A man's mecha is their wife.
It was a famous saying that who knows how many people had said. Just like how these men loved their cars so much, those who had mecha also cared for their mecha so much. The attention could even made every women in the world jealous.
Because these men would never be able to give the same treatment to others.
And the most important thing is that they would never let outsiders to get close to their mecha in the slightest bit aside from the mechanics. After all, even if they were great at controlling mecha, not everyone was an expert at repairing.
They had to hand the mecha over to those who were also experts in repairing mecha and made sure their 'beloved' could operate well.
But aside from them, they would never let others get too close.
Not even their friends.
The one who could get the closest would only be their other half, their wife or husband if the mecha belonged to a woman.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: