it was a big job but it's not impossible. Maybe it was just the animatronics that most of them were scared of. Or the disappearances and 'issues' but you try not to think of that.


Despite the various "problems" faced so far you were enjoying yourself. The plex was big and full of intrigue, you were acting out a whole 'murder mystery' and hours were extremely flexible. The only issue you had was dealing with Freddy but you blame yourself. After all, they did say not to remind any of them of Bonnie.

How did Vanessa even know which watch you had? Maybe they told her yesterday? While the watch was something you were more interested in Freddy's whereabouts. At least the watch could help.

The phone rang. "Hello?" You pick up. "It's in Freddy's room. I'm going to be passing through there in a bit. I can bring it to you if want. Freddy might be in there."

Oh, this worked out well.

"No, it's okay. I'll go and get it myself. I need to talk to Freddy anyways."

"Alright. If you say so."

"Uh, actually. Where is his room?" Looking over the map it didn't specify an exact area called 'Freddy's Room'.

"Did they not give you a map either?"

"Well, I got one from a bot but it doesn't have all the backrooms and stuff."

"Okay, well in the manager's office there should be a filing cabinet with security maps of everything. Grab one. Should be in one of the drawers."

"Okay, will do."

"If you need anything else call me from the watch. Management doesn't like it when people use their phones."

"Sure. Sorry about that." Vanessa hung up. Not even a 'bye'.

Security maps.

Sure enough there was a stack in one of the drawers. It was a foldable map like the one you got, albeit with more locations. Studying it you find that all the animatronics have their own rooms.

You find a section behind the stage that lists the rooms for the Fazbear 4. You hope he was the only one there at the moment. You didn't want to deal with any other animatronics right now.

Comparing it to the other map you realize you were reading it wrong. The rooms appeared on the original map but listed the area as 'Rockstar Row'. Oh, right. It says right beside it. 'Come meet the band members!". You feel like an idiot.

You also notice that it has a list of animatronics on it including some you didn't recognize. DJ Music Man? Sun? Moon? Who were these ones?

You walk the opposite way from the race track towards the entrance. Using the overhead walkways and backroom paths you make it the humongous centre area exiting from a supply route. This was the hall and stage area, where the band would perform. You couldn't believe how you had not made it to this place yet. It seemed to be the centre of the whole plex. Up until now you'd been taking back areas and somehow entirely avoided it.

Although you sort of recall the chairs from yesterday. You weren't really paying attention to any of the sights when you bolted to the restaurant. However now it had your full attention.

Even at night the place was mostly lit up. Everything had a purple-ish hue to it, likely because of the evening lights. There was a central area filled with tables, balloons and party supplies. The outer areas looked to be more like a mall with each of the animatronics attraction areas lining it like mall stores. You saw Roxy's Raceway where you came from, Monty's golf, a salon and more.

You even notice an area above called Bonnie Bowling behind you on the next floor up. It was boarded up though. There was also a restaurant called Sodaroni you figure was the place you ducked into yesterday. Above was a stadium video system where you presumed would show closer shots of the performing band.

In the centre edge of the whole area was the stage where the animatronics would perform. And behind there must be there rooms. That must be where Rockstar Row was located.

You go down an escalator and walk towards the stage. There were some cleaning bots working on restoring the place as well as idle security bots. Wearing the lanyard they briefly look up but go back to ignoring you.

You notice across the room a flashlight and one of the animatronics disappearing into Monty's Golf. Likely, Vanessa doing her rounds, you think.

You pondered how to go about this. Last time you met with him he nearly broke your arm. You rub it idly, it wasn't sore anymore. This, all because you set him off. But based on what Chica said you might have misread the entire situation.

According to the map the animatronic rooms were behind the stage in an area called Rockstar Row. Consulting the customer map it indicated that it was where the animatronics idled as well as double as a museum of past animatronic thing. You wander around the back until you find a corridor of 4 rooms.

Rockstar Row.

It was less like a 'backstage' and more like a museum. There were models of past animatronics as well as signs above the rooms with huge glass panes covering showing the rooms interior. Looking at Freddy's from afar you couldn't see jack. He had drawn curtains blocking the view. Wanting to be stealthy you sneak up to the glass pane. Peaking from the side so as to not alert him you see Freddy sitting on red couch looking at something. He hadn't noticed you outside. His attention was whatever his huge hands were holding.

Judging by how thick the glass appeared it didn't seem like they could break out of it. Based off his previous actions you wouldn't put it past him to jump through it. Looking around the only other entrance you see is a futuristic-looking door to the side.

Looking at the room's exterior you wonder if Freddy could even get out. Wait, he had to had some way to do so, how were he, Roxanne and Chica walking freely yesterday. Nevermind that. You shake your head, you didn't really want to confront Freddy yet. What about the other animatronics, you think. Having some sort of backup would help. Backing up from Freddy's room you survey the rest of the row.

The other rooms were a mix of pitch black darkness, curtains drawn or light emanating from them. Some of the other animatronics were in it seems. You also saw what could have been a fifth room covered in tape and construction materials. It looked to be under heavy development. Rockstar Row was almost like a zoo how each of the rooms were like exhibits. In front of each of the rooms were also huge golden or gold-like statues of the animatronics just to further hammer whose room was whose.

Despite it being the dead of the night, the area was still well lit. Thanks to the neon signs everywhere. It reminded you of the cyberpunk aesthetic. There were rooms for Freddy, Roxanne, Monty, Chica and that boarded room.

To the side of each room had a futuristic-looking door that you could enter. Freddy's was in the style of him, an orangey door with two fake ears on top of it. There was a glowing blue area you presumed you could scan your lanyard on. Maybe this was for meet n' greets?

Having wasted enough time looking around you decide you needed to confront Freddy now. You move the tazer pouch lid aside just in case you needed to grab it. Hopefully not.

Taking a deep breath you go to knock on Freddy's door. However, just as you approach the door it opens, making a *whoosh* sound. You realize too late that the lanyard triggers the doors proximity sensors.

"Huh?" You hear from in the room. It was Freddy, having been alerted to your presence. His eyes lock on to yours and go wide with surprise. His jaw lowers a bit. Shocked.

You had to be cautious and try to be confident. After all, this whole must have been a big misunderstanding, right? "H-hey." You manage to utter, sounding completely anxious. You screwed it up. He must have heard the fear in your voice.

Freddy gets up, dropping something on the ground. "Y-you." It was clear he wasn't expecting you to just show up either. He was trying to find the right words, getting ready for any sudden movements you could make. Both of you were silent staring at each other.

You take another deep breath. "Can I come in?" You ask.

Freddy's expression was still of surprise. He was watching, expecting you to bolt away at any second. "Oh-uh-s-sure. Please." He stood fully upright and motioned you to come in.

As you entered the room, the door closes behind you. 'No escape' echoes through your mind.

It was a dressing room tailored to Freddy's appearance. There were a few stuffies and paraphernalia of him on the ground, the couch and strewn about the floor. Various pictures and posters of him lined the red walls. Bright neon lettering triumphantly displayed his name. Freddy Fazbear, with lightning bolts beside it. There was some camera equipment stashed in the corner and an arcade machine in the adjacent one.

As you step in you see to your left was a table with mirror and makeup centre, presumably Freddy's. Freddy was standing in front of his couch. There was a little coffee table in front. Across the room from his couch were a few chairs taken from the plaza. They were metal with a star backing. There was a table next to it as well.

The whole room smelled of vanilla. It wasn't overpowering though. It had a calming effect.

Not wanting to make any sudden movements and spook him you slowly move. Grabbing a chair, you turn it to face Freddy and take a seat. Your tazer was close and you were prepared for anything. The whole time Freddy just staring at you watching silently.

You were waiting for him to do something, freak out or start getting angry. Conversely Freddy was trying to read you. He didn't trust you, eyes scanning to see if you would try anything, especially running away. You have expected him to just lunge at you.

Despite what Chica said were still going to proceed cautious.

"I'm not going to run away." You say, finally breaking the silence. "I just want to talk." It felt as if you were negotiating with in a hostage situation.

Freddy, having a grasp on the situation sat back down with arms crossed. "O-okay." He finally said. "I am, well, sorry for last night. I don't know what came over me. It's just, I saw that bow and-" It seemed as if he was having trouble speaking.

You hold a hand up. "It's fine. Really."

"Chica told me everything. It's about Bonnie, right?"


"You and he were close?"

"He was always with me. Everywhere we went. Even before the plex. We were a team. We were...unstoppable." Freddy's voice grew quieter. It almost sounded like he was quivering.

"Who a-are you?" Freddy was playing with his hands, anxious.

"We'll get to that." You say. Before you even proceeded you wanted an explanation. "Do you know what happened to Bonnie?" You were watching carefully for any tells of him lying.

"He disappeared one day. Nobody knew where he went." He started to stutter. "Nobody wanted to tell me anything. T-Then they shut down the bowling alley. It was like he never existed. Even got rid of his toys. I kept a few but... It was like there was never a rabbit at the plex." It seemed like he had starting bawling though you were sure they couldn't actually cry. His voice grew distorted and strained.

This was a lot for him.

Freddy suddenly got up. He stepped forward knocking the coffee table aside. You flinched. "Please! You must tell me everything..you." He stomped forward. Instinctively you hand moved to your tazer.

"I will. I will. Just relax. Just. relax." You beckon, fear starting to creep up. The last thing you needed was him to start freaking out.

He stopped dead in his tracks. "Y-you're right. Sorry." Freddy sat back down. He was almost shaking from stress.

"Alright. I'll tell you everything. Just, promise me you don't tell anyone. At least until I say it's okay. Can I trust you on that?" It looked like Chica had remained quiet but you had no idea how Freddy would react. You worry i f the news got out you'd lose your job.

Though. It wasn't stipulated in your contract to not mention it. Maybe you could skirt by.

"Okay." Freddy's emotions were a rollercoaster right now. It seemed like he wanted to blame someone for Bonnie but there wasn't anyone he could blame. He wanted to get that anger out. Anger for what happened.

"My name is (Y/N). I'm a technician. The plex hired me to..fix Bonnie." Freddy's expression didn't change, much to your surprise.

"Really? That's what they all said before. You're lying." He got up again, anger taking over his expression. You were caught off guard.

"That is the truth! I've been fixing him the last few days."

"When Bonnie disappeared they kept telling me that there were just 'fixing' him up. You think I haven't heard that before? Bonnie's been gone for almost two years! Where were you then?" He started to stomp towards you. He reached out to grab you.

You were in full panic mode now. You really didn't want to taze him and escalate the situation further but it looked like you'd have to. Why didn't he just believe you?

Wait! The picture. Of course! That would work! Just before he could grab you, you flash the photo right in front of him, your eyes closed.

It felt like your heart stopped. You open your eyes to see Freddy's hand, centimetres from your face. You have a full view of his neon blue claws. You look to the side. Freddy was staring at the picture. His mind was blank and his expression in almost shock. He took the picture from you very carefully. He stepped back and sat on the couch, almost moving in slow motion.

You resume breathing, gasping from air. Trying to not to hyperventilate you try to relax. "This was *huff* in his *huff* chest." You barely spit out in between breaths.

You weren't even sure if he heard you, his entire focus on that picture. You couldn't read him. He seemed lost in thought.

Next chapter