
The Finals are here!

With the semi-finals completed and everyone returning home excited for the finals tomorrow, class one gathers outside the resting area, waiting for updates on Selena's and Paul's conditions.

Kage, who had just awakened from being knocked out by Chika earlier that day, joins class one, standing outside the resting area.

"There's no way I actually missed a battle between Paul and Selena."

Unknown smirks at Kage as he arrives.

"Well, look who decided to finally wake up! Had a nice nap? I'm sure you did after Chika made you look like an untrained child! Haha!"

"Haha, yeah, laugh it up, but at least I went down in the fourth round, unlike you, who lost in the second round!"

"Well, at least I put up a fight!"

As the two boys bicker, David walks out of the resting area with a cigarette in his mouth. He walks up to Mr. Mink, who is standing in front of the kids.

"Ok, so Paul will be fine, and I was able to heal his brain back to normal. He just needs to rest here overnight. He will be able to fight in the finals tomorrow."

The whole group let out a breath of relief after hearing the good news.

"Now for Selena, according to Aurora and my diagnostic scan, she is going to be in a coma until her brain acceleration thing sorts everything out. I estimate that she will be back up and running in 2 to 3 days."

"That's great news to hear. Thank you, Doc, as always."

David removes his cigarette from his mouth and exhales.

"Finally, this unnecessary tournament is going to be done. I swear, I've never been pushed to limit so much in such a short amount of time."

"Well, Doc, it is kind of your job." Kage comments.

With a stoned expression, David says, "You want to die kid?"

Mr.Mink cuts between Kage and David.

"Ok, since that's all, let's all head home and prepare for the finals tomorrow."

After this class, one returned to the hotel and went and got a good night's rest.

It is now the day of the finals. With it being close to noon and the sun beaming at its brightest, the stadium stands have been filled to their peak. Today, the Grava Acadamy tournament has the highest number of viewers. Every student, upper class and lower class alike, has gathered in the stadium, fully ready to see the climatic conclusion of the tournament.

On the east side of the stadium, the same OGi user-loving white-skinned boy who got help with his bets from the hooded man is sitting with an excited expression on his face.

"Finally! Finally! I was so excited last night that I couldn't sleep. I can't believe it's really about to start soon. I think Paul is going to win, but imagine if Chika wins! That would be crazy!"

"I see you still have an infatuation with these OGI users."

The boy looks to his left and sees the same hooded man he met on the first day of the tournament.

"Oh, hey, mister! You came back like you said you would!"

"Of course, I don't lie; I only state facts or future facts."

The mysterious man takes a seat next to the boy.

"I was able to green most of my bets, but I really messed up in the third round. A lot of unexpected stuff just happened, and yesterday Kage lost, so that just made it worse."

"That's my fault. I was the one who told you how good Kage was. I should have told you to be careful since he's not guaranteed to win."

"No, it's ok, mister; you are here now so you can help me win this last bet!"

"Yes, you're right. Before I tell you who to put your money on, can you tell me your name? I didn't catch it last time."

"Oh, my name is Lauge!"

"Hmm, I see Lauge. I'll keep that in mind."

"What's your name mister?"

"Oh, my name? I think Mister will be fine for now, but I just want you to know that I will be the man to shape this world."

"Umm, alright, mister."

On the west side of the stadium, above the stands, Seth, Amelia, and Damion are looking at the field.

"Well, this is it. The final round." Seth says with a smile on his face.

Amelia looks up at Seth with a conflicted expression.

"You should've been down there, Seth. If only you didn't get cheated by that dumbass Kage!"

Seth smiles as Amelia speaks.

"Nah, I've come to terms with the loss, but I bet you next time things will be different!"

Seth holds his head high as the announcements for the finals start.

"He's so perfect!" Amelia says to herself.

"Ok, folks, it's finally that time! Today is the final match of the Grava Acadamy tournament! Today will be a climactic battle between Paul, the level one demon, our top student, and Chika, the number one of class two. Chika has carried her class all the way here, so let's see if she can finish the job and bring Paul down!"

With the crowd's excitement at its maximum, the shuffleboard shows the latest popularity vote results.

"And look at that! Paul is back on top of the popularity vote! Chika might be second, but she definitely has the hearts of many fans out there! Speaking of fans, our pristine principal, Nixion, has something to say!"

Mr.Brown grabs Nixion's mic and starts speaking.

"Hello to all our watchers here and at home. We have finally made it to the final day of this tournament. We have seen many students shine in this tournament, and today the two students who have broken away from the rest are going to fight it out for the top spot. I know a lot of people here today came from across the world to watch this match, and all I can say is thank you and let's watch this last spectacle together."

After Nixion finishes speaking, everyone in the crowd instantly starts screaming at the top of their lungs.

"What a great speech from our principal! Now let's get this party started! From the left corner, we have Paul!"

As Paul gets called up to the field, Chika is preparing in the waiting room on the right of the stadium. Chika is sitting on a chair, with Feltzes and Marfumi standing in front of her.

"Ok, Chika You better be ready to fight your heart out!" Feltzes says.

Chika forms a hurricane so small it can fit in her hand and starts making it go back and forth on her hand.

"Hey Chika, would you stop with that? Save your powers for the upcoming battle!"

Marfumi grabs Feltzes by the shoulder.

"Calm down, Feltzes; let's just start talking before they call her up."

"OK fine! Me and Marfumi have both fought Paul, and I can tell you for sure he's probably not going to use his secret level two power under any circumstances."

"Yeah, I was literally tossing him around, putting holes through him with my light manipulation, but even then, he wouldn't even get close to using level two."

"So that should be the least of your worries, but what you need to watch out for is his superior OGI control. Your OGI control is pretty good, but with the techniques he has at hand and his skill level with them, you need to always be observant, or you'll be quickly caught off guard. That's how he beat me in the first round."

Chika yawns as Feltzes speaks.

"You're so boring, Feltzes!"

"You realize this is the final match, right? If we want to get our hands on that dagger and take it back home, you need to beat Paul in this match."

"Now from the right corner, we have Chika!"

"Oh, that's me! Bye-bye!"

Chika starts running out of the waiting room.


Chika looks back at Feltzes and sticks out her tongue at him.

Feltzes relaxes and smiles. He then stands straight up and salutes.

"Go out there and bring class two to the top!"

Chika giggles and puts up a thumbs up.

"You got it!"

Chika starts walking to the field. As she walks away, Marfumi looks at Feltzes sideways.

"What was that?"

"It's a thing we do in our hometown."

On the battlefield, Chika and Paul are standing next to Mr.Zane in the middle.

In the teacher's stand, the eyes of Mr.Mink and Mrs.Iris lock.

"Well, it's finally time, Mr.Mink. A battle between the greatest student to ever enter Grava Academy and Paul!"

"I think you have that backward because Paul is the greatest student and he will dominate this battle. Just watch."

"Oh yeah, well, remember, if Paul loses this battle, you have to pay me ten thousand dollars."

"Yeah, but too bad for them since he won't lose. Also, I hope you didn't forget your main mission."

"Of course I could never forget that the principal's life depends on me being vigilant."

While Mr.Zane reads the rules one last time, a conversation starts in the student stands.

In the student stands Kage, Unknown, Akira, Selena, Jason, Liz, Dexter, Blaze, Kai, Aurora, and Max are sitting together.

Unknown ask Kage a question.

"So since you fought Chika before, do you think Paul can beat her?"

"I mean, yeah, it's Paul; he should be able to win, but damn it! I should be the one fighting him down there!"

On the battlefield, Mr.Zane starts the countdown.

"Three! Two! One!"

"Wow Paul I remember fighting you back in the entrance exam, but I lost last time, so this time I'll win so Feltzes can rest easy! This is going to be fun! Let's go!"

Chika's body starts to have wind circulate around her at a fast pace.

Paul, who has a serious expression and tone, starts to speak.

"I will win this match, not only for my class. not only for that dagger to find level three. I will win this match to push my drive further than before."


Chapter 134 end

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