
Taste Of Blood


Three days later... 

Elijah stared at the body lying dead beneath him, blood pouring from a large wound that stretched from the top of the chest to the bottom of the stomach.

The same blood dripped off his scythe as he swung it again, cleaving the air and splattering it across the arena's ground.

Steps resounded behind him, prompting him to look back.

It was Sofia.

She moved to his left and aimed her pistol at a man far away.


A small bullet shot out, tearing through the man's head and splattering his brain.

His body wobbled forward with stuttering steps until it tripped and fell onto the one Elijah had killed, no longer moving.

The two glanced at each other, then looked around the arena.

Their fellow students had men and women rushing at them as well, their mouths cuffed.

Next chapter