
The Fury Of The Blue Dragon

It has been exactly three hours since L.T.O.'s attack on Grava City started, and the sun has finally set. With it being nighttime, the recovery team, comprised of students from class three of the upper class, finally arrived at Grava Academy to retrieve the level three dagger.

Jason, Jess, and Allen stand on top of the nearest building to the area of Grava Acadamy.

"Alright, we finally made it, you all," Jason says with a relieved expression.

"Ok, well, let's hurry up and get in there already!"

"No Jess look at the field in front of the school; there's a bunch of enemies surrounding the area. We just need the dagger, not a big commotion; leave that to the attack teams."

"Yes Jess you should keep calm, or you'll get completely destroyed like you did against Seth in the survival round."

"What did you say?" Jess asks with an angry expression.

When she looks back, she sees a black-skinned 5'9 boy with blonde hair. He's wearing brown shorts with a brown vest.

"Allen, why don't you just shut up?" Jess screams.

"Oh, what? Don't get mad at me that you were so aggressive you ended up getting your ass kicked before the tournament even got started."

"I know you're not talking; last time I checked, you didn't make it far at all in the tournament, so I don't want to hear it!"

"Hey, you two, quiet down and come here!"

When Allen and Jess hear Jason's stern order, both of them walk over to his side.

"Alright, finally, you two stopped arguing. Well, if you look closely, more enemies have shown up."

Jess and Allen look over to the entrance of Grava Academy and see three black trucks. Out of the black trucks, multiple mercenaries run out.

"Woah, that's a lot of enemies," Jess remarks.

While Jason is examining the area, his eyes open wide after seeing a certain person.

"Wait a minute, who is that, and why does it feel like I've seen him before?"

"It's because you have," Allen remarks.

Allen pulls out his phone and shows Jason a picture of the same man Jason just saw entering Grava Academy. The tan-colored man is 6'8 with a muscular physique, a short beard, long blue hair, and a blue dragon tattoo on his back. He is wearing no shirt, red cargo pants, a silver dragon necklace, and boxing gloves.

"His name is Miguel, a strong mercenary who's famous for his overwhelming natural strength. They say his punches feel like getting hit by the flame of a dragon, which is how he got the nickname "The Blue Dragon Fury."

"Woah!" Jason and Jess exclaim.

"Yes, woah, is correct, and if someone like him is here, then I'm guessing all those other enemies are here for him."

Jason goes back over to the ledge.

"Yeah, and all the enemies have gathered inside Grava Acadamy."

"Do you think they're looking for the dagger?"

"Maybe, but all I know is that if we go in there looking for the dagger, it won't be easy."

Jess and Allen walk up next to Jason.

"I see you guys are ready then."

"Yeah, of course we are all class three members," Allen remarks with a confident expression.

"Yeah, we're the only class three members out here on the battlefield, so we should hold our weight!"

After hearing both of his classmates's responses, Jsson smiles.

"Yeah, y'all, right after my embarrassing loss against Kage, I think it's about time to redeem myself. Jess, you know what to do, right?"

Jason points to one of the windows of Grava Acadamy.

"That's the window to our classroom; let's go through there."

"Yeah, I know!"

Jess bends down, takes a huge bite out of the roof with ease, and starts chewing it.

Jason pulls out a capsule of tankish metal from his belt and grips it tightly. As he grips it, his body starts to turn into a grayish metal.

"Oh, I see you're pulling out the old, reliable tankish metal."

"Yeah, I'm going to need strength and speed for this! Ok, Allen, you go find the dagger, and me and Jess will fight off the enemies inside the school.


Inside class three of the upper class of Grava Acadamy, five mercenaries are currently gathered together, tearing apart the room.

"Why the hell are we looking for some rusty old dagger anyway?" one of the mercenaries remarks as he throws a desk.

"Aye, you're forgetting that we're mercenaries; we don't question what we do; we just do it!"

"Well, I think this is bullshit; we should just take the dagger for ourse—"

The mercenary looks over to the window of the classroom and sees what looks like purple salvia covering it."

"What the hell?"

The purple saliva explodes, knocking out all the guards in the room. With the room turning to flames, Jason, Jess, and Allen go through the hole where the window used to be and land in the room.

Jason looks around and sees more mercenaries running to the front of the room.

"Allen, you know what to do, Jess, and I got it from here!"


Jason rushes forward and tackles two mercenaries into the wall. Then Allen runs past Jason and starts running towards Nixion's office.

Jason looks to his left and sees hundreds of mercenaries running towards him.

"Don't worry, I got you, Jason!"

Jess comes out of the room as well and spits her salvia at multiple enemies to stick them to the wall.

"Yeah, that's right! I'm going to make you idiots pay for recking our classroom."

"Good job, Jess! Now we got to get out of this hallway; it's way too narrow for us to be able to fight well."

Jason and Jess start running the same way Allen did, but then take a quick turn. The mercenaries follow them, but when they enter the room, they quickly realize they've entered the lunchroom.

"This should be plenty of room for all of us to brawl," Jason remarks as he stands on a lunch table.

"Yeah, and there's a lot of ammo in here too!"

Jess takes a lunch table seat and eats it whole. Then Jason and Jess look at each other and nod their heads.

The mercenaries start running into the lunchroom with the intent of killing Jess and Jason.

Jason jumps off of the lunch table, kicks down three men, turns around, and, with one flex technique applied punch, sends five men flying.

"Damn, what a bunch of suckers you all got hired to get your asses kicked!"

Jason slams his fist on the ground and causes every person around him to fall. At the same time, Jess eats a part of a table and spits her salvia around one of the mercenaries.

"I bet you eat pineapples on pizza; don't you lame bitches!"

With her salvia, Jess swings around one of the men to knock out her other enemies.

After ten minutes of nonstop fighting, Jason and Jess stand back-to-back, breathing heavily.

"Hey Jess how are you holding up?"

"I've been better, but I don't know how much longer I'll be able to produce my salvia at top speeds."

"Yeah, my armor is holding up, but with so many enemies constantly pouring in, we're going to have to switch locations again to hold o—."

Suddenly, Jason gets punched in the left cheek so hard that he gets sent flying through eight different walls.


Before Jess can go chase after Jason, she stops after noticing the countless mercenaries surrounding her.

"Well, shit!"

On the other side of the school, Jsson is struggling to get up after getting punched.

"What the hell hit me, and why did it hurt so bad?"

With his vision blurry, Jason sees a mysterious figure standing over him.

"Who's there? Are you an enemy?"

Jason stumbles onto his feet, and when he finally gets himself back together, he quickly realizes who's standing in front of him with their arms crossed.


Jason quickly backs away from Miguel with no hesitation.

"So you're Miguel the Blue Dragon Fury?"

Miguel remains silent to Jason's questions.

"Well, you don't look that tough!"


"My parents always taught me that it was important to hold a conversation with people you meet for the first time, so you're being pretty rude right now!"

Miguel stares Jason directly in the eyes and then turns his focus to Jason's left cheek.

"Wait, why are you lo—"

When Jason looks at his cheek, he sees that his metal cheek is cracked.

"What! Was that from the punch earlier? I didn't even notice! How could I not notice until now?"

Jason turns his attention back to Miguel.

"It was him, wasn't it?"

Jason plants his foot on the ground and swings his right fist at Miguel, but before he even makes any further movement, Miguel swiftly punches him in the stomach, cracking the metal there as well while also lifting his feet off the ground.


Miguel then punches Jason in the chin, sending him flying into the ceiling above. After that, Jason falls from the broken ceiling, where he then gets punched ten more times in the face by Miguel.

Miguel then catches Jason by the collar and throws him down the hallway.


Miguel uses the accelerate technique to catch up with Jason's body and punch him once again. The punch sends him flying to the end of the hallway and causes him to slam into the wall, which almost breaks from the impact.

Jason slumps onto the wall, and when his body turns back to its human form, he has blood spilling from his mouth, many broken bones, and a clear fist imprint on his left cheek.

"Damn, just those punches did this much damage."

Jason tries to stand up, but then stumbles back down to the ground.

"Damn, this is worse than I thought!"

Jason starts using the recover technique to soothe his wounds. While he's doing that, Jason looks straight and sees Miguel walking toward him.

Jason pulls out a capsule and crushes it. Jason's hand lights on fire, and then the rest of his body becomes fire.


Jason throws a large amount of fire from his hand that takes up the entire room. As the fire comes toward him, Miguel stares at it with no emotion on his face.


Miguel takes a punching stance and punches through the flames, which clears the way for him. When the path is clear, Miguel sees Jason revert to his normal form and then run up the stairs next to him.

When Jason gets up the stairs, he swiftly runs to the other side of the hallway.

"Shit, those punches are no joke! Every single one of them felt like I was getting punched by an actual dragon."

Jason pulls out another capsule, crushes it, and turns it into water.

Miguel walks up the same stairs Jason used, and the first thing he sees is Jason in his water form.


"Is that really all you can say?" Jason screams as he rushes towards Miguel.

Jason sprays a large amount of water at Miguel with his hand and then sprays water on the floor with his other hand.

"These hallways are way too narrow for me to be able to fight someone like Miguel in solid form, so I need to stick to liquid or gas forms if I want to win! With the floors slippery, I should also have an advantage."

Jason gets close to Miguel but instantly gets punched.

"Wait, how did I get hit when I'm made out of water?"

Miguel then grabs Jason by the throat and punches him so hard in the face that he gets sent flying back down to the downstairs hallway.


Downstairs Jason is down on the floor, back in his normal form. Jason starts to struggle to get up while using the recover technique.

"Ouch, my body!"

As he gets up, blood spills from his mouth, and his multiple wounds start to ache.

"Damn, after talking shit to him, all he's done is whoop my ass."

As Jason struggles, he once again sees Miguel walking toward him.

"Damn well, who said I needed to win?"

Jason touches the wall behind him, and his body turns a brownish color.

"Yeah, my parents taught me how to never give up, but they also taught me to prioritize the more important things!"

Suddenly, the entire room collapses on itself, thanks to Jason controlling it with his powers.

After collapsing the hallway, Jason ran back to the other side of the school, which took him six minutes since his injuries were slowing him down.

"Damn it, those punches were way too much. I hope Jess and Allen are okay."

When Jason makes it too close to the lunchroom, he sees Jess walking towards him.


Jess currently has huge cuts all over her body, holes in her body, purple salvia dripping out of her mouth, some of her skin torn off, and seems to be limping.

"Oh, hey, Jason I'm glad you're okay," Jess says with a weak voice.

"Oh shit Jess I'm sorry for leaving you to fight all those guys by yourself! Your head is bleeding badly!"

"No, it's ok, it's not your fault let's just go find Allen."

"Hey, I'm right here!" Allen screams from behind the two of them.

"Allen!" Jess and Jason scream.

"Yeah, what's up, guys? But I have bad news. The dagger isn't where it's supposed to be."

"Damn it, you got to be kidding me," Jason says with an exhausted expression.

"Well, what are we going to do, Jason?" Jess asks while she wipes blood out of her eyes.

"Fuck it, we're going to go back to the stadium and let Mr.Brown know. This battle is getting too crazy. Let's go."


Jason and the rest start walking to leave the school, but then they feel and hear a loud rubble coming from the middle of the school.

The entire school then went quite quiet, so quiet that the loudest thing in the atmosphere was the sound of everyone's heavy breathing.

Jason looks closely at the door of the lunchroom behind them, and what he sees between the cracks is a bright white light.


As sweat slides down Jason's terrified face, Jess and Allen look at him.


Jason, Jess, and Allen start running in the opposite direction of the approaching white light.

Starting in the middle of the school, a destructive white light starts to disintegrate everything in sight.

As three members of the recovery team run as fast as they can, reality starts to set in for them.

"Jason, we can't escape it!" Jess yells.

"I don't care how much you have to push yourself; keep running!"

Jess tries to run as fast as she can, but then the white light catches up to her and completely disintegrates her.


"No, Jess! Come on, Allen, keep running; we can escape it!" Jason yells with a shaken expression on his face.

"I'm not as fast as you; I can't escape it!"

"Jump on my back. I'll carry you away from danger!"

Jason puts his hand back to grab Allen, but as Allen goes to reach for his hand, the white light catches up to him and disintegrates him instantly.

"Jason, help me!"

"No, Allen, damn it!" Jason screams with tears in his eyes.

Jason keeps on running without stopping or looking back.

"Shit, what is this light! Why does it have to end this way? this is just like back then" Jason screams with the memory of his parents dying in a car crash playing in his mind.

Jason stops running and turns around with both of his palms facing the incoming white light.

"I watched them die just like I did with my parents!"


Jason starts to glow intentsly with OGI flowing through him.


"Adapt damn it!"

The white light touches Jason's hand but the first thing Jason sees is his hands disintegrating.

"Mom Dad I'm sorry!"

Jason gets completely disintegrated and the white light continues going, destroying the school, the area around it, and beyond.

Chapter 149 end

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