
Escape and first shopping

Ezra throw grenade down on neighbor street noise of explosion rang as thunder though silent city. Zombies marched to sound, leaving street with Humvee clear. Ezra attached to riling and throw down climbing rope down to it connected mechanism that will slowly slide you down on rope when attached to belt or tactical vest. Ezra show them how to do it and go first he made it in 80sec to street then goes rest all took 3min with taking rope back then they go to Humvee and leave this place.

Arriving at villa as Kalan and Natasha were loyal to him, he didn't find it bad idea to take Items straight into inventory. They were shocked firstly but after explaining his gift they loyalty rose to 100%. Loyalty can't go down from 90% what difference is in going into 100%? Simply person becomes fanatically loyal and stay in this state also could feel loyalty of others toward Ezra.

Ezra saved most of his points to this moment but thought for a moment and he opened Personnel category and click at military Military:

-Guards 25k

-Mercenary 50k

-Hunter/Tracker 100k

-Commando 400k

-Sniper 500k

Cost was based on skills

Bodyguards were good at defending and securing places, specialized in pistols and submachine gun.

Mercenary, were veteran soldiers specialized in medium and close range weapons.

Hunter/Tracker Specialized in tracking and hunting on any target also good at scouting also has big survival skills and stealth specialized silent weapons.

Commando were elites that had something from all others, specialized in medium and close range weapons.

Sniper - Combo of others specialized in long rang weapons and silent ones.

'Hmmm' Ezra thought it is time to spend some as there is 3 of them in villa and after that encounter with other type of zombies that were called Vrights make him uneasy that only 3 of them are here, so he bought 4 mercenary 4 Body guards and one Hunter for 400k plus 2 Motorcycles with modified silencer that made less noise all make 500k.

This made Ezra's balance went to 2.6M as he got 100k from last month's killing, but he was no worried as always he can sell some items he collected like less needed medicines or other items . Notification told that they will arrive in 24 hours Ezra don't bought any more Eq than pistols as he had Body armor for them and guns from army and shops also for hunter he had a good bow and masking clothes from hunting shop and silenced glock from this dead trash Galan.

He used free customization of armor in inventory to make it completely grey and add black sweatshirt with same pants.

For Commando there will be black reinforced mask as his own and also for any better soldier that will be added to special squads he will be made in the future. He knew that personnel come at random age from 17-26.

On arm of armor/cloth was placed insignia of main units

Guards - Silver Shield

Merc - Silver Skull

Hunter/Tracker - Silver Claws

Comando - Gold Skull

Sniper - Red Skull

Oficers get - Black Skull

For specialized units, he had in mind Black head of howling wolf.

Ezra spend time on watch as he was only that can go longest without sleep also radio was beside him on table as he listened to activities in range, but it was mostly prayers some asking for help and other crap but he also found interesting thing as man were telling about 'Vrights' .

From it, he knew this type were hunting at night and cloudy days for next information he got that they were seen climbing roofs of one store houses and that they were some intelligence as they were using primitive tactics and ambushes also that they will stay quiet when prey is around so banging in doors will only tell you if zombie is there for vright no sure. It were very helpfull piece of information also more of their nature is unknown as only 10 days ago they were seen first time.

24 hours go on like that. Waking up, Kalan and Natasha goes down to the main room where they spend most time. They tensed when they heard voices, both took out pistols and slowly go into the room where they saw 9 People standing in room and Ezra who was talking mostly with two of them.

One lean with strong body and 195cm high he had black hairs and piercing blue eyes in age of 17 name Kaleb and second male that has also lean muscular build 180Cm high and has silver hair and Grey eyes in age of 17 name Shiro first one had Silver Skull on arm second Silver Claws.

Kalan and Natasha feel in some way that this people could be trusted. Ezra told them that from the point they reach 100% loyalty they can tell who is loyal to Ezra and who isn't, and it feels really easy. All of new members gets pistols submachine gun shotguns or Assault rifle that were stocked. In next hours they made a quick run for Truck and Humvee as Ezra can't hold everything in inventory as it will be suspicious that the group don't have anything with them. Second if system says Ezra is not safe he will get nothing out of inventory, third they need a vehicle. Ezra can buy it but why when they have army and civil cars everywhere.

Now Ezra's group has. 12 People 2 Humvee 2 motorcycles and truck that was already nice number to made last runs into city before look for other place.

Next chapter