
Chp 1: Man's world

Start of the Chapter enjoy♥️

1 year later

Patience P.O.V

"Mr. Burnet I've been receiving a lot of complaints about you not showing up to work on time for the last few months why is that" i asked softly my voice echoing off the walls of my golden brown office.

It was a Thursday morning which was a busy day for me cause of new clients coming in. But my work had to be put to a halt to address an ongoing problem something i didn't like to do for nobody.

So here we were in my office me sitting in my tall chair behind my dark brown desk. While a younger man that looked to be in his early 20s sat in front of my desk. He had a clean grey suit on with a black tie accompanying it. His brown hair was slicked back and his beard and mustache was perfectly trimmed. He was handsome looking overall and to bring it all together is the play boy smirk on his face showing off his pearly white teeth.

'I don't remember hiring him on so imma just assume that my secretary did... I need to have a talk to her about the people she hires' i thought to my self as i sighed

I crossed my leg across the other and leaned back in my chair examining the file that belonged to the young man infront of me. His background seemed to be really clean except one complaint filed on him by one of the big business i work with. I made a mental note to check up on the reason why later.

"I'm waiting Mr. Burnet" i pressed my eyes never leaving the file as i patiently awaited his answer.

His smirk grew wider as he let out a breathy laugh and sat up straight from his slouching position in the chair. "Ok Ms.Miller your gonna laugh about what im finna tell you" he chuckled between every word. I simply crossed my arms across my chest and lifted one eyebrow as acknowledgement for him to continue on.

He eyes lit up like a little kid as he scooted to the end of his chair.

He licked his chapped lips before begining to explain in a humorous tone.

" ok you know how yesterday i was suppose to be working the second floor well i was on my way to work when i realized i had left my office key at home so i turned back around to go get it. And how about when i grabbed my office key i end up leaving my car keys in the house. So there i was in the parking lot with my keys in the house.

"I couldn't break the windows since i had just got them done. So i had no other choice but to jump the gate to open my back door. Hold up here's the funny part". He held up a finger and let out another laugh. Before jumping back into his story.

"So i jumped over the gate but got my shirt caught and i fell on my butt when i fell i landed on something hard in my pocket. I reached in there Ms. Miller your not gonna believe what it was you wanna know what it was" he paused and looked at me his smile bigger than his chubby cheeks withholding it. he stood with that smile in my direction waiting for me to answer.

When he saw my blank stare he went back to talking. "It was my car keys" he pulled his keys out of his pocket and dangled them in front of my face. He burst into laughter his face scrunching up. His laugh was loud and obnoxious resembling a pig.

He threw his head back and held his stomach as he laughed. His chest vibrated with each booming laugh. He wiped at a few tears that ran down his tanned cheeks from laughing so hard.

After a minute his laughter finally died down to snickers until once again it was completely silent. His smirk slowly started to turn into a small smile as he looked back up into my stone cold eyes.

He's eyes roamed over my face looking for any sign of emotion. I said nothing as i stared at him waiting for him to say something else. My eye's were trained on him as he's on mine like we were in a furious staring competition.

Until he finally broke the contact. He lick his lips and casted his eyes towards the ground smiling down at his fingers.

Finally having enough of the silence i spoke up.

"Do i look like a joke to you"

I slanted my eyes and tilted my head a little to the side. At the sound of my voice his head snapped towards me.

He's smirk appeared back on his face as he tried to remain calm as he spoke his next words.

"No ma'am"

"Apparently you think i am"

"I know your not Ms. Miller"

"Then why do you test my patience"

Mr.Burnet lifted his finger like he was about to say something but second guest when he saw the cold look in my eye's. He averted his eyes back toward the ground and fiddled with his fingers again.

"I don't have time for this Mr. Burnnet pack your stuff and leave your dismissed " i sighed loudly uncrossing my legs and sitting up straighter in my chair.

I waved him off as acknowledgement to leave. At my words he shot his head up his face furrowed. " what do you mean" he slowly asked.

I clasped my fingers together into a ball and leaned back in my chair making it squeak under my weight.

"It means your fired, im letting you go, you are no longer qualified here, your decommissioned. DO I need to explain it some more Mr. Burnet" i lifted my arched eyebrow waiting for a response. Mr Burnet just sat in shock not a word could be said.

"Alright Mr. Burnet since we came to a complete understanding you can excuse yourself out my door" i pointed towards the door with one of my light purple acrylic fingers.

Something flashed across his face before he retaliated with a poker face. His built structure stood up towering over my sitting figure. He fixed his collar of his shirt. His muscles flexing with every movement pushing back against his tight sleeve.

He cleared his throat before clapping his hands together. That same smirk from before appeared back on his face. A deep chuckle erupted from his chest as he gave me a look.

I arched one eyebrow in curiosity at his sudden change in attitude.

"Alright i get it Ms. Miller i know what your getting at" his sweet and layed back tone from before changed into a deep and husky tone. He scratched the bridge of his nose while looking down.

"Yep i already know what you want" he sniffled a chuckle. His eyes held mischief in them like a plan was brewing in his mind. A look that didn't feel right for me.

His head snapped up suddenly. He looked me directly in the eye. His blueish green eyes like grass and water combined. A beautiful image to behold, yet his eye's held something else behind that beauty.

"I know your little secret with your constant one night stands with several men and getting rid of them by the next morning. you know if word got out about how much of a whore you really are you could be ruined" he mocked his smirk turning into a full blown smile.

The dominant smile on his face was like he had caught me in one of my biggest secrets that'll cause me to fear his threats.

"I'll tell you what Ms. Miller lets make a deal" he whispered to me leaning over my desk.

" you let me keep my job and I'll give you the best time of your life baby" he whispered seductively looking down at my lips then back into my eyes. I didn't move only sat quiet as he slowly eyed me up and down.

He leaned back and finished with a air kiss and a wink that smirk never leaving his face.

Oop I hope you enjoyed this chap comment and tell me what you think.

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