
The Wicked Mind (2)


Jenna was the target of the first round of my plots to eliminate contestants, but she was not the only person whose elimination I desired.

The other individual's name was Lana. Do you think their names are pronounced similarly?

As soon as I laid eyes on Lana, I was aware that she posed a danger to me and that she had come to overshadow me and my followers; however, when I attempted to dominate her, I ended up giving up control.


Before the human thing materialized out of nowhere and defiled my authority by giving that feeble little fairy the audacity to talk back at me, I was in charge of the common room, exuding authority, and meeting out as much control as I could on the rest of the toys. 

I harbored resentment. I was in a great deal of discomfort, and despite this, there was a mass of bitterness that persisted in staying lodged in the back of my throat and refusing to move.

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