
Chapter 3

Loki runs to Theo's flat and runs up the stairs. He was banging on the door, his heart was beating so hard that he thought it was going to explode.

"Theo, open up" Loki calls out.

There was no answer Loki was starting to worry, so he knocked again, but they were still no answer, he used his magic to unlock the door. "

"Theo, are you in here"

Everything was silent.

"Theo" Loki called out.

Theo was nowhere to be seen. Loki goes back downstairs to hunt for Theo.

"What if Theo never got back?" What if he fell from the train? If something bad happened to him" circled through Loki's head, Loki then saw gem and ran towards him.

"Loki what are you doing here I thought you went home," gem asked.

"Yes, but I have returned for theo But I can't find him anywhere. He's not at his flat have you seen him," Loki asks.

"No, I haven't I assumed he went home with you" gem explained.

"No, I left him behind, but I came back to get him where could he be?"Loki asks.

"The only place I have in mind is Mrs. Sharp's shop." "You know, the office that we used. I'm on patrol, so I can't come. if he's not there, then maybe the museum. " Gem tells him.

"Ok, thanks, I'll check," Loki says.

Loki races off. He comes to the door, and he sees the sign B A sharp antiques he opens the door and sees destroyed machinery all over the floor, Loki enters the building taking care to walk over broken glass or machines.

"Theo are you in here" Loki calls out.

There was no answer and Loki begins to worry, Why is this place trashed? Why is everything broken? Has somebody hurt Theo? Loki thought to himself.

"Theo are you here," said Loki, looking around, he moved the curtain to go to the office,

Finally, he saw Theo lying on the ground surrounded by shattered glass and machines he was unconscious and there was blood around him, his face was pale, And his freckles were more visible than ever before. Loki uses magic to clean up the glass and broken machinery around Theo. And knees beside him and quickly checks theos neck for a pulse and finally finds one and lets out a breath of relief he didn't realize he was holding in.

"Theo, do you hear me?" asked Loki.

There was no answer, Loki notices a wound on the back of theos head and uses magic to heal it.

"Theo, wake up, I came back to you, I'm sorry I left you, it was a mistake I shouldn't have made. " Loki says gently shaking theos shoulder.

Theo started opening his eyes and heard someone calling his name. A hand was placed upon his shoulder, gently shaking him to awaken him. He didn't know for how long he was asleep, Theo rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and groaned. His head was occupied playing drums instead of trying to understand what was going on. Theo barely saw anything, but he was on the verge of making out who the crouching figure next to him was.

"Theo? Theo, are you all right? " Theo ended up concentrating enough to see Loki's face above him, worried.

"I'm… fine, Loki." Theo started pushing himself up into a sitting position, his head Felt heavy.

He groaned again and asked, "What are you doing here, I thought you went home?"

"I did, but I had to come back for you. I couldn't just leave you here.

I made a mistake, and I'm sorry," Loki tells him. "Can you stand," Loki said, offering Theo a hand up.

"Yeah, I think so" Theo answered, Loki helped Theo up.

Theo had to lean against the wall to keep himself from stumbling. Theo winced as his head and leg trembled. Loki noticed and went to pick up his cane.

"I can help the headache with my magic if you wish, I'm not sure about your leg. Maybe I could do something," Loki tells Him.

"You don't have to waste magic on me, it's okay," Theo tells him then winces as he straightens up.

"It's not wasteful, it's my fault for all of this isn't you did this because I left you and I'm sorry I left you, I've come back to take you home with me" Loki tells him.

"You're not lying this time, are you," Theo asked.

"I am not, I promise you that I will show you that I am not lying; I went to your apartment first, but you weren't there, and I was concerned about something bad happening to you, I saw gem on the way over he said that the only place you could be is here or museum luckily I found you when I did you were bleeding," Loki tells him.

"Yes, I banged my head pretty hard, it's not your fault I chose to get drunk and destroy the place" Theo said.

"It was because I left you wasn't it" Loki asks.

"It's no longer important," Theo said with a smile to Loki.

"All right, let's go home," said Loki.

They started walking out of the shop. Theo is very unbalanced, Loki noticed.

"Are you sure you're all right, you're more unbalanced than usual?" Loki asked Theo.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Theo tells Loki. Loki could tell that he wasn't fine, but didn't want to push it.

"OK," Loki says.

"What are you doing there?" Loki heard somebody shouting.

Loki looks back to see who's calling and he sees Paul and Gem.

"What do you want?" Loki calls out.

"I see you're back," cried Paul.

"Yes, your eyes are functioning properly, but I'm not back for long, I'm just visiting," Loki said.

"Good, are you taking the cripple with you as well," Paul says.

"Paul, we shouldn't start this now." Gem tells him.

"You can't tell me you're on their side," said Paul.

"Of course not, it's only that we were busy today, we don't have time to fight them," Gem tells him, hoping to get Paul away and to stop a physical fight.

"Don't talk about him like that and yes, he's coming me, and you will never see us," Loki said to Paul.

"This is the best news I've ever heard", "Gem, as you said we have a job to do. And we can celebrate later too, it's the best day of are life's," Paul says. Paul walked off, gem smiled at Theo and Loki before following Paul.

Loki led Theo to the fairy circle Loki could tell that Theo was in pain, he hoped he could do something about his leg when they returned to Asgard.

"I thought Heimdal could do portals anywhere, why are we here," Theo asked.

"Yes, he can but this one's not noticeable and this is where we had our first proper conversation Except when you put me in a box and took me hostage," said Loki.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that," Theo laughed.

"It's fine, I forgive you," Loki tells him.

All of a sudden, a bright light appears, and takes Loki and Theo to Asgard.

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