
We’ll Wish This Never Ends

Hope has never imagined herself with a dick before.

Sure, she's spent time thinking that it seems much easier to have one when she's on her period, but otherwise her mind barely wanders. So it's kind of odd for her to be standing in her room the morning before they leave with a harness strapped to her hips and something dangling between her legs. Well, okay, it isn't dangling, it's more standing straight ahead like it's gonna poke someone but - still.

When she thrusts forward, it goes with her. If she jumps (and she does jump a couple times, because she needs to be extra sure this thing doesn't fall off during sex) it kind of bounces in the air with her.

It's weird, but it's also not realistic looking at all and Hope figures she needs to practice so… here she is. Alone. With a strap-on.

She wants to be prepared. After they went shopping and got the truck, Hope made a quick detour to ask MG about Lizzie's apparent motorcycle obsession - because she was genuinely interested in Lizzie's hobbies, even though it still feels mega weird that they're friends now - and then locked herself in her room to research a bunch of stuff.

It wasn't as if Hope had known that she would one day be purchasing and wearing a strap-on, so she knew little to nothing about them. After about a solid three hours of reading articles and watching videos and then nearly gagging while scrolling through some unfortunate porn, Hope is pretty sure she has the hang of this whole thing.

Hope snaps her hips forward experimentally, still not used to how it follows all of her movements like it's another one of her limbs. She does it again, because it's kind of fun to mess around with. She guesses it will be a better experience when she actually has Josie there with her, but Hope will have to wait before she can do that.

She doesn't want to wait, though. If they didn't have to leave in about an hour and if Josie wasn't busy dealing with Lizzie and their traveling plans, then Hope would pull Josie into her room to show her everything she's practiced. Hope already has this building image in her mind of Josie, panting and squirming under her, all while Hope thrusts into her.

Or taking her from behind.

Or getting Josie to ride her.

Hope finds that her body really doesn't mind the position as long as she can get Josie off. That's the weird thing about all this - Hope really isn't sure if she's going to be able to cum with the harness on, but she doesn't care. All she wants is to see Josie, and hear Josie, and feel Josie.

In the emptiness of her room, Hope is able to admit that her thoughts are a little gay. And maybe that's okay. Maybe that's fine. Maybe she can live in her mind for as long as possible, where it's safe and she can ramble on about Josie without fear of judgement. All she has to do is force herself into accepting herself. Which should be easy, but, well, here she is - not doing it.

With a quick glance at the clock and a tiny sigh, Hope starts to undo the straps of the harness and slide it down her legs until it pools at her ankles. She tries to make the toy as small as possible as she stuffs it in her suitcase and hides it under her clothes. She needs to put some pants on and probably change or take a shower before they go, but instead Hope stands there in her underwear with her hand resting on one of her shirts.

"I have a crush." Hope says aloud, feeling dumb already for speaking to herself outside of her brain. She glances around as if someone else is there to hear her (and someone probably can, with all the supernatural beings around) before continuing. "I have a crush… on Josie."

"Josie Saltzman." Hope clarifies to the abyss, as if the silence and the air around her will assume that she's talking about another Josie.

It feels dumb. Really dumb.

At the same time, some part of her is really glad she did it, because now it's not just her and her brain that know she has a crush on Josie, it's her and her brain and her room. That's a step forward she thinks, though she doesn't know what the end goal is here.

The point is: Hope admits it and nothing happens. The world does not end. No one comes for her. Bad things do not suddenly start to crawl out of hell to drag her down there with them. All that happens is another minute passes and Hope starts to panic, not because of her confusing sexuality, but because of the fact that she really needs to change already.

Alright, new rule. No having a sexuality crisis while she needs to get ready and put on clothes.

Lizzie has more bags than everyone else, which isn't a big surprise. Hope, MG, and Josie all bring a single bag each since they are only going out to the lake house for a week - which is a lot more reasonable than bringing six bags, the way Lizzie did. Still, Hope doesn't want to complain and get on Lizzie's bad side so she says nothing, even when Lizzie makes Hope and MG carry all the bags themselves.

They split it pretty evenly, with Hope carrying five bags and MG holding four. They are attempting to do it all in one trip, since they both have the strength for it. The only problem is balancing that many bags in their arms as they walk.

All Hope can see is Lizzie's bags stacked high in front of her face, blocking Hope's vision.

"So." MG starts as he sets down his stack of bags in the back of the truck. Hope can't see him yet, but part of her is sure that he has a bit of a devious grin on his face. "How are you and Josie doing?"

Hope stands near the vehicle for a second, reluctant to put her things down and look at MG. If she does, then she will have to make eye contact and definitely have to answer. Somehow, pausing behind the truck means that she also gets to slightly put a pause on her life, too. Which doesn't really work out, because she can practically hear MG growing restless beside her.

With a tiny sigh, Hope sets the bags down. "It's… I don't know."

She thinks about what she said to herself earlier in the safe emptiness of her own room and gives MG a nervous glance before stepping into his space.

"Do you think if I wanted Josie, she would want me back?" Hope asks. Her teeth meet her bottom lip, anxiety sparking up in her immediately. She hates how she feels like a middle schooler wondering if their crush would be their Valentine.

"Yes." MG replies, a little too quickly. He recovers and lifts his shoulders in a shrug. "I mean… maybe. You should ask her out, if you want."

Hope opens up her mouth to respond - though she has no idea what she would say if she got the words out - but the Saltzman twins come outside then, nothing in their hands but their phones and matching purses. Josie looks happier than she has in years and it shows by the smile on her face, which in turn causes Hope's cheeks to flame. Lizzie has a similar effect on MG.

Josie practically skips over to Hope and wraps her up in a tight hug that lifts Hope off the ground ever so slightly. The faint smell of suntan lotion fills her nose and the steady beat of Josie's pulse sounds strong and excited in her ears. Hope drags her hands down Josie's back, pausing just above her ass to dig her fingers almost possessively into the sliver of skin Josie's shirt reveals.

"Excited?" Hope asks, though she already knows the answer. She presses a small, secret kiss to the crook of Josie's neck because she knows MG will be too caught up in Lizzie to notice.

"Yeah." Josie replies, voice soft and face flushed as Hope rubs out patterns into her skin with her thumbs. "There's something I want to show you when we get there. Okay?"

Hope nods. "Okay."

They are within kissing distance now, not fully hugging but simply wrapping their arms around each other and making shy eye contact. Hope has to look up at Josie from this angle. She lets her eyes catch on the pretty roundness of Josie's cheeks, on the long eyelashes that brush them, on the gentle curve of Josie's nose, and finally her lips.

The urge to kiss Josie comes as naturally as breathing, but Hope steps back and ignores it.

The passenger door is shutting and MG's rambling is becoming muffled by the vehicle and Lizzie (who still doesn't know about Hope and Josie's arrangement) is passing right by them as she rounds the truck, heading over to the driver's side, and it is really no time for kissing. Of course, that doesn't stop Hope's hands from burning with the need to reach out and touch Josie again.

"Get in the truck or get a room, you two." Lizzie says, though her voice doesn't hold its usual malice. She shuts the door behind her and a second later is lowering the window, probably to yell at them from it.

Hope reaches out and grips Josie's waist again, but this time just to lift her high enough to set her down in the truck. She climbs in after Josie and slides up into the empty spot next to her, bumping their knees together in a small form of affection.

Josie simply hums and leans into Hope's side, snaking her arm under Hope's so she can get the proper angle to lace their fingers together.

"Okay, we have ten minutes at most." Lizzie announces as she jumps out of the truck, her sandals making a loud smacking sound when she lands on the concrete. "If you need to use the bathroom then you better go quickly. Don't buy any snacks that smell terrible - that means you, Josie. No offense."

"Offense taken." Josie mutters, rolling her eyes as they all start to walk towards the gas station.

Lizzie shrugs. "We can't have another San Diego fiasco."

They share a look of understanding that makes Hope ache a little with the need for a sibling, makes her want to have a twin of her own to bounce banter back and forth with. She has that thought for all of a minute before Hope watches Lizzie open the door and then shut it abruptly, starting to skip down an aisle as it nearly hits Josie in the face. Josie barely flinches, like this happens everyday of her life, and pulls the door handle to hold it open for Hope and MG.

MG gives them what could only be classified as a 'slightly guilty, but amused puppy' look before he rushes off in Lizzie's direction. Hope rolls her eyes but can't really comment on his actions, since she sticks to Josie like glue as Josie heads over to the beverages.

Maybe she is a little whipped for Josie. Maybe Josie makes her a bit soft - but only a very, very (very) small bit.

Josie bends over and grabs a bottle of water. "Do you want one, too?"

"Sure." Hope replies, finding it oddly hard to not stare at Josie's ass in public. It just doesn't seem classy, but her eyes clearly do not understand that.

Josie stands back up and hands Hope one of the waters. They walk towards the counter where an employee is waiting. The boy behind the register looks about their age, maybe a little older, and he smiles politely at them as they set the drinks down and Josie starts to take her wallet out.

"Oh, that's not necessary." He says, smirking and batting a pale hand in Josie's direction. His eyes are as light blue as the sky and equally as unthreatening, but they run over Josie's form in a way that sparks every bit anger hiding inside of Hope. "Pretty girls like you two don't have to have to pay."

It's a dumb line. Sometimes Hope genuinely doesn't understand people's motives. This isn't porn, it isn't like Hope and Josie will walk around the counter and blow a random gas station employee because of some free water. All he gets in return is a polite 'thank you' from Hope and the same thing from Josie, except Josie's response comes with a somewhat flirty look from under her eyelashes and this fucking blush.

God, the blush.

That blush on Josie's cheeks is the same rosy color she gets all over her usually tan skin whenever Hope touches her. Hope hates the fact that anyone else can put it there. Her hands clench involuntarily by her sides, the thought of grabbing the guy and tossing him across the station filling her mind. Of course, she can't do that. That would be an overreaction. Still, her palms ache harshly where her fingers are digging into the skin. She really needs to get a handle on her emotions.

The guy gives them a small plastic bag for their waters. Josie takes it and they walk out of the store together, leaving the employee in the gas station. Despite her trying to will it away, Hope's anger lingers. Noticing that both Lizzie and MG are still inside, Hope grabs Josie's wrist as gently as she can manage and starts to pull her in the direction of the bathroom.

"Where are we going?" Josie asks. Hope doesn't answer but Josie follows along regardless.

They make it to the bathroom without another word. The door shuts loudly behind them and Hope glances around for a second. It's a pretty private bathroom. Gross as hell, as most gas station bathrooms are, but still private. It's good enough. She reaches out towards the door and passes Josie to lock it.

"Hope? What are you-" Hope cuts her off by pressing her mouth to Josie's and trapping her against the door.

Josie makes a tiny, surprised sound and stays still at first before kissing Hope back eagerly. There is a dull thud that comes from the bag hitting the floor, but mostly there is no noise in the room. Josie parts her lips a bit more, falling soft and compliant as Hope kisses her deeper. Hope presses Josie's shirt up an inch and scratches along the soft skin there.

She dips her head down and latches onto Josie's neck, nipping at her maybe a little harder than necessary. She kisses everywhere she can get, working hickeys onto the prominent curve of Josie's collarbone and the exposed, soft part just under her jaw. Hope fits snugly against her, but she worms her hand between the two of them to push her fingers under Josie's pants but above her panties anyways. The pads of two of her fingers dig greedily in, pressing roughly against Josie's slit through the already damp fabric.

"I've barely touched you and you're already wet." Hope says, voice coming out lower than usual. "You're so fucking hot sometimes."

She pushes her fingers up to rub against Josie's clit until it throbs and Josie's head falls back against the door, a long whine leaving her mouth.

"Oh- oh, god." Josie gasps. The fabric under Hope's fingers grow wetter along with Josie, making it a lot easier for Hope to get the right rhythm going.

Josie's hands slip under Hope's shirt and drag down her back, trying to push her closer. It's pathetic and incredibly arousing how desperate Josie is somehow, how she shamelessly ruts against Hope in search of friction.

Even with how slippery Josie is getting, Hope has to pull away after a minute - there is nothing for Josie to prop herself up on, it's too odd of an angle for Hope to get her mouth on Josie's breasts properly, and Hope has too much sudden energy to not be able to let loose a little. She steps back and watches, pleased as Josie's hips try and follow her hand.

"Take your shorts and panties off." Hope instructs, fighting the urge to put her hands back on Josie's body. "Go bend over, put your hands on the sink. Show me how needy you are."

"Y-Yes ma'am." Josie replies, rushing to comply.

Hope watches her silently. It takes Josie four steps to the reach the sink. Her shorts and simple, peach colored panties slip down her legs within the first step. By the second step, she is carefully working them down from around her ankles and making sure they don't hit the floor. On her third step, Josie has her clothing resting on the cleanest part of the faucet.

Once she takes her fourth, her hands and arms are helping prop her body up on the sink. She arches her back in the most beautiful curve Hope has ever seen and sticks her ass out a little, letting two round cheeks and her pretty pink slit shine under the bathroom's dim lighting.

"Good girl." Hope murmurs, watching Josie clench around air at the praise. She comes up behind Josie, who obediently stays still. Her palm presses against one of Josie's hips and the other seeks out the wet spot between her thighs, brushing against it just to feel Josie jump.

She's so soft and Hope absolutely loves it. She loves everything Josie does, actually. From the way she moans to the way she follows Hope's orders without question, to the way she perks up at any sort of praise - as if Josie doesn't deserve to receive all of the compliments in the world.

A mirror in front of the sink shows Hope everything. She sees how Josie has her bottom lip drawn between her teeth, pulling at it as she waits for instruction. Her eyes flutter shut and her grip on the sink makes her knuckles go white when Hope's fingers ghost against her clit. Hope holds her still, not letting Josie rock back against her fingers even though she can feel Josie struggling to get something in her.

Hope palms a warm, fleshy cheek and spanks it once, just to hear the sound and watch Josie's mouth form a circle shape upon impact. She repeats the action again and Josie whines, pushing hard back against Hope to try and get Hope to touch her more.

The blush that graces Josie's skin now is darker than the one before and Hope revels in it.

"Need you so bad, Hope." Josie murmurs once she realizes Hope isn't going to give her anything without a little begging.

Hope is about to put her fingers to good use when she hears Lizzie and MG's voices talking about some movie outside and remembers that they are traveling with someone who has super hearing. She pauses, her hand hovering over Josie's slit as she tries to figure out what to do.

"Put your panties in your mouth." Hope orders and Josie wastes no time in complying. She does as she is told and even lets out a muffled whine at the taste of herself on the fabric.

Fuck. Josie is so insanely arousing sometimes without even realizing it. It drives Hope mad.

She sinks her fingers into Josie and is met with hot throbbing all around her hand and this loud, wet noise that only comes second to the sound of Josie's satisfied moan. Hope starts up a relentless rhythm that's probably a little too quick and hard, but they have limited time here. Besides, Josie doesn't complain - just drops her forehead so it presses against the cool surface of the sink and shuts her eyes tight, whimpering into the fabric of her own underwear.

Because she is kind of dumb and also kind of can't help it, Hope uses her free hand to massage the small of Josie's back in a way that is almost loving. If they weren't doing this against a sink in a gas station bathroom, maybe the gesture would have come across as intimate.

Possibly a little romantic.


Josie is rocking back on her fingers and getting a bit louder too, chasing an orgasm that she's clearly seconds away from. Her face is such a pretty pink and her movements are so shaky and desperate that Hope can do nothing but drink it all in, watching Josie tremble with her building orgasm.

"Look at me when you cum." Hope says, sounding breathless herself as she slides a fourth finger up into Josie.

Hope loves this mirror thing. Loves that she not only gets to feel Josie clench and then flood around (almost) her whole hand, but she also gets to watch the effort it takes for Josie to pry her own eyes open and make eye contact through the glass. All she sees is dark, dark brown eyes, blown pupils, red tinted skin, and most of her hand disappearing up into beautiful pink.

"You're so gorgeous." Hope blurts, voice soft as if it's a secret. She pulls Josie's slumped body up so her front presses to Josie's back, and then they kiss sloppily at that odd angle they're in.

Once they part, Hope goes through her usual routine of helping Josie get dressed again (in her typical, good friend way). Except this time her routine includes gently tugging ruined panties from Josie's mouth. The action alone makes Hope want to sink to her knees and give Josie as many orgasms as that girl deserves - but, well, she doubts MG and Lizzie would appreciate the wait.

"Lizzie is going to kill me." Josie says, walking over to the door to collect the nearly forgotten bag from the ground. She doesn't sound too unhappy about her upcoming murder.

"I don't think they heard us." Hope tells her, though she really isn't sure. She leans over the sink and looks at herself in the mirror, trying to put her hair back into its usual position. "It'll be fine. Trust me."

When she turns around, Josie is right there behind her with this shy smile on her face that makes Hope melt. Seriously, Hope's shoulders slump and her entire body relaxes and for a moment she thinks that she will suddenly turn into a puddle on the floor because of Josie Saltzman.

God. That's kind of a gay thought, isn't it?

"I do trust you." Josie says. Her voice is too soft and slow right now for the little time they have, but Hope doesn't have the heart to say anything and break the moment.

Both of Josie's hands lift up to gently smooth down the auburn strands on Hope's head. It feels a lot like she's being petted, but she doesn't complain. Surprisingly, Hope finds herself leaning into the small gesture, chasing Josie's palms with the very top of her head and all of her heart.

Her vision turns golden all of a sudden and Hope drops her eyes to her own body, trying to avoid looking at Josie. She doesn't want to scare her, not with her eyes or her poorly timed wolf urges. Josie seems to notice - because Josie always notices - and raises her hand to Hope's chin, lifting Hope's head with two gentle fingers.

"Don't do that." Josie says after a moment, her voice gentle. "I want to see you. All of you."

Josie's eyes hold no judgement as they meet Hope's gold ones. It's gentle brown on bright yellow and it makes Hope's heartbeat spike like she's been shot. Josie's fingers move from Hope's chin to her cheeks, brushing just under what should be a pair of two threatening eyes. Her lips follow her fingers and soon Josie is kissing Hope gently, once on each cheek.

Hope leans up and kisses her back then, deeply and with what is probably too much emotion for their circumstances.

They may just be two teenagers making out in a gas station bathroom, but as Hope's eyes slowly chill out she can't shake the feeling that this feels a lot like love.

Next chapter