
chapter 16

Ari stands over the bed in her black clothing, she bends over kissing Lens forehead and grabs her small bag from the floor. She notices the map in Lens pants pockets, she takes it out and quickly looks it over. She puts it back on top of her clothes with a letter she wrote Len, before she got in the shower.

Ari exits her room and goes over to Lens room knocking on the door quietly, Thea opens the door.

" Thea I've got to go find someone who means alot to me, I left Len a letter and I've copied her map I'll be headed nw of where shes going to the gated community and I'll do my best to catch up with her." Ari said while exiting the room before Thea could ask any questions, she quickly throws clothes on. Thea makes her way to Aris room and sees Len still asleep on Aris bed and a smile comes across Theas lips.

" I guess you all had some fun, at least before one of you ends up dead or maybe both. I wonder what or who Ari is chasing." Thea said while walking toward the window, she watches her leave in the vehicle she prepped earlier and Thea sighs.

Len wakes up, she feels around the bed for Ari and then sees Thea looking out of the window and pulls the sheet over her naked body while getting up from bed.

" Thea what are you doing here and where is Ari" Len said while looking around the room and going in the bathroom to look for Ari there.

" shes gone Len" Thea said moving away from the window, seeing the lights from the vehicle that Ari was driving disappear in the distance.

Lens face went pale when she heard what Thea said and she quickly throws her clothes on. Then runs down the stairs and outside where she sees Evelyn crying into Lillians shoulder.

" wh- where is she" Len said walking over to them and grabs Lillians arm.

" they didn't know that she was leaving" Jack said while standing with his friend and Aris father who is sobbing with a radio in his hand. He walks over to Len and looks at her hand still grasping Lillians arm, Lillian smiles at her and takes Lens hand into hers.

" Len she went to find someone who actually means alot to all of us, but more so to her and its complicated Len please understand that it's not our place to tell you" Lillian said while looking at the ground, Len sighs holding her head and looks over at the truck shes leaving in.

Len pulls the map out of her pocket and a letter drops to the ground, she quickly picks it up then hands Lillian her map.

" can you please mark where she'll be going, when I grab my sister I'll look for her" Len said while holding a map out to Lillian, Evelyn started to laugh and shakes her head.

" so your gonna risk your sisters life looking for her in a place you have not the slightest idea of how badly its ran over with those things and everyone has tried to offer you help" Evelyn said while tears ran down her cheeks, Lillian grabs Evelyn and hugs her tightly and Evelyn stops her.

" your right will you please help me get my family so we can go look for Ari" Len said while holding the letter in her hand. She shoves it inside her pants pocket, Lillian smiles at her nodding her head and kisses Evelyn's forehead.

" dad help me get ready I'll take Wei and jacob with me and Thea will stay to help you here " Lillian said to her father while walking into the garage pulling out several different weapons and some duffel bags with different names on them. She looks at the armored vehicle that her dad made spears out of rebars and has them on the front with a plow he also put on, he reinforced the windows with bars and has two automatic heavy machine guns that they usually have on tanks placed on top of the vehicle.

" well they've outdone themselves as usual on this, with those guns are they computer assisted or manned." Lillian said while opening the back hatch up to start loading the weapons in to put on the shelves inside of the vehicle. Lillian smirks at Wei when she sees weapons lining the shelves with boxes of different ammo and other supplies. He walks over carrying five Katanas and puts them inside beside the machetes, he's put alot of different weapons even axes he's made is inside already.

" are you taking those six spears as well" Lillian said picking them up handing them to Wei, He slides them under the long seat that is down the side of the vehicle and gets four shields setting them inside.

" well we need to start learning other ways to kill these things besides just guns" Wei said while grabbing his duffel bag putting it in his black truck beside the armored vehicle, he opened the two back doors on the truck putting in four ammo boxes with several different rifles and shotguns with a couple having grenade launchers on them.

" well you have handgun holsters built inside truck, nice touch and um we need to take at least 2 dozen different grenades with us" Lillian said while looking around Weis truck and walks over grabbing a empty crate handing it to Wei.

" Ok so thermite, stun, smoke and frag right" Wei said while loading the grenades into the crate, he also grabbed ten sticks of dynamite with a wide smile and Lillian rolls her eyes at him, while grabbing solid black outfits that was made out of material that was hard to cut through with even a knife and could hold a small caliber bullet from breaking through the material.

" ok grab those duffel bags dad sat out, load them in the A.V. except the ones who are riding with you and I'll take these outfits to the others. You need to put yours on and load a few extra vests and outfits to take with us for survivors, take Austin and Sam they'll transport Taylor and his family back. Taylor can ride with them and tell them to keep their eyes on him I don't trust him." Lillian said while nodding to the bag Evelyn made for Taylor.

" heis not to have weapons go ahead and load that in the A.V." Lillian said while entering the door to the house.

Lillian gives everyone the black prototype camo, except for Taylor's which was just regular black camo, he thought they were the same though and the others were kept in the dark about them except for their families knowing.

Lillian gives Thea and Ashley a pair with a notebook that has information about everything there, including the defensive line with the C.R.O.W.S and the outfits.

" Thea this is for your eyes only, here's the key to the office lock the notebook up when your done." Lillian said while the twelve people were going out to the vehicles, Wei takes Lillian and his friend Becky with him. While Taylor goes with Austin and Sam, Evelyn and Lillian are driving the A.V. with everyone else.

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