
Shit For Brains

As its steps slowly became distant...


"Haaa... haaa... haaa..."

Xavier Jr exhaled, his body trembling, while Quinn huffed and puffed as she tried to calm her nerves.

It appeared that a hunter was still alive outside.

The construct didn't spot them; it was after him.


Xavier Jr murmured under his breath and gritted his teeth as he replayed the man's last words in his mind.

'Too young to die...'

It was a cruel way to go—a really pitiful one.

He wanted to save him, but he had no power to do so. He was too weak.

"...Damn it all."

While Xavier was in his contemplative mood, Quinn sat quietly, unbothered by what happened.

She had swallowed a few old-world medicines and was now healing well, so that wasn't why she didn't feel anything.

Her unfeeling state was because she simply didn't care for the hunters who died.

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