
Kirata gone but not forgotten

The death of Kirata came as a surprise to the entire Moro zone who found out the news two days after his death but the person who was affected the most was Wayne who had to be the one to light the flame fit the cremation. Three days after Kirata's death a public funeral was held at the top of Kiratas mountain. All beasts and humans who respected Kirata for all he's done are staying in the village to watch the cremation happen. Almost 85% of the Moro zone chose to come to his funeral causing those who came later in the day to stand outside the village.

At the top of Kirata's mountain, Kirata's deceased body lies on piles of wood. Wayne, Lex, Kage, Unknown, Arcta, and the village chief of Wayne village whose name is Pan. Wayne is unaware of Pan being his village chief but he knows that out of anyone to give the funeral speech he was the best option since his father trusted him.

In the sky, a helicopter is carrying a familiar news anchor.

"Hello, yes, this is zone news, where we cover all news that happens throughout the four zones, and the person speaking to you now is Linda. Today is a sad day as the great Beast King who made the Moro zone so great has passed on to the afterlife thanks to feared legend Hunter who I actually covered ten years ago. So it's an honor to cover the great Beast King's funeral today!

Back on the ground, Pan picks up a microphone that broadcasts what he's saying to everyone who's in Kirata village.

"Hello, is this thing working? Oh, it is perfect now it's time to start."

As Pan gives the funeral speech Zones News broadcasts the footage to the rest of the world. Back in Grava Academy Mr.Mink, Selena, and Akira watch the broadcast.

"Hey, Selena isn't that Wayne Kage and Unknown?"

"Yes Akira that is them don't you remember what Mr.Mink told us yesterday? All three of them were in the battle against Hunter."

"Oh yeah, but I didn't think they would get front seats to this important person's funeral."

"Well considering the beast king is Wayne's father it makes sense they would get front seats."

"Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense."

"Akira do you even know who the beast king is?"

"What of course I do it would be frowned upon if I didn't!"

"I don't even need my powers to know you're lying."


As Selena and Akira have an interesting conversation Mr.Mink is at the back of the class leaning up against the wall.

"I still can't believe the Beast King is dead, especially with how strong he is. This could get ugly for the Moro zone. Sure I'll give it to him with how much respect he gets in the Moro Zone War won't just break out of nowhere but all it takes is the wrong person getting hands-on power for everything to fall apart."

Mr.Mink's expression stays serious throughout the entire broadcast of Kirata's funeral. Back on Kirata Mountain Pan starts his speech.

"Hello, today is the day we cremate the great Beast King Kirata. Kirata is more than just a beast that popped up centuries ago and forced both beasts and humans to see eye to eye. He was a leader a friend and most important of all he was a father. I remember meeting him for the first time when my village was attacked by some bad beast. After he helped me that day he never lost contact with me he would come down to my village monthly to check up on it and make sure everyone in it was in a good state of mind. Nobody knew his struggles they only knew how he presented himself. Not once did he complain about his job not even a hint. He always kept everyone else needs over his own."

As Pan finishes his speech every human and beast in Kirata village even some who aren't in Kirata village cry tears of sorrow. Pan, Wayne, Lex, Arcta, and Unknown start to cry as well.

"Kirata is the true Beast King and no one will ever be able to replace him! Now the two children Kirata put his all into raising will light the flame."

Wayne who has been standing by with a torch in his hand starts walking toward Kirata with Lex on his back. Wayne stands in front of his father's deceased body and stands there silently. Wayne starts breathing heavily and looks like he's going to turn back.


Before Wayne could chicken out Lex with tears in his eyes snaps Wayne out of his frozen state.

"Yeah, your right Lex this has to be done."

Lex hops onto Wayne's arm and puts his little black hand on the torch.

"This is the last time I will ever so your face Papa. I miss you so much but you told me to be strong so I have to do threw with this no matter what."

Wayne with Lex's support throws the torch into the wood.

"Goodbye Papa"

The flame lights the wood under Kirata's body. The fire spreads until it has completely engulfed Kirata's body. Wayne falls to the ground with tears in his eyes but has one thing on his mind. Wayne starts to see Kiratas and Georges's souls standing next to the flame smiling at him. As black soot falls like snow from the fire Wayne looks up with pure anger in his eyes.

"Hunter I know you're still out there and I'm going to make sure you suffer for what you did!"

Kage and Unknown watch from afar as Wayne talks to himself.

"Hey, Kage how come you aren't crying damn it."

"Oh well don't get me wrong I'm sad about his death but not enough to cry."

"Oh, so you're heartless then!"

"Well, it's not like I knew him personally so I can't really find myself crying."

"Well I guess that makes sense but this funeral just made me feel something you know."

"Yeah yeah go ahead cry your heart out I understand."

As the funeral comes to a close at the same unknown mountain where Nisugi and Hunter met up Nisugi is once again there but this time eating a box of Hot buffalo wings.

"Oh my these wings are so spicy but they still taste so delicious! The flavors mix so well that I need to go buy some more!"

"So do you always have an orgasm over regular food or do I just keep coming in at the wrong time?"


To Nisugi's displeasement she hears a familiar voice come from the tree above her. She looks at the tree and sees Hunter sitting in the tree.

"Do you always have to sneak up on me!"

"No, but it makes it more fun so I do it."

"Whatever could you just tell me what you came here for?"

"I will gladly tell you gladly!"

Hunter throws a lightning bolt at the tree behind him which causes it to burn down.

"Oh, I see you ate the beast king and gained his powers good job. Is that all you wanted or is there boring shit to tell me?"

"Hahaha nope I'm not done yet but I promise you you won't be bored after I show you this!"

Hunter pulls out the rusty dagger he got from Kirata's body and shows it to Nisugi. Nisugi adjusts her glasses to see the dagger more clearly.

Nisugi's eyes turn wide as she stares at the dagger.

"No way!! This can't be!"

"No, it can be this is a piece of the main objective that you've been pushing all of us to put our heart into. I bet you are glad I took a detour now haha."

Nisugi snatches The dagger from Hunter.

"Your amazing Hunter I must start preparations right now!"

Nisugi packs her food and gets up in a rush.

"Us and the others will be having a meeting soon to discuss this bit for now I must go. I will contact you when I have further instructions."

As soon as she finishes her last sentence Nisugi vanishes leaving Hunter on the mountain by himself.

"A thank you would have been nice you know! Oh, whatever she's already far gone by now."

Three days later after Kirata's funeral Kage, Unknown and Wayne return to the Grava zone. They have just gotten out of the dimensional space track. As the train moves closer and closer to Grava City Unknown shows his concern for Wayne.

"Hey, Kage are you not worried about Wayne or something!"

"What's there to worry about."

"Bro when we got on the train he decided to sit away from us and not just away he's sitting alone at the back of the train. Don't you see how dark that area is that can't be healthy?"

"Unknown you worry too much."

"I'm worrying too much!"

"Bro listen he just lost someone who he loves more than anyone we can't go mess with him right now. This is something he must go threw on his own When he's ready to talk he'll talk."

"Wow, I guess your right as usual."

"I'm not always right sometimes I say the dumbest shit sometimes."

"Oh don't worry I definitely know that."

"You must want me to kick your ass!"

"Do it you won't!"

Before Kage and Unknown could start fighting each other the train stopped and they both realized they made it to Grava City.

"Both of them get off the train with Wayne and Lex following close behind. Unknown looks over to Wayne who looks to be in a dazed state of mind."

"Hey Wayne you ready for Grava Academy tomorrow I bet it will be fun!"

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you two. I will be taking a break from Grava Academy for a while."

Both of them look in shock as those words come out of Wayne's mouth.

"Don't worry I already told Mr.Mink and he said that it was alright. I'll come back as soon as possible I promise."

Wayne starts to walk away from the two of them with a depressed expression on his face. Unknown seeing this attempts to talk to him.

"Wayne wa–"

Before he could chase after Wayen he was stopped by Kage.

"Just let him go he needs his alone time remember."


As Wayne walked away from them they both knew that the next time they saw him he wouldn't be the same.

Chapter 41 end

This is the last chapter of volume two go ahead and tell me in the comments which volume was better one or two

THE_GOAT_HIMSELFcreators' thoughts
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