
The Tournament Starts

The group that are watching the tournament all find front row seats.

"Great, we got amazing seats." Gohan says.

Vidal wraps her arms around her husband.

"The perks of being the world champs daughter." Vidal says.

Bulma then smiles, thinking about the tournament fights they all watched together.

"This sure does bring back memories." Bulma says.

Roshi smirks, feeling nostalgic himself

"Yes, you're right. Feels like yesterday, Goku and Krillin entered their first tournament. So much has happened since then." Roshi says.

Chichi starts to blush

"Reminds me of when my Goku proposed to me." Chichi says, giggling.

Yamcha chuckles, remembering that moment as well.

"Yeah, after we had to explain marriage wasn't food." Yamcha says.

Chichi punches Yamcha in the face, not wanting to be reminded of that. Bulla laughs, excited to see Goten and everyone else fight.

While that's happening, Goten and the others start walking and talking with each other. Trunks then looks back at Goku and then at Goten.

"You know, you look a lot like your old man." Trunks says.

Goten looks at his father.

"You think so? I haven't really noticed." Goten replies.

"It's a good thing you changed your hair style, otherwise it would've been tough telling you two apart. Besides the height difference, I mean." Trunks says.

Goten laughs.

"Yeah, no kidding."

Goku looks back at his son and smiles, turning to his bestfriend Krillin.

"So Krillin, how strong is Goten anyway?" Goku asks.

"Well it's hard to say. Definitely a lot stronger than you and I were at his age, that's for sure. The turtle hermit training was pretty much a cakewalk for him. But I haven't seen him go all out yet." Krillin says.

Goku gets excited.

"Man, I can't wait to see him fight. This is so great." Goku says.

Krillin smirks.

"Well, I don't like to brag, but I did train the boy pretty well."

Meanwhile, Vegeta also wonders how strong Goten is.

In the waiting area, they all see a lot of the other fighters.

"Woah, there's a bunch of fighters here." Goku says.

"They look tough, but that's about it. Yep, it's definitely gonna come down to one of us." Krillin says.

"We should just wipe them all out now." Vegeta says.

Krillin sighs as Goku laughs.

"Yeah, not how that works, Vegeta." Goku says.

as a lot of the other fighters show off their skills and fighting techniques, the Z fighters all wait for the Preliminaries to start, which gives Goten and Goku time to talk. As they tell stories about their everyday life, Goten gets a glimpse into what it's like having a dad.

Soon, the Preliminaries start and Hercule enters to cheers.

"If you want an autograph, then line up!" Hercule yells.

Vegeta gets angry.

"The damn fool doesn't even know how out classed he is." Vegeta says.

All of the Z fighters pass the Preliminaries with flying colors, especially Vegeta who destroys the punching machine. Literally. The tournament is set up with twenty two spots, with the winner facing Mr. Satan in the finals. In the first round, Goku will face Krillin while Vegeta will face a young arrogant fighter named Yamato, but first Goten will face a fighter named Ekosa and Trunks will face Idasa.

Vegeta scoffs at the brackets.

"I can't believe I'm stuck with some weakling instead of Kakarot." Vegeta says.

Krillin gulps really loudly as he sees the brackets.

"Oh man, just my luck, I have to face Goku in the first round. Life really isn't fair, is it?"

At that moment Goku puts his hand on his friends shoulder.

"It's just like old times, huh Krillin. Let's go out there and give it our all." Goku says with a smile.

Goku inspires a smile to come from Krillin.

"Yeah, alright."

Meanwhile Goten watches in anticipation of their match.

"Awsome. Master Krillin is gonna fight my dad, that's gonna be amazing." Goten says with bright smile.

At that moment, Idasa and Ekosa soon approach Goten and Trunks with arrogant smiles on their faces.

"Well who do we have here, Idasa?" Ekosa asks.

Idasa chuckles.

"Looks like two chumps that'll get destroyed by us. I mean come on, this isn't even fair." Idasa says.

Both Goten and Trunks ignore the trash talk. Ekosa gets into Gotens face.

"Seriously, look at this looser. Can he even throw a punch?" He sarcastically asks.

Idasa laughs.

"Mines no better, I mean just look at that hair. I think the girl tournament matches have already happened."

As the two laugh, Trunks and Goten continue to ignore them.

"Too scared to talk huh? Don't worry, our match is first, I promise not to hurt you-That much." Ekosa says.

When Ekosa and Idasa walk away, Goten starts to stretch. Goku notices this and smiles, being reminded of himself when he gets ready for a fight. Goten then cracks his knuckles with a smile on his face.

"Alright! I'm ready to go." Goten says.

Goku and the others, except Vegeta, give Goten a supportive smile.

"Goodluck Goten, not that you'll need it. Just try not to hurt him." Krillin says.

"You got this Goten. I can't wait to see you fight." Goku says.

"Make sure you shut that guys big mouth." Trunks says.

Goten smiles and nods while he walks away to stand at the entrance.

"Our first match in the tournament will be Ekosa vs Son Goten!" The Announcer says.

The two fighters walk out and make their way in the ring, while Goten is suprised by all the people in the stands.

"Woah, there's so many people here, it's incredible."

Ekosa laughs.

"Yep, and they're all gonna see you get your ass handed to you." Ekosa says.

"Go Goten! Show them what you got!" Chichi yells.

"This fight is all yours, little brother!" Gohan says as Piccolo smiles, knowing there's no way Goten is loosing this fight.

Goten looks over at his family and friends to wave, blushing when he sees Bulla cheering for him as well.

"Goodluck, Goten!" Bulla yells.

Everyone notices the look on Gotens face.

"Why is Gotens face so red? Is he nervous?" Chichi asks.

Bulma turns to her daughter and smirks.

"I can think of one reason."

As everyone looks at Bulla, realizing what Bulma means, she starts to blush and turn away.

"Whatever." She says, under her breath.

"Well the boy definitely has better taste than his father." Roshi says.

Chichi then punches him in the face, knocking him out for awhile.

Ekosa gets annoyed by Bulla cheering for a Goten so he starts to trash talk him more.

"Well look at you. You must think you're hot stuff since you have girls cheering for you. It's too bad I'll have to embarrass you infront of your girlfriend."

Goten sighs.

"You talk too much. Can we fight now?" Goten asks.

This angers Ekosa as he charges in at Goten.

"That sounds good to me!"

He throws a punch, but Goten blocks it with one finger, surprising Ekosa and Idasa who is watching from the sidelines.

"Seriously? That's it? After all that big talk, I thought you'd be at least a halfway decent warm-up." Goten says.

Ekosa starts to panic out of frustration and throws a kick that Goten easily blocks. Ekosa throws another punch but Goten easily catches it.

"Are you gonna get serious? Because I'm starting to get bored." Goten says.

Ekosa gets even more enraged.

"What did you say you little punk!?"

"I said I'm bored. You're boring me." Goten replies.

Ekosa grits his teeth out of anger and starts throwing multiple punches and kicks at Goten. The crowd is amazed as they watch Goten block each and everyone of Ekosa's attacks.

"Oh yeah, you asked if I could throw a punch earlier, right?"

At that moment, Goten sidesteps an attack punches Ekosa in the jaw, knocking him off balance. He then lands a roundhouse kick to his head, knocking him out cold.

"Ekosa is out cold, Goten is the winner of this match."

The entire crowd cheers for Goten as he respectfully bows to the crowd.

"Alright! That's my boy, no mercy!" Chichi yells.

"Way to go, Goten!" Bulla yells.

The ring announcer then gets a good look at Goten and notices something familiar.

"Hold on. Son Goten... He reminds me a lot of..."

He then gets flashes of a younger Goku fighting in the tournaments that has came before this one and smiles.

"Yep, no doubt about it. This kids definitely a chip off the old block." He thinks to himself.

Meanwhile Goku gets fired up by that win.

"Yeah! Attaboy! Alright Goten!" Goku cheers

Meanwhile Idasa is in shock that Ekosa lost so easily.

"Wh- did that- just happen? Really?"

Trunks chuckles.

"Better get ready. It's our fight next." Trunks says with a devilish smile that scares Idasa.

"Um- I'd like to forfeit. Please."

Meanwhile, Mr. Satan is eating pasta while watching his favorite show in his own personal locker room. His manager then walks into the room confused.

"Uh- sir? Don't you want to see the matches and see your competition?" He asks.

Hercule laughs, food flying out of his mouth.

"My competition? None of those chumps can even hold a candle to yours truly." Hercule says.

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