
Chapter 49 Surya and Nayara

As time passed Set and Nephthys had there son, Ares who grew up under the careful eye of Eru.Thus he was not the same as the one in Percy Jackson or even Wrath of Titans.

At the same time Surya fell in love with Nayara Dayne daughter of Nymeria and Mors Dayne Martell.Eru already fourteen this union.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the opulent chambers of Eru and Eliza. The room was adorned with intricate tapestries and shimmering candlelight, creating a sense of intimacy and grandeur.

Eru, a regal figure leaned against a polished mahogany table. His eyes, deep pools of wisdom, surveyed the room as he began, "Eliza, have you noticed how Surya has been distant lately?"

Eliza, her delicate features framed by cascading auburn locks, paused, a hint of concern crossing her face. "Now that you mention it, yes. He's been sneaking away at odd hours. I thought it was just youthful wanderlust."

Ulmo, the eldest son, with his broad shoulders and a demeanor that radiated warmth, chuckled softly, "Perhaps he's found a secret hideout or a new adventure."

The room seemed to hum with an unseen energy as Eru, with eyes that held the wisdom of ages, took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I've seen glimpses of Surya's path," he began, his voice resonating with a depth that commanded attention. "He has found his heart's calling in Dorne, and it appears that the Princess Nayara Dayne is intertwined with his destiny."

Eliza's eyes widened in surprise. "You knew of this, and yet you kept silent?"

Eru approached her, his presence soothing the unease in the room. "There are paths that even foresight must tread lightly upon, my love. Surya's journey is his own, and we are but spectators in the grand tapestry of fate."

Set, ever the observant one, frowned. "I've noticed his frequent visits to Dorne. As the patron of Dorne, it's my duty to know such things. And there were times when I saw him with Princess Nayara Dayne..."

Eliza's gaze sharpened. "So his relationship with Princess Nayara has reached a certain point?"

Set hesitated, then continued, "Yes, I found them together a couple times.But I did not think he was courting her at the time."

A moment of silence hung in the air before Ulmo broke into a wide smile. "Love? Our Surya?" He laughed heartily, the sound echoing through the chamber. "Well, that's news! I'm genuinely happy for him."

Eliza sighed, her fingers tracing patterns on the table. "If this is true, I hope he's chosen wisely. Love in Dorne, especially with someone as prominent as the Princess Nayara Dayne, is no simple affair."

Set nodded, lost in thought. "Indeed. We must speak with him, understand his heart. But for now, let's rejoice in his happiness."

Everyone smiled, while Eru summoned Surya.

In a chamber adorned with intricate carvings that told tales of old, Eru sat, his gaze penetrating yet gentle, awaiting Surya's arrival. As the doors creaked open, revealing the young prince with a hint of nervousness in his eyes, the room's atmosphere grew palpably tense.

Surya took a deep breath, meeting his father's omniscient gaze. "Father," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "I had intended to speak with you... about Nayara."

Eru's smile was serene. "You needn't say much, my son. I've seen the threads of your heart weaving with hers."

Surya's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson, and he chuckled, a touch embarrassed. "I wanted to make it official, but it seems you've beaten me to it."

Eru stood, his regal bearing accentuated by the soft glow of the chamber's lights. "Your happiness is paramount to me. I bless your union with Nayara."

A wave of relief washed over Surya's face, and his eyes shimmered with gratitude. Before long, the room was filled with the sounds of hearty congratulations. Set, with a nod of approval, toasted to the young couple's future. Nephthys and Hathor exchanged knowing smiles, while Horus clapped Surya on the back, his laughter echoing joyously. Ulmo, Mandos, and Aubis joined in, their voices blending in a chorus of well-wishes for the newest chapter in the royal saga.

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