
Chapter Five - Diagon Alley.

Hagrid led us through London to the place where we met Qu...Quirrel, stupid! Because of him my cute Harry almost died, although in a way it's Voldy's fault, but he's an idiot just the same.

When they all saw Harry they greeted him and praised him, the poor guy was red with shame, and I looked the other way to avoid laughing in his face, when they asked about me, he said that we were siblings, and everyone was shocked, and that was the moment when I bit my tongue to avoid laughing.

When we arrived with the stuttering professor, I seriously saw him and I swear that I saw him shudder, since at that moment I must have the icy look of my father, something else that I have to thank him for, since that together with his tone of voice like a snake, serves me to convince several people for my plans. After saying goodbye to everyone we went to the wall that would take us to Diagon Alley, the truth is that it is impressive, the truth is that I had only been to Knocturn Alley, and that was when I was in disguise.

Hagrid took us to Gringotts and Harry was excited, I was calm, when the goblin saw us he asked Hagrid for the key and looked at me out of the corner of his eye, I just winked at him and he left.

When Harry took the money I told him that that would be enough for us, I didn't want to take the money, after all, it was his, and I had plenty, so he nodded, and we got out of there.

We were looking for the things on the list and I may have "strayed" to Knocturn Alley, I was passing by several shops until I saw something that broke my heart.

In one shop there were three animals almost dying, a phoenix, a Cerberus and a dragon, a Hungarian Horntail, all small, I opened the door with a bang and went to the seller.

- "Good morning sir, I need to know the price of the three animals" - I said seriously.

- "Why do you want to know, girl? You won't be able to pay it" - He said mockingly.

- "Will you tell me or not?" - I said with my eyes shining, and he got scared.

- "In total it's 30,000 gold galleons," - He said with fear and a hint of mockery.

- "Well, Luna," - Appeared an elf with good quality clothes.

- "What do you require, mistress?" - She said.

- "Take this key to Gringotts, talk to Bjorn, and bring me 40,000 gold galleons, 30,000 in one bag and 10,000 in another, and also a jar of phoenix tears as soon as possible," - I said seriously.

- "Luna is delighted to be of service, I'll be right back" - And she disappeared.

I went to the animals and started talking to them. - "Hello to the three of you" - I said smiling.

- "Hello Miss," - Said the Phoenix.

- "Hello mistress, shall we play?" - Said the Cerberus, and I laughed.

- "Hello, who are you?" - Said the dragon.

- "Hello, my name is Cara Riddle Grindelwald, I will take you out of here and take you to my reserve, and you won't lack anything," - I said, and I felt Luna come back.

- "Little misteress, Luna came back with everything," - She said.

- "Thank you, Luna, take your 30 thousand, now with your permission I will take the animals" - I said smiling falsely.

- "Of course" - He said.

- "By the way, take this coin, and every time you get any animal say Luna and my elf will come with money to take it." - I told him seriously.

I took the vial of phoenix tears and gave a few drops to each animal, in a few seconds they were all as good as new and were flying or running around me.

- "Now Luna will take you to your new home," - I told them.

- "No, I know you need an owl, but now I will be your new pet," - Said the Phoenix.

- "So will we," - Said the other two.

- "Maybe you can, but I don't think they will let me take a dragon and a Cerberus, they might send you away from me," - I said.

- "Fine, but will you give us a name?" - Said the dragon.

- "Ok, phoenix, you will be called Light, Cerberus you will be called after the great watchdog of Hell, dragon you will be called Shadow" - I told them.

- "We love them!" - They said.

- "Good, but now you will leave, you must rest, and I must leave before they kill me, Luna will let you know if I need anything Light" - I said, and they all disappeared.

I left there and Harry didn't seem to have noticed anything, so without further ado, I went to his side, and we continued walking, on the way we arrived at Olivander, apparently he had already met Malfoy.

- "Hey Harry, are you excited?" - I said.

- "Of course, I am, all we need is the wand and a pet, right?" - He asked.

- "That's right, let's go."

We entered the place, quite dark by the way, I was still looking at everything until I felt Harry jump in his place and a voice speaking.

- "Good morning, I see you've come for your wands," - Said Mr. Olivander.

- "That's right, sir," - We said in unison.

- "Well, come along," - He said.

- "Come on Harry, you go first" - I pushed him.

He gave me a dirty look and I just blew him a kiss, which made him smile, when he was going for the third wand Hagrid arrived, and I had my stomach in knots from teasing him, while the poor guy just turned red and gave me dirty looks.

- "Oh, for Merlin's sake, little brother, is it possible for you to find your wand without wrecking the shop first?" - I laughed.

- "Ha ha ha, very funny Cara," - He said and Mr. Olivander's eyes widened.

- "Wait a moment Mr. Potter, this is your wand" - And he gave him the wand, and when he touched it gave a glow.

- "Let's see how you do, sis," - He said mockingly.

- "Better than you for sure," - I said smiling, and walked over.

- "Give me your hand, Miss Potter," - He said, and I gave it to him.

- "What's the matter?" - I asked.

- "I have the perfect wand for you, wait," - He said and then came out with a white box with silver details.

- "That one?" - I asked and he nodded.

- "This wand is one of a kind, willow, rowan, and white oak wood, the core of hippogriff feather and basilisk skin, adorned with parts of two powerful wands," - He said.

- "Basilisk?" - Asked Hagrid and Harry, one confused and the other frightened.

- "That's right, and I suppose the young lady recognizes the decorations," He said.

- "That's right, silver ornaments, Salazar Slytherin, sapphire encrusted, Rowena Ravenclaw," - I said seriously.

- "That's right, a powerful wand, there is only one that surpasses it, which belongs to you too, I hope you use it for good purposes," - He said.

- "Don't worry Mr. Olivander, I assure you that I will," - I said smiling, and he smiled back with his bright blue eyes.

- "Goodbye Hagrid, goodbye young Potters, be on your way,"- He said.

- "Goodbye Mr. Olivander," - Said the three of us and we left.

- "Well, what's left?" - Said Hagrid.

- "The pet," - I said.

- "Well, we'll go to the shop," - He said.

We kept walking until we got to the shop, when we entered we saw several animals, owls, toads, cats, and rats, but the ones I wanted to see weren't there.

- "Good morning, how can I help you?" - Said a lady.

- "Hello, we've come for the pets," - Said Hagrid.

- "Well look at the place and take your pick," - She said.

We started to look at the animals, Harry looked at the owls and I went over to Crokshanks and told him that in two years we would come and get him, he purred and went back to sleep.

After a while, Harry took Hedwing and I went up to the lady and asked her in an 'innocent' way.

- "Excuse me, could you tell me where the snakes are?" - I asked.

As she said that her face turned pale, and a trembling started in her hands, she looked at Hagrid who was almost the same as her only without the trembling, while Harry was in his world.

- "Sna... snakes? Are you sure, dear?" - She said.

- "Yes, I'm sure" - I spoke.

She took me to the back of the shop and I started to look at the snakes, they were beautiful, and they all looked at me with glowing eyes, but my sight got stuck on one, it was black with bright blue eyes, and it said something dangerous on the sign, I approached it.

- "Hello beautiful," - I said, and he looked at me.

- "Do you ssspeak my language," - He asked.

- "Yes, I'd like to know if you'd like to come with me to Hogwarts." - I said.

- "And get out of here? Of coursse, I would, but what about my sssisterss and brothersss," - He asked.

- "Don't worry, asss sssoon asss I can, I'll sssend sssomeone and I'll sssend them to an isssland in the Bermuda Triangle, it's only for sssnakes," - I said.

- "Then I'll be happy to be of ssservice," - He said, and wrapped his arm around my arm to pull it out.

I went out of there after saying goodbye to the others, I left the place with a big smile, the three of them opened their eyes when they saw me, and I saw the lady leaning on the table to keep from fainting.

- "You bought yourself a snake, Cara." - He said.

- "That's right little brother, isn't it beautiful, it's called Hades," - I said smiling.

- "You're crazy, how much is it?" - He asked.

- "10 galleons for the owl and 18 for the snake," - She said.

- "Thank you" - We both said.

We followed Hagrid to the exit, then to our aunt and uncle's house, and he said goodbye to us until the 1st of September.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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