
Goku vs Beerus

On King Kai's planet, while Goku tries to teach Raditz how to go Super Saiyan with Gine and Bardock watching, King Kai is talking to Supreme Kai.

"Yeah I noticed. His energy is unreal." King Kai says.

Meanwhile, Raditz struggles to go Super Saiyan.

"Like I said before, you can't just power up and go Super Saiyan. It's about raw emotion. The anger of watching someone I care about die was what pushed me into a Super Saiyan. Think about something that truly angers you and focus on that."

Raditz focuses on everything he's been through, being mistreated by Vegeta and Nappa, being forced to fight his own brother and being left behind while he got stronger. This pushes him to become Super Saiyan, just like his brother and father, letting out loud roars of strength.

"You did it, Raditz!" Goku yells with excitement.

"Nice work, son." Bardock says.

"I'm so happy for you, Raditz." Gine adds.

King Kai gets annoyed by this.

"Hey! Can you keep it down over there, Goku!?" King Kai yells.

Goku chuckles.

"Sorry about that King Kai."

He then turns his attention to his brother.

"Now, settle down. Calm your energy."

Raditz slowly brings down his energy and drops down to his base form.

"Wow, that power was Incredible. I've never felt anything close to that before. No wonder you defeated Frieza with that kind of strength." Raditz says.

Goku chuckles, but looks over at King Kai, noticing a worried expression on his face.

"I might not know Son Goku all that well, but due to his reputation, we can't let either one of them meet. If one learns of the other, you know what could happen." Supreme Kai says.

"Oh, right. Things could get messy real fast. Don't worry, I won't tell him anything about Lord Beerus." King Kai says.

"Who's Lord Beerus?" Goku asks.

King Kai is stunned silent by Goku actually hearing him. He quickly scurries away from Goku and nervously laughs.

"Huh? What? No one, just- mumbling random words." King Kai says.

Goku looks at King Kai for a moment.

"King Kai..." Goku says.

King Kai sighs.

"Alright, alright. Just promise me you won't tell Supreme Kai that you heard this from me." King Kai says.

Goku nods.

"It's like this, Goku. There are deities whose purpose is to create life in the universe. To watch over and protect it, like the Supreme Kai. But there are also those whose purpose is to destroy. And that's who Lord Beerus is."

A serious look appears on Goku's face.

"So he's evil then, right?" Goku asks.

King Kai thinks for a moment.

"It's not a matter of evil. It's just his job as a God of Destruction." King Kai says.

"Why would a God destroy things?" Goku asks.

King Kai looks up at the sky.

"Creation and Destruction, Goku. Both forces are necessary, they check each other. Without them, the universe would go out of balance."

"That makes sense, I guess." Goku says.

Meanwhile on Beerus's planet, Lord Beerus eats an entire table of food with great speed while Whis slowly eats his food, savoring the taste.

"So Whis, while I was asleep, did that upstart Frieza manage to eradicate Planet Vegeta for me?" Beerus asks.

"Yes. Without a trace in fact."Whis replies.

Beerus sighs.

"Damn. If only I knew about this Saiyan God sooner, I would've told him to hold off. But I suppose that Planet was nothing but trouble anyway. And I'm no fan of Frieza's either. So self-important. If we ever cross paths again, I'll gladly destroy him." Beerus says.

"That is impossible, I'm afraid. During your nap, someone already defeated Frieza." Whis says.

Beerus is shocked to hear this.

"What?! Someone, more powerful than Frieza?"

"Allow me to explain, my lord."

Whis then summons his staff and pulls up an image of the battle between Goku and Frieza on Planet Namek, and watches as Goku goes Super Saiyan for the first time.

"Who is that man in blue and Orange?"

"He is a Saiyan. Answers to both the names Kakarot and Goku." Whis replies.

Beerus thinks for a moment.

"When you said Planet Vegeta was no more, I assumed the same went for the entire Saiyan race."

"Yes, it's true. Most of them did perish. However a few who happened to be on other worlds at the time were spared. Including, the kings heir, Prince Vegeta." Whis says.

Beerus continues to watch Goku fight Frieza, still confused.

"Isn't Saiyan hair supposed to be black? I have to say, I'm surprised anyone from that race could be capable of defeating Frieza."

"Well, the Saiyan's have harnessed a technique. A very useful method of powering up, where they transform into what they call a Super Saiyan."

A smile appears on Beerus's face.

"A Super Saiyan, huh? Well, maybe they are capable of achieving this Saiyan God form. Where is this- KakaGoku person now? I must track down this Saiyan God. No matter what it takes."

"I'm afraid he's dead, my Lord."

Beerus is shocked.

"You're kidding? That's a shame, I was hoping to meet him to pick his brain a bit." Beerus says.

"Well, he is on North Kai's world right now, along with two other Saiyans. And most of the Saiyan Survivors, by my count six of them, are on the planet called Earth."

"You don't say. Well first we'll pay a visit to King Kai, then we'll go to Earth. I think I've been to there before, isn't that the planet with the dinosaurs? They were so rude, I drove them all to extinction. Let's hope I don't have to do the same now."

As that's happening, Vegeta takes a blind folded Bulma outside of Capsule Corp

"Vegeta, what's going on? Are we there yet?" Bulma asks.

"Just hold on woman." Vegeta replies.

Soon the Prince takes off her blind fold to reveal everyone of her friends and family.


Bulma starts to tear up when she sees everyone.

"Awwww you guys." Bulma says.

She then holds onto Vegeta's arm.

"Thank you everyone. And thank you, hunny, I know how you hate taking a break from training."

Vegeta scoffs

"Don't worry about that right now. You just enjoy today." Vegeta says.

Bulma smiles and kisses the Prince on the cheek and goes to mingle. A small smile appears on Vegeta's face, which Piccolo notices, smirking at him. Vegeta quickly drops it, replacing it with a blushing scowl.

"What are you looking at, Namekian?" Vegeta asks, walking away.

And at that moment the party starts and everyone starts to have fun. Back on King Kai's planet, after Supreme Kai warns King Kai about Lord Beerus's eminent arrival, the Kai begins to panic, running around his planet.

"No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No." King Kai says.

Gine, Bardock, and Raditz are all confused.

"Kakarot, what's wrong with your blue friend?" Gine says.

"There's this Destroyer God guy who's coming here. Apparently he's really strong, so I'm hoping I can fight him." Goku says with a smile.

Bardock smirks.

"That's my boy." Bardock says.

Raditz puts his hand on his brothers shoulder.

"This Destroyer God has nothing on a Saiyan." Raditz says.

Gine is worried about this.

"I don't know, it sounds dangerous. Are you sure you want to challenge a destroyer God person?" Gine asks.

Bardock puts his arm around Gine to reassure her.

"Don't worry, Gine. Our son can take care of himself. Afterall, he did take care of Frieza and found levels beyond Super Saiyan. I'm sure he can hold his own against this Destroyer God guy."

King Kai hears this and tries to put a stop to it.

"Listen to me, all of you! When Lord Beerus gets here, I want all of you to be on your best behavior! Especially you, Bardock. No disrespectful comments, say something polite or don't say nothing at all!"

Bardock scoffs.

"Listen buddy, I don't care who this Beerus guy is, but frankly he can kiss my a-"

Gine inturupts Bardock by pulling his ear.

"Don't worry, Mr. King Kai, We'll be on our best behavior." Gine says.

King Kai breathes a sigh of relief.

"Good. Thank you."

At that moment Lord Beerus and Whis appear behind King Kai, scarring him.

"Oh-Uh, Lord Beerus! How good it is to see you again." King Kai says, bowing.

He then makes Goku and Raditz bow as well and Gine does the same with Bardocks ear still in her hand.

"It's been awhile. Hasn't it, North Kai?"

Goku stares at the Destroyer for a moment, confused.

"Weird. Even when he's right infront of me, I can't sense anything from this guy." Goku whispers.

"That's because you can't sense the presence of deities. Remember, don't do anything stupid." King Kai whispers back.

Bardock peaks up a little.

"He doesn't look that tough. Kakarot could definitely take him." Bardock thinks to himself.

Beerus then looks around King Kai's planet.

"Is it just me, or did your world get smaller since the last time I came here." Beerus asks.

King Kai nervously laughs

"Yes, I guess it is a little cozy. Anyhow, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Lord Beerus?"

Beerus then looks over to Goku.

"I'm here to see him." Beerus says.

This worries King Kai as Beerus approaches Goku.

"And which do you prefer? Kakarot or Goku?" Beerus asks.

Goku thinks for a moment.

"Well, I don't mind being called Kakarot, but I guess I'd prefer Goku since I've been called that longer." Goku says

"Fine with me. So, Goku, there was something I was hoping to ask you about... Now- what was it again? Sai- Saiya-"

"Saiyan God, My Lord." Whis says.

"Thanks Whis. So, what can you tell me about a Saiyan God?" Beerus asks.

Goku is confused while Gine, Bardock, and Raditz look at each other, all three confused themselves.

"A Saiyan God, huh?... Sorry, but I don't think I've ever heard of it."

"I have to admit, this is the first time I've heard of a Saiyan God myself." King Kai says.

"We've never heard anyone mention it on Planet Vegeta before, sir. Not even in our archives." Gine says.

Beerus closes his eyes in disappointment.

"I see. Well that's a shame."

Beerus then looks over at Whis.

"Whis here tells me that you are the one that slayed that bastard Frieza." Beerus says.

"Yeah, that was me." Goku says.

"Whis also tells me that you are capable of turning into a Super Saiyan, and that's how you did it. Whis, can Prince Vegeta turn into a Super Saiyan as well?" Beerus asks.

"Yes. As are four other Saiyans on Earth." Whis answers.

"Interesting. They all have this power. Perhaps I need to go ask them instead." Beerus says.

"But Lord Beerus, I doubt they know anything more about a Saiyan God anymore than Goku does." King Kai says.

"That maybe, but I won't know unless I ask. Let's go Whis."

As they are about to leave, giving King Kai a breath of relief, Goku stops them.

"Hold on a minute, King Kai told me that you are really strong. Would you mind showing me, please?" Goku asks.

King starts to panic all over again as Beerus smiles.

"You want me to demonstrate my power? What did you have in mind?" Beerus asks.

"How about a sparring match? Just for a minute." Goku says.

Beerus smile gets even bigger.

"I have lived for a long time. But I have never received a challenge such as yours. I don't see why not. Go ahead and come at me with everything you got." Beerus says.

Goku smirks as Bardock grabs King Kai and moves out of the way. Goku then starts to power up, turning into Super Saiyan three.

"Oh wow, this is much stronger than the form you used against Frieza." Beerus says.

"This- Is Super Saiyan three."

"Very impressive. Well, you can come at me at any time." Beerus says.

Goku grins quickly charging at Beerus, quickly appearing above him and throwing a punch. Beerus easily catches it, surprising Goku, Bardock, Gine, and Raditz. He then throws Goku to the ground, knocking him off balance a bit.

"Ok, so he really is strong." Goku says.

When he turns his attention back to Beerus, he looses sight of him. He looks around, but can't find him at all. Beerus then suddenly appears infront of him, flicking him in the forehead sending him flying into the ground.

"What the hell is going on? He's- toying with Kakarot." Bardock thinks.

Goku slowly gets back to his feet, taking a lot of damage from that one flick. As Beerus taunts him, Goku starts to power up again.

"SUPER KIAOKEN!" Goku yells, stacking his Super Saiyan three form with his Kiaoken.

He launches an attack again, but Beerus easily dodges it. Goku throws multiple strikes, but can't land a single attack, almost like he's moving in slow motion. After another miss, Beerus appears behind Goku and lightly chops Goku on the neck, dropping him out of both Kiaoken and Super Saiyan, and knocking him out. Bardock, Gine, and even Raditz are stunned, as they run over to Goku.

"I believe it's time we go Earth now, Whis. I bid you all a good day." Beerus says.

They then vanish in a bright light, heading straight for Earth.

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