
Chapter 66: Thought of the Future

In the extravagant confines of Yukari's bedroom, the air hung heavy with a mix of passion and lusk. The room itself exuded an aura of intimacy, adorned with an array of erotic toys and scattered clothing, remnants of a night of indulgence.

As the morning sun filtered through the window, casting a warm and serene glow, two divine beauties lay entwined in each other's embrace, their nude bodies a testament to their shared desire.

Yukari stirred, her eyes opening to find Tiamat beside her. A tender smile graced her lips, recalling the intense passion they had shared. With a gentle touch, Yukari traced her finger along Tiamat's cheek, whispering softly, "I love you."

Untangling herself from the sheets, Yukari slipped into a pair of panties and a t-shirt before leaving the room and heading to the kitchen.

Yukari settled into a plush bean bag near a window, taking in the breathtaking view of nature's vibrant hues. Basking in the warmth of the sun, she sipped her milk with contentment, her curves radiating an ethereal glow.

In that moment, as she savored the taste of the milk and bathed in the sunlight, Yukari felt peaceful after the past few eventful days. Beside, the memories of their passionate night with Tia still lingered, but in the tranquil solitude of the morning, she realized she needed a break.

As Yukari settled into the comfortable beanbag, a sense of seriousness washed over her, dampening her spirits. Memories of her recent clash with Ryushiki loomed large, serving as a reminder of her weakness vividly.

She couldn't help but feel grateful for Tiamat's selfless act of protecting her from a devastating blow, but annoyed at her own weakness. "Otsutsuki are really troublesome," she whispered with disgust.

However, she started to smile besides her lustful night with Tiama. She knew that their bond and love for each other were strong and it will be deeply ingrained in Yukari's heart forever.

Her attention shifted to Yumi, her beloved daughter, who without her daughter's help in becoming a jinchuuriki, she did not know if she would have a future.

"What to do?" she muttered softly. She began to massage her temples, as the decision she was about to make was heavy. She thought, 'If I go through with this plan. I would not see Yumi for a while"

Despite the pressing matter of the sealed Otsutsuki within her dimensions, Yukari couldn't shake the allure of cultivating her own God Tree in a forsaken world. It was a bold plan that required patience and nurturing, as she aimed to tap into the potent chakra source that could fuel Yumi's evolution.

In her mind's eye, Yukari envisioned herself assuming a dual role—as both a guide and catalyst for the native inhabitants of the world. She would become their antagonist, orchestrating upheavals and calamities to hasten their evolution and unlock their true potential.

As the magnitude of her plans settled upon her, Yukari's determination grew stronger. The road ahead was filled with challenges and moral dilemmas, but she remained unwavering in her purpose. Moral values meant nothing to her as an Otsutsuki; she was prepared to devour countless worlds if it meant protecting her mother and family.

Embracing the darkness that awaited her, Yukari was determined to lead the inhabitants of other worlds towards evolution, even if it meant becoming their enemy. She believed this plan to be the safest and most effective, as she had already devised a way for Yumi to be with them and at the God Tree simultaneously.

Yukari's tranquil solitude was abruptly shattered by the sound of approaching footsteps. Startled, she straightened herself on the beanbag, turning her attention towards the source of the disturbance. To her delight, it was Su Yang, the newest member of their team. She greeted her with a warm smile, "Good morning, Yuier."

Su Yang, who was still recovering from the lingering effects of a restless night, felt her face flush with embarrassment as she caught sight of Yukari's revealing attire. She could only recall the sound of Yukari moans across the room.

Su Yang just stood motionless, as the situation gelt awkward. Combining the scene of Yukari revealing attire infront of her and her moans. She could not help but imagine the real deal. However, she immediately averted her eyes from Yukari and her entire face turned beat red and heated up.

Yukari, sensing Su Yang's discomfort, chuckled softly and reassured her, "Oh, don't mind me. I tend to roam around like this in my own home. I completely forgot you were here." She gestured towards the breathtaking view outside the window. "By the way, do you enjoy the scenery?"

Yukari teasingly pressed her hands against her breasts, emphasizing her cleavage and playfully enticing Su Yang's attention. Su Yang cheeks turned a darker shade of crimson as she stammered, feeling flustered by the unexpected display. "I-I'm sorry for intruding," and quickly apologized, hastily making her exit from the room.

Yukari pouted playfully, watching Su Yang retreat. Activating her Byakugan, she observed Su Yang's path leading towards the library. A mischievous glint appeared in her eyes as she anticipated the awe that awaited Su Yang amidst her large collection of books.

The library, was a testament to her mother's dedication, which housed techniques from countless worlds. But also her mother and herself understanding of utilizing nature's transformation to a better degree.

As someone who had always found solace and joy in reading, she had a hunch that Su Yang shared a similar inclination. However, a tinge of sadness washed over her as she thought about Tiamat's disinterest in pursuing knowledge. While Tiamat possessed intelligence, she didn't derive pleasure from reading.

But Yukari could not help but envision herself with Su Yang as they both became closer and shared knowledge with each other. She looked forward to bashing heads with Su Yang about the countless theories she had. Yukari smiled and sped up her pace to the library.

A/N: This Sunday I will release all the remaining chapters for this world.

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