
Chapter 63

#Chapter 63


Haley and Phoenix-01


This takes place when Haley and Phoenix are both 21 years old, so they're both Juniors in college.


Haley's POV

I continuously tap the bottom of my ballpoint pen against the circular wooden table that I am sat at.

The aroma of hazelnut coffee wafting though the coffee shop as my heavy eyes stare dead at my computer screen.

My cursor blinks repetitively on my screen, patiently waiting for my next move.

I groan and slam my pen down on the table before bringing my hands up to cover my face.

I have a headache.

I have been at this coffee shop, library hybrid area all morning!

At first I was finishing up one of my papers for a class, but after I finished that I decided to finish my book.

About a year ago I made the decision to move onto campus not only because it would save a lot of gas, but also a bunch of time.

Next chapter