
A Sacrifice Remembered

Their feet moved through debris, rubble, craters, chewed-up limbs, and blood.

Every step brought them closer to a horrifying scene—an insanity-inducing one—causing Sofia's throat to chock up. Never mind Aria, who had spat out vomit twice in the first ten seconds of their grimy trek.

Surprisingly, Elijah handled it well, almost as well as Emma and Jake, two people who certainly had seen worse. Kiera's crew, or at least what remained of them, a nightmare still stuck in their minds. 

The smell was all too familiar, only slightly worse as a strong odor of gunpowder was mixed in, giving Sofia a hard time; her senses as a Ranger more heightened than the average Celestial. 

But that somber mood of hers suddenly changed as Jake announced:

[We just got extraction requests from two students a few hundred meters ahead. Xavier Jr and Quinn.] 

Quinn being in trouble brought her joy, as she smiled slightly.

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