
Survival round conclusion

There is now one hour left in the survival round of the Grava Academy tournament. In the auditorium, David is sleeping in the corner after hours without sleep. As he snores, he starts talking to himself.

"Uh, no, I won't drink again sweety. What another job! No fuck off."

Nixon looks at David and says, "It's time to wake up Doc. The survival round is almost over.

David starts to snore even louder than before.

"I know you are awake Doc."

Nixon walks away from David, and at the same time David wakes up.

"Annoying, old man."

Nixon walks over to the teachers, and when he gets over to them, all of them stand up instantly.

"There is one more hour everyone! With that, we must prepare for the student's return. I would like everyone here to clear this place up and make it look brand new. Starting with..."

While Nixion gives out orders, Mr.Mink and Mrs.Iris continue looking at the screen.

"Wow, Mr.Mink I can't believe the survival round is almost over. It feels like it only lasted three days."

"You're so funny, Mrs. Iris."

"Aww, don't be like that! Are you just upset that one of your students went down?"

"One of my students? I don't remember that happening."

"Oh, so you're pretending to not notice anymore."

"Mrs.Iris starts tapping her elbow on Mr.Mink's arm with a face of pettiness."

"Don't tell me you're embarrassed, hehe."

"No, not at all, because, as you can see, he hasn't been teleported back here yet. All of my students are completely on a different level compared to everyone else. All of them have a drive like no other. Those drives keep them pushing past their limits."

As Mr.Mink speaks, he starts to think about every single one of his students.

"And Kage is no different."

On Frost Island, where Kage and Jason had their fight, something is coming out of the snow. A hand pops out of the snow.

"I..can't quit. We all said we were going to get back our dagger!"

With his body battered and bloody, Kage pulls himself out of the snow. His fingertips are left bright red after climbing out of the snow. Kage closes his right eye and sees that his health bar keeps going down without slowing down.

"I was able to use the flex technique combined with me covering my body in an energy barrier to survive this long, but I almost ran out of OGI before I got back to the surface. I can't use OGI now, or I'll definitely get sent back to the auditorium. But my health bar is about to get too low. I have to do something about these injuries before it's too late! The only way I can get out of this situation is if I expand my OGI tank and use the recover technique to heal my physical injuries. But I still haven't gotten a hang of the recover technique!"

Kage punches the snow in frustration.

"I can't lose here!"

As Kage struggles, he starts to remember his training with Mr.Mink. During the month-long gap between the announcement of the Grava Academy tournament and the survival round, Kage visited Mr.Mink's house with Unknown. Unknown took a nap in Mr.Mink's living room while Mr.Mink and Kage trained in the garage.

Mr.Mink's garage is clean, with many training tools scattered on the shelves. Kage is in a focused stance with Mr.Mink watching.

"You aren't using the right OGI flow, Kage!"

Kage falls to the floor in exhaustion.

"Damn it, I can't get this shit right!"

Mr.Mink walks over to Kage and pulls him up.

"Calm down, Kage. Getting frustrated won't help you learn the technique any faster. Remember, the OGI flow is from your tank to your lungs and heart. Keep the flow steady and make sure you're keeping good OGI control."

Kage stands back up with a face of determination.

"I will master this damn technique!"

"And remember, forcing it won't make it better."

After remembering this instance, Kage returns his mind to his current situation.

"I must use that technique if I want to be in the tournament with the others!"

With the words of Mr.Mink playing in his mind and his health bar close to zero, Kage activates level one and instantly starts stirring up his OGI tank so he can expand it. Once he expands it, he starts pushing OGi into his heart and lungs.


Kage's wounds start to heal, and at the same time, his health bar starts to go back up. His OGI tank bar goes up as well.

"I did it. I finally used the recover technique. I'll be able to enter the tournament with the others."

An image of Jason pops into Kage's head.

"And I'm going to beat your ass, Jason!"

Kage passes out on the snow after saving himself from being sent back to the auditorium.

At the same time as this event in an unknown bar, Nisugi is sitting down at the counter on the phone. She takes a sip of her drink and starts talking.

"Things have gotten too hectic, and who knows what might happen now that he's pushing the plans forward? Tell Killer to finish the job a few hours before the plan. We want to avoid them getting on defense too soon."

A woman with a hood over her head sits down next to her.

"This is a fine evening, isn't it?"

The bartender gives the woman a cup of alcohol. She then looks at Nisugi's drink.

"You're drinking orange juice; is that what you're into?"

"Yes, it has so many nutrients in it! and it's delicious!"

The bartender brings Nisugi a large bowl of Alfredo.


Nisugi starts eating the Alfredo at great speed.

"So delicious!"

Nisugi blushes as she chews the food. The woman giggles as she eats.

"As childish as ever, Nisugi."


"You failed to protect the secret of the daggers; you let a dagger slip through your fingers, and you even almost got the existence of L.T.O. leaked, all because of some nosy detective. Hehe"

Nisugi stops chewing her food and looks at the woman with anger.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Oh, what? You don't recognize me. I'm so disappointed in you, daughter."

Nisugi's eyes open wide, and she looks past the woman's hood.


Nisugi pulls out a pistol with a silencer on it and shoots at Exploiter's head. Exploiter dodges it, kicks her out of her seat, and pulls out a gold pistol with a silencer on it.

"I see you still put the silencer on your pistol. I see you learned well."

"What do you want, Exploiter?"

As everyone in the bar runs out of the establishment, Exploiter gets up and points her gun at Nisugi, who is on the floor.

"What? I only want to see my daughter after so long."

"Do you think I'm dumb? You're named Exploiter for a reason."

"Wow, you really are my daughter."

Nisugi picks up her gun and attempts to shoot at Exploiter, but Exploiter quickly shoots the gun out of her hand.

"No, no, no, we can't have that now."

Nisugi jumps up and throws her legs at Exploiter. Exploiter moves out of the way, and Nisugi instantly runs out of the bar.

"Exploiter must be here for a reason; I need to kill her to avoid any future complications."

As Exploiter walks out of the bar, Nisugi shoots at her. Exploiter rolls on the ground to avoid the bullets, and she throws a grenade at Exploiter. Nisugi moves out of the way of the grenade, and she instantly starts glowing.

"Shit, I guess I have to use it!"

"Oh, so you're ready to fight now."

Exploiter feels a vibration in her pocket. She pulls out a phone with a strange device plugged into the charging port. Nisugi sees the phone and puts her hand in her pocket.

"Wait, that's my phone!"

"Yep, the Exploiter special. Exploiting without even having to ask you a question. You could take a few lessons from me."

Exploiter unplugs the device from the phone and throws the phone to the ground.

"Thanks for the information. I'll be seeing you again soon."

"We will never see each other again because you will be going nowhere!"

Nisugi gets ready to rush at Exploiter.


After Exploiter yells his name, Ketsu jumps off a roof near the battle and makes multiple clones. All the clones jump in front of Nisugi, completely blocking her off.

"Damn it!"

Nisugi shoots one of the clones, and when it explodes, it causes all the other clones to explode.

"Damn it!"

When the dust clears, Exploiter and Ketsu are gone. Nisugi grits her teeth and throws her gun to the ground.

"That damn woman! What could she want at a time like this?"

An hour passed after this, and it is almost time for the end of the survival round of the Grava Academy tournament. Everyone left in the survival round of the tournament is either locked in battles or sitting patiently waiting to be teleported back to the auditorium. In the auditorium, the TV transitioned to a countdown from ten. A banner that says congratulations has been hung up over the stage. Under that banner, all the teachers are lined up in front of Nixion.

David walks over to Nixion with a cigarette in his hand.

"It's finally almost over."

"Don't get too excited; you still have to check out every one of these kids and make sure they are okay."

"Tch, I know!"

The timer hit zero, and instantly, every student left in the survival round was teleported back to the auditorium. All the students look around in excitement and confusion. Mr.Brown walks up to the front of the teachers.

"Welcome back, students! Congratulations! You all made it past the survival round, which means you will be in the official Grava Academy tournament. Doc will go around and examine every one of you. When he's finished, we will make some more announcements."

"Uhh, here we go."

David starts to go around and heal all the kids in the room. On the stage, Mrs. Iris, who is next to Mr. Mink, is counting something.

"Wow, five of my students are going to be in the tournament! It's disappointing that we lost Marfumi, but I'm sure the others will do amazing!" 

Mr.Mink smirks and holds his head high.

"I didn't lose a single student, which truly shows the difference between our classes."

"Well, I bet I still win regardless!"

"We will see."

Next to them, Mr.Chad and Mr.Alex are also counting how many of their students made it to the tournament.

"It seems I only lost one student. What about you, Mr.Chad?"

"That's so tiring."

"What do you mean?"

"It's so tiring to look for all of them through all these students, but if you must know, one, two, three, four, and five. I think I lost one student. so tiring."

"Oh, it seems we're in the same situation."

Next to them, Mrs.Doja is messing with Mrs.Nova.

"Come on, Mrs.Nova! How many students are left in your class? I still have all my students!"

"It would be a waste of time telling you."

"Haha, don't worry, I already counted for you! You only have two students left! Haha, your class is ass!"

"I told you it's a waste of time."

At the same time, the lower-class representatives are discussing the results. Mr.Strout smiles after seeing the boy who was watching Paul during his battle with Marfumi. Mrs. Lez, seeing this, becomes worried.

"What are you so happy about, Mr.Strout? We only have three lower-class students left! The upper-class students have completely won this battle."

Mr.Baz also comments on the situation.

"I agree with Mrs. Lez; this isn't a situation to be laughed at. There's no way we can win the main tournament with only three students."

"Calm down, you two. Elias is still here, so there's no way we can lose."

Mr.Strout smiles deviously.

In the crowd of students, Unknown is running around in search of something.

"Where's Kage? There's no way he could have lost, right?"

Unknown looks around quickly in search of Kage.

"Over here, Unknown."

Unknown looks over to where he heard the voice, and he sees Kage who is sitting on the floor with his back to the wall.


"You already know! There's no way I would lose!."

Kage gets up, and he sees Seth walking over to them. Kage's face instantly becomes bummed out.

"Of course, this asshole made it through."

"What's wrong Kage are you afraid of losing to me in the actual tournament? You're lucky we didn't fight in the survival round, or I would have frozen you from the inside out."

"Yeah, sure, we will see in the tournament!"

"Yeah, your rig—"

While they are speaking, Mr.Brown comes back on the stage and starts speaking.

"OK, students, once again, congratulations for making it to the main tournament. From what we have counted, there are thirty-two of you left, which will mean we will be having a 32-bracket tournament. The tournament will be 1v1s. The first day will be sixteen rounds. The tournament will be in a week, giving you all enough time to rest and for the masses to gather. Make sure you all prepare properly."

After hearing this information, Kage smiles. Unknown sees this and asks, "Are you excited for this tournament?"

Images of Seth, Jason, and finally Paul pop into his head.

"We got to win this tournament over; we're never going to get back what we deserve, but I still want to see where I stand in this school after so much time. Aye Unknown we have a lot of training to do."

"Yeah, I know."

Kage punches his fists together.

"Let's win this tournament!"

Chapter 98 end

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