
Episode 17: Why Are You Getting Mad

Everything returned to its position after she jumped out of the place.

"Did you find something?" Spencer asked.

"The remnants of mana in the soil and air around it were fighting with one another. As if two strong powers had collided with one another."

"Wouldn't that be the last attack before you collapsed?" Spencer continued his questions.

Luna shook her head, "It is the colliding of the explosion you talk about and of another ability. I had collapsed before the explosion."

"Then we have a bit of a lead now. The collision must be the reason that we were put to sleep for a thousand years," Spencer replied.

"But who or what could have allowed such a thing to happen? We all jumped towards you when the core exploded then everything was blank until we woke up two years ago," Aaron was even more bewildered than when they just realized that a long time has passed.


Luna turned to Richard.

Among them, Richard has the biggest family, he is also the oldest and he has a lot of siblings. One was just six months old when they went out to defeat the demon that brought nightmare to the five kingdoms in this land.

Yes, not just their kingdom, Circinus Kingdom but even Antlia Kingdom and the other three, Lyra kingdom, Austrinus kingdom, and Eridanus kingdom. Antlia Kingdom had to focus on the beasts in the Dark Forest that were running amok upon the appearance of the demon. While the other three kingdoms have to focus on the beasts in Vulpecula Dessert.

Circinus Kingdom was the one who faced the demon and the other four were supposed to send support once their side of battle calmed down.

In the end, the five of them, who were just sixteen, were sent to face the demon at first and, in the end, they received no support. They had to fight on their own, risking their lives just to take down the demon or weaken it as much as they could.

Not for the whole world, no, they didn't have that grand dream. Instead, they only wished to protect their families.

Nothing more.

Yet, here they are, still alive but their families are no longer here with them. They don't even know how things have unfolded after they collapsed.

"Well slowly find a way to know what happened," she placed her hand on Richard's shoulder.

Richard had a slight understanding smile.

It is not like she is obligated to look for news about them. He was simply worried about what could have happened to them after they were gone.

"We were not really some nobles with history. It would be difficult to look into them. Your thoughts… I appreciate it a lot," Richard then said.

He rarely speaks but he knows when he should.

Their families were simply granted some titles because of their strengths that surpassed their peers and even those who were older than them. They were just gifted enough to be relied on by their kingdom and granting their families titles and wealth that allowed them to live in peace.

Luna smiled.

She looked around, the day was once again about to end. The sun is setting in the distant west.

"Shall we camp here tonight? It really feels nostalgic somehow," she looked at them.

Everyone shrugged, since they have no real goal at the moment. Taking it easy isn't a bad thing.

Spencer and Luna went out to the forest to do some hunting while Aaron was left to look for a river where he can catch some fish.

Preshea and Richard were left to build a place to sleep and to start some fire for cooking.

Wild boar and deer meat was brought back together with different types of fish.

"Let's have a feast, as a commemoration to truly being complete," Luna cheered.

Despite being asleep, she does eat and drink but she did not enjoy it at all as it was done subconsciously. This is the very first time she would be eating this much.

"I am completely famished right now," she smelled the meat being cooked and smoked by Richard.

"Since you threw up everything you have eaten after waking up from being ill, I guess it is no longer a shock that you are famished," Aaron laughed.

"I hated it so much, being there. If not for the fact that I needed to speak with that stupid descendant then I would never step on that place," she grumbled.

"Okay, okay, we are out of that place now. Why don't we just enjoy the freedom we have now?" Preshea tried to lighten the mood.

Speaking of the royal family dampens their good mood of finally being free from the things they were shackled with back in their time.

"Then, then, tell me," Luna started expectantly.

"What was I doing while being with you? I mean while I continued sleeping but kept going with you?"

The four of them looked at one another because the moment she asked, only one thing popped up in their minds.

"Well, I guess we realized that we truly are being cared for by you," Spencer answered.

She furrowed her brows, "I always have you guys in my mind though."

"Yes, but we realized that you could kill without hesitation as long as we didn't like anything."

Luna tilted her head to the side, well killing is something she is not proud of but as long as they are in danger, she wouldn't back down from a fight or even from washing her hands with blood.

Aaron and the rest looked at Preshea, she raised her brow but soon sighed.

"You see. We realized when there was that one time we were arguing about not wanting to kill a mud beast from the Dark Forest. It was slimy and really..."

Luna didn't need to ask her what she was saying because her face says everything.

"So, we started arguing back and forth. That is until we all said that same one line. 'I don't like...'. As long as a sentence includes that line and we have that same reaction, you would just rush forward and do the killing or slaughtering on your own," Preshea finished.

Luna slowly turned her head agape towards the guys.

"You made me kill a beast that is disgusting to kill, something you didn't want your swords to touch. And that makes you realize how much I care for you? You guys-!!!"

She was ready to attack them when they all raised their hands up.

"No!!! That was where we started realizing it. Please don't kill us!!!" the three of them said at the same time.

"Preshea!!!" Aaron complained, she deliberately stopped at that in her explanation making Luna misunderstood what they meant.

Preshea's lips raised on one side.

Luna watched her while waiting for what the guys wished for her to say.

"That is indeed the start of it. There are other moments that we used the words and realized that you're reacting due to those words."

Luna squinted her eyes to the three guys, "Don't tell me you used that in order to make me kill those beasts you don't want to kill!!""

"Of course not!!!" they reacted instantly.

Though she knew they wouldn't, at this point she was simply playing around with them.

"The last was when you almost killed someone," Preshea finally got to the main point.

Luna was agape, "Why?"

"Well, we may have not spoken it openly but we all have that same desire of not liking it. When it was voiced out by one of us, you just rushed to attack."

"Based on the way you look, you didn't mean it that way. So, did I harm them?" she was worried.

Aaron shook his head, "I was able to stop you but I broke my arm in the process."

Luna understood why.

Because she was unconscious she couldn't control her strength, her fighting must have been chaotic.

"I'm sorry."

Aaron waved his hand, "Come on, we all know you are unconscious and you were doing it because of us. Plus, no harm was done. But we did realize just how much we weigh inside you."

Luna's face turned red, she was so close to him that to hide her embarrassment she slapped him in the shoulder.

"Shut up."

"OUCH!!! Why are you getting mad?" Aaron complained.

"I am not!!"

"If not, then why is my shoulder almost broken?!?"

"Should I break it for you then?!? To make your words reality."

The two argued back and forth and the other three could just shake their heads.

After enjoying the feast and laughing at the silly events that happened in the past two years, they are all lying down watching the night sky.

"What will we do now?" Aaron couldn't help but ask.

"Live," Luna responded.

They turned to her, Preshea on her right, Spencer on her left. Aaron beside Preshea and Richard beside Spencer.

"We will live and enjoy our lives as much as we can. Of course, we will have to work so that means there are still rules we are to follow. So, I can't really say that we are to live completely free. But let's live as freely as we can."

She extended her hand towards the starry sky, as if trying to reach out to the stars.

"We are given a chance to live differently. Let's grab hold of it while understanding what exactly has happened to us."

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