
The First Golem

When Alec returned home, he settled himself into a meditative position, his eagerness palpable as he prepared to test the mana circulation technique he had just learned.

The Grand Elder had emphasized the importance of accumulating mana quickly, as it would expedite their promotion to becoming tier 1 mages.

[ Spiral force – basic mana circulation activated lv1 ]

[ Mini hole – basic mana circulation activated lv1 ]

As Alec began utilizing the mana circulation techniques, he noticed two distinct colors swirling towards him.

Curiosity was getting the best of him, and he couldn't resist reaching out and extending his hand towards the colors. The moment his hand made contact with the vibrant hues, a refreshing sensation washed over him.

[ Mana increased by 1 ]

[Exp increased by 1 ]

A smile blossomed on Alex's face as he realized he was on the right path. However, the realization that he still had to accumulate 99 more experiences before reaching level 1 reminded him that he had only just begun his journey.

He assumed that once he reached the next level, he would become a lower-tier Mage; the colors of the lights moving toward him were classified in his mind as the elemental energies he had an affinity for, as they were both red and brown, representing fire and earth.

Remaining in the meditative position, Alec continued cultivating the Mana circulation technique, eagerly hoping to break through to the next level and see what would happen.

If the younger generation of the Gordon family were to hear that Alec was attempting to achieve a breakthrough in just one night, they would undoubtedly be surprised; becoming a (Iow) Tier 1 mage in one day after coming in contact with mana was no easy feat.

However, Alec was unfazed by all of this. He gradually noticed that the amount of mana he accumulated per minute steadily increased, even if he wasn't fully aware of it.

The power of the two basic mana techniques working together was beginning to showcase its true strength.

[ Ding gain 100 exp ]

[ Leveled up to level 2 ]

Alec eagerly opened his status tab, eager to compare his new stats to what they were before.

[ Status Tab]

Name: Alec Gordons

"Race: Human

"Level: 1

"Tier: 1 [Low]

■ Exp till next level: 0.00%/200

[ Attributes ]

Strength: 7+

Agility: 6+

Endurance: 5+

Mana: 100+

Affinity: Earth (high)+, Fire(high)+

Available points: 7 ( bonus )

System points: 0

Aside from his abnormal Mana stats due to cultivating with two techniques, he noticed that his attributes had been significantly increased.

His stats had increased by 5 attribute points, and he was also given a 2-point bonus to allocate himself; after careful consideration, he decided to invest 2 points in strength, 2 points in agility, and the remaining 3 points into Endurance.

He wasn't particularly interested in using the points to boost his Mana stats; he could achieve that by successfully cultivating the Mana circulation techniques he had received from his clan. After allocating the points, his new status looked like this.

[ Status Tab]

Name: Alec Gordons

Race: Human

Level: 1

Tier: 1 [low ]

■ Exp till next level: 0.00%/200

[ Attributes ]

Strength: 9 (+2)

Agility: 8 (+2)

Endurance: 8 (+3)

Mana: 100+

Affinity: Earth (high)+, Fire(high)+

Available points : 0 ( bonus )

System points: 0

He could feel an incredible surge of strength pulsing through his body, a sensation he had never experienced before.

The sheer power coursing through his veins left him feeling invincible as if he could effortlessly shatter a stone with his bare hands.

Deep down, he couldn't help but wonder what he could have accomplished if he had possessed such strength in his previous world.

Perhaps he could have become a superhero, even if his abilities didn't quite reach the level of Superman; with his newfound power, dealing with robbers would be a piece of cake.

Knowing that the system had truly enhanced his physical capabilities, he created his first golem.

Having reached the Tier 1 mage realm, he knew he finally had enough mana to sustain the golem's mana consumption, just like his grandfather had advised.

He eagerly turned to the ancient book of techniques passed down through generations in the Gordon family. As he delved into the text, he quickly absorbed the ideas and concepts behind crafting a basic golem.

After around ten minutes of dedicated reading, he knew exactly what he wanted to create; channeling his mana according to the book's instructions, he began shaping his first golem, connecting it with the Earth elements in the air and guiding them downward.

It was like witnessing magic in action as the elements responded; the ground began to react, and several clumps of clay started rising, gradually forming the golem.

At first, it appeared small, almost resembling a puppy, but Alec persisted, gradually infusing more mana to increase its height and strength.

Even when it reached the stature of a regular human, he didn't stop. He realized that it still had the potential to absorb more mana, so he continued to shape the golem, making it more robust and muscular, just as he had envisioned.

Without hesitation, he poured all his remaining mana into perfecting his creation. As he stepped back to admire his handiwork, he couldn't help but feel proud.

The golem already resembled a miniature giant, its imposing figure reminiscent of Japanese sumo fighters. However, it stood taller than any of them.

He kept sensing something was missing, a gut feeling that nagged at him until it finally clicked in his head.

"Haha, why not give it a weapon or something? It looks so perfect now, but wouldn't have it as a brawler with its big body would be nice? I'm sure it would have a slightly slower speed," he chuckled.

The idea of his magnificent golem wielding a weapon filled him with excitement, So he decided to use his remaining mana to craft a weapon that would seamlessly integrate with the golem's body.

He wanted to create a weapon that would become a permanent part of the golem. He started by crafting a large shield to be placed on the golem's left hand.

It was challenging at first, but he persevered and poured more mana into the creation of the shield. Gradually, it began to take shape and fit naturally onto the golem's left arm, much to Alec's delight.

Encouraged by his progress, he envisioned giving the golem an attacking weapon for its right hand.

He pictured a mace with numerous spikes, and to his surprise, it proved to be a much easier task than crafting the shield; in no time, the mace was complete.

Exhausted from the crafting process, Alec collapsed onto his bed. Looking at the system, he noticed a new notification, adding to his anticipation.

[congrats on learning skill ]

[Golem creation (Legendary)] - There is no limit to how many you can make; only your mana determines your limit.

A puzzled expression crossed his face as he muttered to himself.

"What a weird explanation."

Realizing that he had exhausted all the mana he had just accumulated, which was already abnormal for a regular Tier 1 mage attempting to create a golem, he became even more confident that his golem was special; he decided to consult his system to assess its strength.

Recalling the introduction in the golem technique book he had acquired, he knew that even ordinary golems typically required only ten mana to bring them to life.

[ Earth Golem ]

Level: 1 [ can be upgraded]

Realm: Tier 1 (low)

Rank: rare

Strength: 15

Agility: 6

Endurance: 20

[ A rare golem crafted with clumsiness but turned out to be a masterpiece, one that has the potential to evolve ]

Alec's eyes widened with surprise as he compared the stats of his creation to his own. The numbers indicated that this golem was far more potent than advanced mages.

Despite its drawback of being slow, the golem compensated with its large shield, ready to defend at any moment.

Looking at his first golem, Alec couldn't help but smirk in satisfaction; it stood tall, bulky, and intimidating, with piercing red eyes; it was the perfect partner that Alec had envisioned in his mind.

Standing meditatively, Alec focused on replenishing the mana he had used in creating his masterpiece.

As he observed the golem taking a defensive stance before him, Alec couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and confusion.

He recalled that the golem had been classified as a rare rank, and in the golem techniques passed down by the patriarch of the Gordons family, it was mentioned that higher-ranked golems tended to possess greater intelligence.

Some golems required no orders before protectively defending their Masters.

In his recollection, golem ranks started from common to uncommon before reaching the rare rank.

Realizing that he had just jumped two ranks to produce his first official golem left him shocked.

"I might just be a genius," he said to himself smugly, his confidence growing.


- Author's Note -

Good morning, afternoon, or evening, whenever you receive this message. I wanted to address a common concern that has been following my book, Golem Mage, ever since it was contracted with webnovel.

When I started writing Golem Mage, it was purely for fun. I'm not sure if any of the old readers from the previous platform followed me here, but grammar has never been my strong point. I made a lot of mistakes, and people read without complaining because it was free. I'm sure they read over the first hundred chapters for free back then.

Suddenly, I received a contract through an agency linked with webnovel, and my book was established on their platform. Now, I have to release chapters every day while also going back and correcting my past mistakes.

Editing is not easy, and the fact that I am not contracted directly with webnovel means I can't simply edit my errors and expect them to show instantly. The revisions have to go through the agency I am contracted with. Please bear with me as I work on editing each chapter, no matter how stressful it may be.

I am not the same author I was when I started. I have developed and evolved. My writing style has changed, and my errors have reduced. I promise to give the book the quality it deserves.

This message is only directed to the true fans of my books, not those who criticized it while also secretly reading the same book they claim they can't read. Thank you for your understanding and continuous support.

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