
OGI control?

After Kage declared he was going to become powerful enough to save Tota in three days, a few hours passed, and it was finally morning, which meant it was time to train with Mr.Mink.

Class one is gathered outside the back of the hotel, waiting for Mr.Mink to come downstairs.

"Where the hell is it, Mr.Mink? He said he would make me powerful enough to fight Nubuki in three days!"

"Hey, calm down, Kage; he'll be down here soon."

"Unknown, isn't Mr.Mink supposed to be Mr. I'm never late!"

"He said he'd be down in twelve minutes; it's been only eleven."

"Yeah, as you said earlier, I'm never late."

Kage and Unknown flinch after hearing Mr.Minks's deep voice speak from behind them.

"Ahh, Mr. Mink, where did you come from?"

"Upstairs, of course, now it's time for training."

Mr.Mink walks past Kage and Unknown.

"So now that we are all gathered, we will start our training on this clear land behind the hotel, which will be our training ground."

Unknown looks around and notices that all the citizens are looking at them.

"Uh, Mr. Mink, are you sure we should train out here?"

"Let me guess the people looking at us with scared expressions are your concern. Well, don't worry, they won't do anything since Nubuki isn't doing anything."


"Now line up!"

Kage, Unknown, Akira, and Selena all line up shoulder-to-shoulder in front of Mr.Mink.

"Now can anyone tell me what is the most important thing in a battle between two OGI users?"

Kage instantly raises his hand to answer the question.

"Yes, Kage?"

"The most important thing in a battle between two OGI users is how well they can use their powers and how strong they are!"

"Wrong, and that way of thinking is the reason why you lost to Nubuki!"

Kage instantly gets bummed out from hearing Mr.Mink's words, while at the same time, Unknown giggles at him.

"Hey, it's not funny!"

"Yeah, you're right, getting your ass beat so badly that the teacher uses it as an example isn't funny; it's downright hilarious!"

"Tch, this isn't 2012! That joke isn't funny in the slightest!"

"Oh well"

"Kage Unknown, quiet down. Selena is trying to answer!"

Kage and Unknown instantly quiet down.

"Now, Selena, go ahead."

"The most important thing in an OGI user battle is OGI control."

Kage instantly becomes confused after hearing Selena's statement, but Akira and Unknown seem to know what she is referring to.

"What the hell is OGI control?"

"I'm actually surprised you never heard of OGI control. Did you not go through the entrance exam? Unknown seems to know, though."

"Yeah, Kage, at the Grava Academy entrance exam, the front desk lady asked us about OGI control before we were given our groups."

"Wait, she did?"

Kage starts to think back to the day of the entrance exams. A younger Kage and Unknown are at the front desk in front of the Grava Academy entrance. Kage is currently talking to the woman at the desk.

"So both of you will be trying out for Grava Academy together."

"Yes, mam!"

"OK, then I have a few questions. What level are the two of you at?"

"I'm level two, and Unknown over here is level one."

"Ok, how old are the both of you?"


"OK, last question: do any of you know of OGI control?"

"Hmm, Unknown do you know what that is?"

"Nah, I never heard of it."

"No, we don't know what that is."

"Ok, then Kage, you're in group four, and Unknown, your group five. You may now enter the exam hall."

"Finally, entrance exam time!"

Kage and Unknown enter the exam hall. Kage, remembering this, screams out, "Oh, I remember!"

"Perfect I'm glad you remember, but I'm guessing the two of you still don't know what OGI control is."


"There's no need to be so excited to not know something."

Akira raises her hand to catch Mr.Mink's attention.

"Yes, Akira!"

"Umm, I just wanted to say I know what OGI control is."

"Wow, you do; that's a surprise!"

"Aye, I'm not that dumb!"

"My apologies; it's just that it didn't cross my mind that you knew of it."

"Well, you see, I'm part of the Sato family."

"Oh, the Sato family. Does that mean your father is Chris Sato?"

Kage and Unknown start to scratch their heads in confusion.

"Who the hell is Chris Sato?"

Selena instantly answers Kage's question.

"Chris Sato is the third richest man in the world! He is actually the man who discovered how to create anti-OGI weapons and created a boatload of other weapons."

"Yes, Mr.Seto I remember him. He's an intelligent man, and he's also pretty strong himself."

"Yeah, and since he's my father, he taught me a lot of things, including OGI control."

"That's good, Akira! Since you know, how about you teach the class what OGI control is?"

"Oh alright!"

Akira runs next to Mr.Mink in front of the class.

"OGI control is exactly how it sounds; it's how we'll you control your OGI."

"Is that it?"

"Umm, well, to be honest, I don't remember."

"Of course, I knew there had to be a catch."


Akira goes back to the rest of the class.

"Well, I was going to explain it anyway, so let us start."

Mr.Mink pulls a miniature whiteboard out of his pocket. This piece of technology is called portable inventory. This piece of technology was made by the same man who created the Grava Academy battlegrounds. What it does is turn items into miniature figurines that you can carry around. Once you're ready to use the item, all you have to do is break the figurine and throw it on the ground, which will cause the item to grow back to its normal size. This technology is really useful for avoiding the hassle of carrying around big items. Mr.Mink crushes the tiny board in his hand and throws it on the ground. When the broken pieces hit the ground, a full-size whiteboard appears.

"OK, time to explain OGI control."

Mr.Mink pulls out a marker and starts drawing a man with what seems to be a fire in his stomach.

"OK, class, look at this drawing I made."

"Mr.Mink pulls out a pointer and points to the fire in the drawing's stomach."

"This fire you see is what everyone calls the OGI tank. This OGI tank is very flexible since it's the thing that gives you superhuman abilities, and if pushed far enough, it can give you powers. Now, of course, the power you receive is random, but if you have any family members who die, you become more likely to get a hand-me-down power. If you don't have dead family members with powers, it will be a random power. Now why am I telling you this? I'm telling you this because the more you know how OGI operates, the easier it will be for you all to get good with OGI control."

Selena raises her hand to ask a question.

"Yes, Selena?"

"When you said dead family members, does that refer to all family, including brothers and sisters?"

"Yes, it does include brothers and sisters. As long as you are related, you can get their powers."

"Alright, just checking."

"OK, moving on to OGI control. As Akira said earlier, OGI control is what scientists refer to as how well you can control your OGI, but it goes deeper than that. In a battle between two OGI users, OGI control can decide the winner and the loser. OGI control decides a multitude of things, like how fast and strong you are, how much OGI you have in your tank, how far you can expand your OGI tank, and even the effectiveness of your powers. For example, Selena's mind manipulation is a powerful power to have. She can do things like read minds and go into people's minds. Even I would struggle to combat a troublesome power like that, but people who master OGI control can block powers like that."

Selena raises her hand once again to ask a question.

"Yes, Selena?"

"So are you saying that you don't have OGI control mastered?"

"Unfortunately, yes, I have not mastered OGI control, but a lot of people haven't since people who have mastered OGI control are rare. Last time I checked, the only people on record to have mastered OGI control is the first person who discovered level three and principal Nixion."

The entire class looks in shock after hearing Mr.Minks's words.

"Hey, don't be surprised! Our principal back in his day was on a whole different level."

Mr.Mink writes flex, accelerate, sense, and recover on the board.

"You remember your core level one techniques, right? Now all of these techniques fall under OGI control. These techniques determine the skill gap between OGI users. The better you can use these, the more of an advantage you can have over your opponent. Of course, I'm pretty sure you already figured this out, but what a lot of people don't realize is about OGI input and output. When you take OGI from your OGI tank and push it into a part of your body or when you use OGI to make use of your powers, that's OGI input. Now, when the input is finished and you increase your strength or use your powers, that's the OGI output. Now what I want to get at is the mistake a lot of people make, and that is having a strong input for a strong output. People think a strong input means a strong output, which is wrong. OGI automatically builds up power when inputted, so when you go for a strong input, you might get a strong output, but it won't be as strong as the right way, and it puts more stress on your OGI tank."

Kage raises his hand to ask a question.

"Wait, are you saying that I'm supposed to have a weak input?"

"Not necessarily weak; you just have to find the balance between too weak of an input and too strong of an input. Once you find the perfect balance, that's when you'll know you have mastered OGI control, but like I said earlier, it's hard, and only two people in history mastering OGI control is proof of that."

"Oh ok"

"Also, not to throw you under the bridge, Kage, but the problem with OGI users I just described is something I constantly see from you. Your big, flashy attacks aren't a bad thing, but you run out of OGI so fast because of the way you make them. If you had a little more OGI control, those attacks could be less taxing, which is why I'm teaching you all this now. Nubuki beat you because he had a better understanding of OGI control than you, which is a huge factor in battle. He probably didn't have to use level two against you because your input of OGI is too strong, causing your attacks to be not only weaker but more taxing. Have any of you ever seen a person who seems to never run out of energy, no matter how much OGI they seem to be using?"

When Kage and Unknown heard that question, they both instantly thought of Hunter.

"Yeah, when we fought that feared legend, Hunter, it seemed like he would never run out of energy."

"Yep, and that right there is an example of someone who manages their OGI tank well. As you can tell by now, your OGI tank is an important part of OGI control. People like Hunter make sure to manage their OGI as much as possible and only expand their OGI tank when needed."

Unknown raises his hand to ask a question.

"I've heard you say expand your OGI tank before, but what does that really mean?"

"Thanks for the question. I was about to get to that. Expanding your OGI tank is when you make the available amount of OGI you currently have in the tank grow. Now you do this by focusing on your OGI tank and stirring it up like you're stirring soup. When you do this, you gain more OGI to use, but there are also a lot of people out there who can use this to make their level-one techniques and powers more powerful. Some people are extremely good at expanding their OGI tank, which allows them to do this almost instantly, but for regular OGI users, a few minutes will be needed, and like everything else, your efficiency with this depends on OGI control. Now does anyone have a question?"

Class one stayed silent to Mr. Mink's question.

"Good! Now on to business. Akira and Selena, you will be practicing level-one techniques to develop your OGI control. Now Unknown and Kage, you will be training with me personally since Kage needs help using his OGI correctly, and for Unknown, I have something planned for you."

"Wait, special for me?"

"You'll find out soon, don't worry."

"Aye Unknown, let's get strong together!"

"Hehe, yeah, of course, bro!"

Kage and Unknown give each other a strong first bump to signal the start of their training.

Chapter 60 end 

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