


The only thing that can blind the strongest of men is love.- By Author


Lisa stared at the hand which gripped her ankle in horror, unable to comprehend where it came from.

The worst part was that it had no flesh!

"Hey, umm..Mr reaper, this hand might not belong to you right?." Lisa cautiously looked to her side but the only thing she saw was the emptiness that greeted her.

There was no sight of the reaper or grey.

"Mr reaper! Grey!." She called out but got no response.

The hand that grabbed her ankle, yanked it towards the sand and that alone was able to remind her of the situation she was stuck in.

She tried removing her leg but it seemed like the hand was hellbent in dragging her down and she had no plans of meeting whatever belonged to it.

A whisper brushed passed her ears and her face instantly drained of blood. There was only one person with her and it was the hand.

There was no way a hand could speak right?.

Thinking of it as a silly imagination, she ignored it and tried to free herself but felt the wind swoosh past her ear and this time she heard multiple whispers, just like the one she heard when she was trying to fix the reaper's arm.

Listening carefully, Lisa realised that the whispers were actually saying something. If she was right, it sounded like a spell?.

Not completely sure, she wondered if the spell might help her out of her current predicament.

Trying her luck, she waited for the whispers again and repeated after it.

Finally, the hand left her ankle, vanishing into the sand and she stumbled forward in surprise. She didn't know what this whispers belonged to, but she was starting to like it.

Her happiness was short-lived as two pairs of hands grabbed her from behind and threw her harshly to the ground.

Her head hit the hard ground as her back ached terribly and she turned herself to lay on it.

'Why!' She groaned in pain and opened her eyes just to meet face to face with more than a dozen live skeletons, all looking down at her. They looked like they just came from the underground which made them even more scary. Lisa held her breath and remained unmoving, still surprised that she hadn't screamed yet.

With all the things that had been happening to her, skeletons weren't that of a big surprise anymore.

Moving, the skeletons coordinately tried to grab her again but she rolled from there. Quickly avoiding their decayed hands and picking herself up. She heard a whisper in the wind and without hesitation, she repeated after it.

This time, a long sword appeared in her hand which was coated in black and glowed around it's edges.

What intrigued her was that the sword didn't feel strange or heavy, rather it felt familiar. It felt like this wasn't the first time she was holding it.

She took a deep breath and took a stance, bringing the sword in front of her and pointing it to the skeletons. If there was something she learnt from movies, it was that you should never attack first.

The skeletons who saw this, attacked ferociously and Lisa briefed herself for the worst thing yet.

She didn't know how to use the sword but she kept on slashing at any skeleton she saw and it brought them down at first but there was so much one inexperienced witch could do to a hoard of skeletons.

Rolling on the ground, she managed to dodge one's nails but it still succeed in getting a scratch which went in a straight line across her cheeks and blood trickled down.

She wiped it off and slashed at that particular skeleton but her mistake was putting her soul focus on one particular skeleton.

Behind her, a skeleton dipped it's hand through her back and she immediately scrunched her face in pain.

It tried to push it's hand further but she pulled away and tried to slash at it but due to the pain her hand missed and the sword fell on the ground.


Looking at the number, she knew she couldn't stand a chance and she did the best thing possible.

She took on her heals and ran to the opposite direction which they were not occupying.

Holding her stomach, she tried to stop the excess blood flowing out but it kept seeping through her fingers.

It seemed like the hand had gone all the way through her back into her stomach.

She quickly turned around to see if they were following her and saw them just behind her. Lisa turned back to continue running but hit her feet on a large stone and rolled down a steep hill.

She hit her back against a large tree on the path and she spat out blood painfully. The Thorns on the tree stuck to her back and she covered her mouth to avoid any sound from coming out.

Fortunately, bushes covered her and the skeletons went a different way while she lay with her back stuck to the tree.

When she was sure that they had left, she tried to move but that ended up pushing the thorns deeper and she whimpered in pain.

Tears slid down her cheeks as she forcefully tore herself from the tree, soaking herself with her own blood that was coming from both her stomach and her back.

Having no other choice, she leaned on the tree for support and gasped for air tiredly.

The pain she felt was making it more difficult to take in air each passing second. Her eyes became hazy and she looked at her clothes only to see it totally soaked in blood.

With this much blood she was loosing, she knew she wasn't going to make it. She was going to die alone in this cold forest.

'Don't bother trying to kill yourself. It won't matter to me whether you are dead or alive.'

She remembered Lucas's words. He had said this exact cold words to her.

A weak smile appeared on her face. She was going to rid him of his burden by dying. He didn't care before and he wouldn't care now.

She hoped he would be finally happy after seeing her gone.

Her breathing became shallow and her eyes dropped heavily.

So this was what they mean when they say before you die, you see your life flash before eyes.

'Good bye Lucas.'

Is Lucas going to find Lisa? Let's find out.

Don't forget to vote and comment my fellow readers. Love y'all!.

*Smiles widely*

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