As Emir neared the elevator, he heard many students mingle about, heading to their next class.
"You guys checked out the new update?"
"Yeah, it's still AI, right?"
"I legit can't see a difference between it and a real girl."
"But how much does it cost?"
"Dunno, but the fucker that made it just locked it behind a few AUC, so I bet only degens like us are gonna buy it."
"Say something other than a single word you piece of shit!"
And it seemed there was a new trend. As was usual in this place.
Last time, it was the language archive, and now it was this.
Unfortunately, most couldn't participate in this trend.
AUC, Academy Unity Credits, were rare.
A credit point system only for people registered in the Academy which included both staff and students.
And this credit system was the reason why the Academy was so popular.