
Chapter 9: Blue Flame!

In the illuminated cave, the gentle sounds of water dripping into the pond created a calming ambiance. Oric found himself trapped in a nightmarish chase, pursued relentlessly by a fiendish monster. As the creature's claws tore into him, Oric's consciousness faded, resembling a wilting flower. Suddenly, he awoke with a start, gasping for breath. "Ahh! It was just a dream... but where am I?" Oric whispered, slowly regaining his senses in the softly lit cave.

As Oric's eyes adjusted, he surveyed his surroundings with a newfound clarity. "How did I end up back here in the cave?" he wondered aloud, his voice trembling, while massaging his throbbing temples.

Sitting down on the ground, Oric pondered over the events that had transpired. "I vividly recall dying at the hands of that monster, but beyond that, my memory is blank. I want to believe it was merely a nightmare, but the bloodstains on my hair and body betray that thought. I must exercise caution in this strange forest and gather as much information as I can to survive and make this place my home," Oric contemplated.

A sudden pang of hunger rumbled through his stomach, interrupting his thoughts. "Well, I suppose I need to find food first," Oric mused. Rising to his feet, he ventured outside the illuminated cave and discovered ripe fruits hanging from a trees. Carefully selecting one with vibrant colors and abundant energy, he reached out to pluck it, only to witness the entire plant awaken. Towering above him, the plant revealed its menacing teeth and bulging eyes, launching vines in Oric's direction. The vines pierced his flesh, causing him to bleed profusely. Acting on instinct, Oric shouted "arghhhhh!" as the trees vines pieced through him, unleashing blue flames and reducing the plant monster to ashes.

Oric collapsed to the ground, wounded and coughing. "I have escaped death once again, but what is this?" he wondered, fixating on the pulsating fruit. Determined, he returned to the cave and drank from the healing pond, grimacing in discomfort. With the pain subsided, Oric's gaze remained fixed on the enigmatic fruit. "This fruit seemed weird, but I will just drink from the pond if something goes wrong," Oric resolved.

Returning to his task, Oric gathered various herbs and fruits, focusing on his immediate surroundings and refraining from venturing beyond the domain of his cave. After hours of foraging, he entered the cave, seated himself next to his spoils near the pond, and embarked on a trial-and-error process.

Oric sampled poisons and other substances, using the healing properties of the pond to neutralize their effects on his body. "Finally, some progress. In this world, energy is abundant and intricate. Its vibrant colors resemble my own. Back in my world, humans were categorized into three types: those who could use elements but not sense or see energy, those who could sense and see energy but not use it, and the so-called 'cripples.' I belonged to the second group, capable of sensing and perceiving energy but unable to harness it. Yet, in this world, that seems possible, a bit challenging for a beginner like me. When that plant nearly killed me, something within me compelled me to summon the blue flames," Oric mused.

Oric's gaze settled on the mystical pond, contemplating its peculiar properties. "Ever since I began drinking from this life saving pond, I've managed to survive wounds that should have instantly claimed my life," he marveled. The energy radiating from the pond enveloped the surroundings, vibrant and serene, displaying a mesmerizing array of colors. Oric sensed an innate power pulsating within its depths, as if it possessed the ability to generate its own life-sustaining energy.

His attention then shifted to the heart fruit, its enticing appearance beckoning to him. Oric recognized the fruit's unique essence, emanating a potent and captivating energy. Its life force circulated ceaselessly, infusing the fruit with an irresistible sweetness. Observing the diverse creatures in this extraordinary world, Oric discerned a clear link between their strength and the abundance of energy they possessed. This energy, varying in intensity across animals, fruits, and plants, seemed to govern their vitality and capabilities.

Feeling a glimmer of understanding dawning upon him, Oric acknowledged the necessity of familiarizing himself with the intricacies of this world. "Now that I have glimpsed the rules and regulations governing this world, it is unavoidable to acquaint myself further with this realm," he resolved. Yet, before delving deeper into his exploration, Oric's curiosity of the fuit kept taking his attention. "But first, let me eat this heart fruit," he decided, preparing to partake in its mysterious and delectable energy.

With his teeth, Oric tore into the fruit, feeling an immense surge of energy coursing through him until he consumed it completely. Suddenly, vines sprouted from his body, prompting Oric to hurriedly drink from the pond, reverting to his normal state. "Now I understand. This only happens when I consume the heart of the monsters," he realized.

Eager to test the blue flame once more, Oric chanted, "Blue flame," but nothing happened. He experimented with his breathing, attempting to materialize the flame, yet his efforts proved futile. "It seems the flame only manifests when I am in imminent danger. I wish to test it further, but such recklessness might lead to my death. I am weak, and even the flame recognizes that. Therefore, I must train my body and skills to survive in this death zone," Oric resolved, brandishing a sharpened vine from the slain plant.

"Instead of hiding in this cave, I must face whatever stands in my path. Otherwise, I will merely await my own death just like grandpa said," Oric concluded while walking out of the cave.

End of chapter 9

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