
Chapter 22 : The story behind a monster 2 

"Still not talking...? I am Arggrwill, an Arcane mage of the Yggr, and the one responsible for our demise," Arggrwill sighed, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"We lost everything. All we ever wanted was to make our race evolve but ended up gaining the wrath of our Creators."

"Creators?" asked Oric, intrigued by the story.

"We almost found out the true meaning behind every mythology and its magic, what we call the Primordial function. Something that shapes all realities and creation, but lost everything. I swore to have my vengeance on them after what they had done to me, to US... that's why I need to take your body when I'm done knowing what you really are!" The Monster's revelation startled Oric, putting a worried look on his face.

"Don't get scared; you should be proud that I am using your body to bring an end to all the primordial Gods and their rule."

"Argh! You talk too much..." said Oric.

"Hash! Imposter, I'll make good use of you, don't worry," grunted the monster as it went back to its experiments.

Suddenly, the creature lost the first sample of Oric's hand.

"Argh!" and went to the other.

"How?!" and the other.

"I was so close!" and the other. "Grrrr!"

"Hmm..." sounded the creature while putting its hand on its head out of frustration as it turned to Oric. "I'm gonna need more samples."

As the monster approached Oric, its claws grew an inch longer. Oric braced himself for more pain, but then Arggrwill halted his movements. "Let's continue another day."

Then it walked to Nevata, and with its claws, it alerted Oric, "What do you want with her? It's me you want, you rotten monster!" It paid no mind and drew a rune on her forehead, causing it to bleed. Then it tore her dress and made changes to her master-slave pact rune inscribed on her chest. After it was done...

"Arise." Suddenly, Nevata opened her eyes.

Oric noticed and called out her name, "Nevata! Nevata, I command you to listen to me!"

"It's futile!" grunted the monster. This shocked Oric, and it continued, "Watch over my specimen while I rest," and then it phased into a dark room.

Giving way to the morning sun, Oric had tried all possible ways to free himself and Nevata – his commands, his struggles, his pain – all in vain.

The night arrived, but Oric couldn't sleep or rest as his pains persisted.

"What is your name?" asked the alpha hound as it emerged from the dark.

"..." But Oric gave no response.

"Hmm? Okay, I was just about to ask your slave," said the monster as it turned to an emotionless Nevata.

"His name is Oric," she said with a stoic expression.

"Oric..., what an intriguing name... Cut off both his arms and legs and drain his blood."

"And?" she asked.

The monster then walked face to face with her, its cold rotten breath could be smelled. "Bring them to my working desk!" commanded Arggrwill with a sadistic smile.

"Yes, my lord," she said.

As Nevata got to Oric, she summoned sharp water blades. But then Arggrwill interjected, "Wait!" causing Nevata to look at his direction. "Slowly cut off his arm with a smile on your face... Oh, and wait," said the monster as it took an ancient rusty dagger and slowly walked to Nevata, handing it to her.

Nevata inspected the rusty dagger as she quickly kept switching gazes from the dagger to Oric and from Oric to the dagger, her breath paced on and finally turned to Arggrwill.

"Well? Go on!" commanded Arggrwill.

Slowly, she started to cut Oric's first arm off with a smile on her face. Oric held all the pain within as she proceeded. It got to a point where he could no longer hold the pain and started showing it. "Arghmmmmm..." he sounded.

Nevata then paused, which alerted Arggrwill who got furious. "I never told you to stop!"

Unexpectedly, an invisible hand clawed at her back, bringing upon her body deep bleeding wounds.

Commanding her to continue, and she did, cutting off all of Oric's hands and legs while draining his blood into four cups and brought them to Arggrwill's desk.

He then held her head, caressing it. "Good girl, from this day onwards your name is Yuvaigr. now give him this potion to restore his energy back to him."

Nevata then walked to Oric and opened his mouth giving the potion, and in that split second his whole body wounded body started to fix itself but then it came with lots of pain causing Oric to drool like a mad man.

Arggrwill then endeavored in his research, with Yuvaigr standing next to him.

After spending more than 5 hours on his research he paused "I think we need a break" he said as he got up from his working desk and started to proceed into a dark room but halted in his steps and slowly turned to Nevata sending shivers down her spine, "Yuvaigr, follow me" he ordered.

She quickly followed him, and they went into a dark room. They then started to climb a huge staircase that led them upwards, and in the middle of the room, she spotted a huge purple crystal emitting the same energy as the book she had tried to read but had no words in it.

As they climbed the stairs, "you may read as many books as you like Yuvaigr my daughter," but Nevata didn't understand what he meant, but she replied "Okay..."

As they walked, candles lit up, brightening the whole place. As the view got better, Nevata started to see what he really meant. The whole place was actually bigger than she thought.

The whole place was a world of books, and in the middle had a huge purple crystal illuminating and adding a tint of purple aura to the environment and saw 2 additional crystals. The first was a huge black one and the other was a White crystal.

Suddenly she heard the two black and white crystals calling out to her, the calling became intense, so she finally chose a crystal, the dark one.

As Nevata approached the crystal, it called out to her more intensely, as she slowly tried to touch it, Arggrwill quickly held her hand. "Yuvaigr you are not yet ready," he said with an air of authority.

Causing Nevata to come back to her senses while taking steps back. "I'm sorry Arggrwill."

"No! Call me that! Call me Father! and do not repeat that mistake ever again! Do I make myself clear!" he shouted Aggrrwill.

"Yes, father!" she said with tears in her eyes. As she started to run downstairs.

Arggrwill stared at her as he extended his hand trying to reach out to her, but his legs wouldn't move. Clenching his hand into a fist and retracting it back to himself.

She quickly ran downstairs and buried herself on a huge working desk with a pile of ancient dusty books over it.

While Arggrwill watched her from above the huge stairs.

"Maybe this is for the best," he said to himself in a low tone and disappeared.

Nevata was crying her heart out. "He is not my dad, so why are tears falling off my right eye? Why do I feel hurt?" she asked and then raised her head and saw an old crystal picture of unique-looking creatures—a father in a unique type of dressing that exuded authority sitting on a chair, and his little daughter sitting on his lap while smiling.

As she looked at the picture, her right eye started to tear up, followed by her breathing pacing and snot falling off her nose.

"Dad! Why are you so mean?" she grunted while crying like a 10-year-old child and continued, "W...wh...why are... you... s...s...so.o mea..n," she said as she drifted into a deep sleep.

End of chapter 22

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