
Chapter Ten - Farewell, my new plan begins

I saw Emma with Chris. The last day they were with me, the dream I had had yesterday. It was all the same until I stopped at a scene I still wasn't paying much attention to.

- "Welldear, dear" - Emma looked at me - "Today you will have a mini introduction on how to prepare a weapon for battle" - 'Battle, what a battle!'

I looked at them attentively, while Emma told me how to load a weapon, how to pick it up, aim it, and reload it. Chris was preparing another bag with all my things, and I noticed that in it there was a small hole in which he put what seemed to be the flash drive from earlier.

'Father, you stole information from someone.' - I saw him, and he just put his hand on his lips as a sign not to tell anyone. I looked at him a little, - 'By Merlin's beard, I can't speak; I won't be able to tell anyone.'

The words began to echo, and the image of Chris hiding the Flash Drive was repeated over and over. Emma with the Pistol, Chris, and flash drive. The scene went on, it seemed like it would never end.

Ancestral's voice came on, "Maybe you have something they are interested in".

One last time I looked towards my deceased parents, I saw the flash drive. It was all about the flash drive, that was what was going to get me closer to the agents, and that was my new target.

I woke up with a horrible headache, with the sun's rays directly in my eyes, and with the screams of two people—screams of concern. But it didn't matter, I knew what the next step was. It didn't matter that I had a bump on my head until I was 20, although I hoped it wouldn't last that long. Why did I wake up with the sun's rays in my eyes, if I fell face-first to the ground? I guess they rolled me over to find out my condition.

- "God, I'm glad you woke up" - I was opening my eyes very slowly - "How are you feeling?"

- "I would be better without so much noise," - I blurted out.

- "That's okay, that's a typical response from her" - Luke reminded me of my brother.

- "What were you thinking? How did you fall?" - Alice looked very worried.

- "I fell flat on my face" - 'Ha, Bruce' - "Kids fall, you know? It's common, I'm not saying I am. I'm not. My circumstances were different."

- "And what were they?" - Luke asked, looking like he was going to start laughing at any moment.

- "I tripped over a big-headed ant" - 'Interesting answer, isn't it?' - "Yes, aha." - Alice lifted me - "But how is it possible that a big-headed ant crossed Queen Eli's great path?"

-" She doesn't know my greatness" - They were teasing me, it was clear. But I was going to play along - "Let's go."

- "Of course, my queen," - Said Luke.

They both made a strange bow and began to walk beside me. The servants go behind the King, don't they? I was going to tell them, but I kept it to myself.

We walked until we arrived at the facility, and the two of them talked about how 'great and wonderful' my new life as a college student would be. I just listened to them, I couldn't do much. 'You shouldn't interrupt your elders.'

'Tomorrow would be the last day I would go to school. Would the orphanage let me go to college? Was it expensive?'

I hadn't thought about that issue at all. It's not like Alice and Luke were going to tell my parents that I was 'super gifted' and should go to college because what they teach you in school is so boring. I had no parents, I had no 'legal representative' for me. I had nothing but Benjamin. I couldn't ask some sorcerer to help me, my teachers knew about my situation.

- "How am I going to pay for this?" - I just said - "I don't have any money, I don't think they'll let me go that far."

- "That's all taken care of, honey," - Luke said - "Besides, remember, you won a scholarship."

- "Ah" - 'Yes, I forgot about that, should I have stayed to listen to the conversation? No, it was boring' - "I understand."

- "All the paperwork is done, you will start after the vacation" - Alice did do her paperwork last night.

- "We will miss you." - They both said.

- "And I will miss you" - They were teary-eyed - "Invite me to the wedding." - 'I said it, I had to say it. It was inevitable, like Thanos.'

- "What do you mean?" - I saw a blush on both of their faces.

- "I can tell, I'm not a child..." - I thought about it - "I'm not stupid, I can tell what's between you two."

- "What is it?" - Alice asked, 'sexual tension', which was a bad answer.

- "You know what I mean" - I just said that.

- "We'll invite you to the wedding, don't worry." - Luke winked at me - "You'll get to carry the rings."

- "What wedding?" - Alice said.

- "Ours, of course."

The next thing that happened was Luke bending down and asking my professor to marry him. How long was the 'engaged' time? I had a set date, a year? 6 months? A week?

I guess it was a bit of a "longer" process, I had never had a partner or anything like that. I had never been in that situation. But I remembered my sister and all the months she spent. The dress, the guests, and the food. Everything.

- "What if I'm the flower girl instead?" - I imagined myself wearing the rings and dropping them. - "It looks a little 'easier'."

- "Why would someone with your intelligence" - They looked at me - "would want something easier?"

- "Touché" - I spoke to them - "What a great question, you leave me with no options... but if I fall asleep at the ceremony, don't tell me anything" - I separated from them - "I'm going to get my things."

- "Goodbye, princess," - They answered me.

- "Farewell, my vassals" - I walked to my usual place - "It was a pleasure to witness your show of love, but I am a Queen, not a Princess."

I didn't do much more for the rest of my day, I was getting bored, and I was only thinking about what I was going to do next. I would say goodbye to the sorcerers and start my plan to get to SHIELD. How would I do it? Thanks to the flash drive, of course. There was only one problem, I didn't know if it was still in my bag. The bag had been with me for 6 years, a flash drive could have fallen out at any minute. What if it broke when I fell in front of the twins? What if someone stole it, while I was months old? I didn't know. What if someone washed my bag and the water ruined the data? Had they ever washed the bag? Six years passed.

But the bag was only used every time I moved 'home'. Maybe it had never been washed in these 6 years. Besides, since I arrived at this orphanage, my bag didn't matter much, it was only there under my clothes, hiding my album with pictures of my family. If the bag had accompanied me until now, it had to be for something, right? It was destiny. Surely, the flash drive is safe in the bag. I shouldn't worry about it, should I?

I left school early, they were doing their last exams, so we left quite early, about 3 hours earlier than usual.

I walked at a slow pace and hid my backpack in the usual place.

I took Benjamin, and we went to the room where the girls my age were. I went to where 'my things' were stored and took out my bag, I had the album in it. I took it in my hands and caressed it, leaving it on my bed. I started to check every space in the bag, but I couldn't find anything. I panicked until my hands touched something hard between the outside fabric and the lining of the bag, I took it out, and without looking at it, I put it in my pocket. I will detail it later.

I went to get the ration I had to sell today, took the cart, and left. I took my backpack from among the cartons and put my album inside. Because after I took it out, I didn't want to part with it or what was left of my family. I sighed and walked to the shrine. It would be a hard goodbye. I could have arrived quickly, through a portal, but I wanted time to process everything.

I had no other way to go, I had been at the door for a minute. She didn't want to go in, and she didn't want to say goodbye again. And if she never saw them again until after 2015, they would die, and she wouldn't be able to do anything, not even say a last goodbye. But, that was the right thing to do, wasn't it? She couldn't warn Daniel, the librarian, or Ancestral. She couldn't do anything, not if she didn't want 'Doctor Strange' to go on his path.

He could not miss the battle against the Titan, it would be suicide for everyone. He had to be present. Yes or yes.

Finally, she decided to enter, she just pushed the door. She didn't knock, didn't ask permission to step inside. She had just entered. Her eyes collided with Daniel's when she had already managed to leave the car with everything in its place. With her stuffed animal in hand, she ran to Drumm and hugged him by the legs. It was a funny thing to see, but she didn't care. It was goodbye, she wasn't going to let go so easily.

- "You will leave my guardian of New York without legs, Elizabeth" - Ancestral spoke and I let go of the sorcerer - "Come on, you have to say goodbye to everyone."

- "Okay" - I followed her.

Who was I going to say goodbye to? I had only talked to Drumm, Wong, Hamir, and the Librarian. What was the Librarian's name? Big question. I didn't talk to the others. Easy, I didn't know what to tell them. I didn't remember who the Fanatics would be, and I didn't talk to Kaecilius, for fear of ruining everything. I had only spoken to the two women, Ancestral and Minoru, and the four men.

- "Well, here we are."

- "Who am I going to say goodbye to, I don't know many" - It was true, when she had trained, she felt like... the mascot of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, like the mascots of the schools that dance between the games. That was her, the mascot.

- "From everyone, they will miss you" - She opened the door, and there was everyone, I have stage fright, I wasn't expecting so many people. Some were sitting far away, but they were here all the same.

She ran to hug Hamir, she would miss him. The librarian looked at her with tenderness, over time, he had become accustomed to her 'borrowing a book,' or rather stealing it from him. Next to him came Wong, he bent down and I hugged him, couldn't I tell him to adopt me? No, none of them could.

She said goodbye to everyone and noticed they were eating cookies, yes they were her cookies. She had cookie thieves, and she was sad to say goodbye and leave them all. She couldn't believe it.

She saw Ancestral and she winked at her, took a cookie, and ate it. Did I just get ripped off? It looked like it. She just shook her shoulders and chatted with those she knew best. Sol Rama was the Shrine Master of London, and like most of the Masters she talked to, Kaecilius and the Fanatics would kill him. Tremendous grief washed over her when the guardian of London had to leave and she could not properly say goodbye to her.

After an hour, she decided that she had to leave, if she stayed any longer, she would not want to leave them.

- "Goodbye, Master Minoru" - I hugged her. Who was Minoru? The Master of the Hong Kong Shrine, a woman with a beautiful smile, and nice... to Eli's pity, too reserved. Like all the little group of 'Masters of the Mystic Arts', she knew almost all of them. But she never saw Mordo, she didn't know when he entered, when he became Ancestral's disciple, or when he became part of the Masters.

- "Ancestral" - I called her to bend down and whispered in her ear - "Give Stephen a hard time" - 'No mercy!'

- "Sure" - She started laughing - "Bye" - I hugged her.

- "Here" - Ancestral left something in her hands, they were Honda's rings - "It's better that I give them to you than that you try to steal them, don't you think?"

- "You take the fun out of life, Sorceress Supreme," - I said - "How do you do it?"

- "It's a gift" - She winked at me. 'The devil knows better than the devil' and Ancestral is old.

- "Goodbye everyone" - She gave a hug to the 4 men in front of her. When it was her turn to say goodbye to Wong, she passed him the MP3 she had prepared a few days ago - "It's a farewell gift" - She whispered - "I don't have one for the others, so hide it."

He started to laugh, and I separated from everyone.

'I wish I had a camera, so I wouldn't forget them.'

But she didn't have one, the last time she had a camera in her hands was when she took pictures of Lucy. She looked at them slowly and took Benjamin. She wasn't going to run out of memories. She took out her cell phone from her stuffed animal's backpack.

- "May I?" - I asked Ancestral.

- "Sure" - She smiled at her.

She took a picture of them all and then stood next to each one and took selfies with them. When did the touches come out? 2006. What year was it? 2005. She should have cared that they looked at her funny because of the 'device' she photographed them with. Perhaps, the first touches were much smaller than the one she held in her hand, in fact, they were quite different. But as the years went by, they would know the same cell phones, it was only a few years away.

- "Thank you" - She smiled at everyone - "I will remember all of you." - I grabbed my stuff and was about to leave, but my cookie cart was empty, there wasn't a single box! - "What the fuck?!!!!!"

- "You don't have a very good vocabulary for someone your age" - Wong was making fun of me, really?

- "You should go now." - 'What?'

Suddenly I was outside, with all my stuff on top of the car and a very seated Benjamin on top of the backpack with a piece of paper that said, 'Goodbye, take care'. In the car was an envelope with money, she counted it. It was the money from all the boxes of cookies.

Maybe they just said goodbye to her because they would miss the cookie cart. She didn't spend much time with them, but humans get used to some things quickly. Especially if a few boxes of cookies arrive on Monday through Friday. Food delivery. Who wouldn't get used to it?

She took one last look at the door and left, how long before they faced the sorcerer in London? The Thief of the Dark Scepter. She didn't know how much longer, or maybe it had already happened, or maybe, just maybe it was going to start today and that's why Sol Rama left quickly, she hoped it wasn't that, because it was going to be quite complicated. She walked a bit until she stopped in the middle of the street.

- "Shit!!!, I didn't say goodbye to the Levitation Cloak" - I looked at his rabbit angrily - "I told you to remind me, Benjamin, I trusted you... You always let me down" - You may wonder: Why does Eli usually talk to her stuffed animal? Why does she always say those words to him? 'I trusted you'... Answer, easy... Some time ago, I wanted to remember a scene from the movie, but I couldn't remember the script of it well. That's why she repeated the 'I trusted you' to her best friend, her stuffed animal.

She sighed, went home, and got into bed. There was no one in her room, they were probably still selling. She took out the flash drive and detailed it, it was normal, like any other flash drive. There was nothing different about it, the only important thing was the information inside.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).