
Kirata's past part one

Fourteen years after the creation of the four zones, Kirata was born in the most abnormal way possible. Lege heard the scream come from the other room and rushed towards it.


Lege turns the corner that his mom and dad turned to see a terrible sight. Lege first sees baby Kirata, who is already standing on two feet. Baby Kirata stands at eight feet but doesn't have a fierce look on his face like his father. He has the face of his mother, which is fragile and soft-looking.

"...is that my little brother?"

The second thing he notices is his father standing in shock, looking at something that must be horrendous.

"Father, what are you looking at?"

Lege looks in the same direction as his father and notices a pool of blood. Jack snaps out of his shock and looks at Lege.

"Wait, Lege, don't fucking look, you idiot!"

Jack tried to stop Lege from seeing such a horrific sight, but it was too late. Lege looks behind Kirata's huge body and sees his mother, Trish, bleeding from her torn stomach.

"Oh, Lege, is that you?"


"Well, if it is, can you help me up off the ground because I feel numb for some reason? Also, my eyesight seems to be completely gone for some rea–."

Before she could finish her sentence, Trish died on the spot.


Lege didn't notice it at first since Kirata's size surprised him so much, but Kirata was covered in Trish's blood. Instead of being born normally, Kirata completely tore through his mother's stomach, leaving her dead from blood loss. Since Kirata was too young to remember, he was never told about this event; instead, he was told his mom died of a disease, but Kirata still has faint memories of seeing his mother dead on the ground. One last shocking thing happened that day.


To both of their surprise, Kirata started speaking almost two minutes after birth, but what truly surprised them was that instead of speaking in growls, Kirata spoke just like a human. This fact was a complete mystery to both of them, but they decided to just go along with it since questioning it wouldn't do much.

After seeing his mom be destroyed from the inside out, Lege instantly started to hate Kirata, but on the other hand, Kirata's father, Jack, saw it differently. Jack saw how powerful Kirata was from birth and smiled even with his wife's dead body laying on the ground. That day, Jack devoted his life to making sure Kirata grew up as a strong warrior. His reasoning for this was that the beast kingdom was completely disorganized. They had no one to lead them, while on the other hand, the humans in the Moro zone had a completely structured government. Jack believes the beasts could win the war if they rallied together, but the problem with that plan is that none of the beasts want to work together, and nobody respects each other. When Jack saw how powerful Kirata was and what he could possibly become, he knew that Kirata was the key to winning this war. In his revelations, he called it "the beast king!"

After that day, ten years passed, and Jack had taken his words into action by training Kirata vigorously. He taught him every aspect of his natural powers. At this point in time, Kirata has grown to nine feet but still has the same look on his face from birth, just like his mother. In the middle of a forest on a bright day, Jack is training Kirata to his limit once again.

"Do it now, Kirata!"


Kirata opens his mouth wide and shoots out multiple bolts of lightning from it. The bolts of lightning freeze in mid-air.

"Ok, good. Now I want you to destroy those piles of rocks over there."

Kirata looks over at the pile of rocks Jack pointed to. The bolts of lightning flew toward the rocks and hit them. The rocks are instantly destroyed, leaving no trace of them.

"Good job, Kirata!! Everything I give you to do, you do it instantly or even better. You truly are the future beast king!"

"Thank you, papa!"

As Jack praises Kirata Lege, who is now ten feet tall, he walks up behind him with a depressed look on his face.

"Father, can we train now? You told me we would train after you believed Kirata had mastered his technique."

"I don't remember saying such a thing."

"But Father, please, I want to be strong too!"

"Ok, if you want to be strong, go train on your own."

"But that's what I've been doing for the past ten years!"

"Then do it for ten more!"

As those hurtful words leave Jack's mouth, Lege starts to cry. Lege runs away deeper into the forest.

"Tch, pathetic boy, ok, now Kirata, let's get back to training!"

As Jack trains Kirata at the deeper end of the forest, Lege is on his knees, crying.

"Damn that Kirata; he's the only one he cares about, even though he killed my mother. Why, damn it!? He's only ten; what could possibly be so good about him? Damn it!"

Lege surrounds his hand with lightning and throws a lightning bolt at multiple trees. When he does, Kirata walks in on him.

"Brother, what's wrong? Should I go get Papa!?"

Hearing his brother's voice, Lege's face fills up with rage, but Lege quickly fixes his face and turns around.

"Oh, Kirata I didn't even see you there! No, I'm fine; there's no need to call father. I was just getting some practice in, just like Father told me to. I'm going to go to another area and train."

"Wait, Lege's father gave me some free time, and I was wondering if you wanted to play for a while!"

Lege grits his teeth but holds himself back from losing composure.

"Oh, really, thanks for the offer, but I should really get to training, you know. I don't want to disappoint Father."

Lege walks away from Kirata as fast as he can. As he does, Kirata's face turns to disappointment.

"Oh, ok, I'll catch you later then."

Lege keeps walking without a response.

"Oh, alright, I guess I'll play by myself."

Before Kirata can start playing by himself, he hears a crying sound.



Kirata, being a curious ten-year-old, goes and checks where the crying came from. Kirata takes to the sky.

"I wonder what that sound was; it sounded like a cry of some sort, but I wonder who could be crying."

Kirata reaches the area he heard the cry from and lands on the ground. The area he is in is surrounded by trees, with a river in the middle. Kirata starts looking around but is surprised when he sees a human boy holding onto a rock in the river. This human boy looks to be about the age of twelve and three and a half feet tall. He's wearing a green shirt and yellow pants, while also wearing a bucket hat. The boy is in a river that has a strong current, so he might not be able to hold on any longer.

Kirata makes movements to go save the boy, but suddenly stops. This is the first time Kirata has ever seen a human, and from what Jack and Lege have told him, humans are his sworn enemies. Having these thoughts in his head, Kirata becomes hesitant to save the boy.

As Kirata works on deciding whether to save the boy or not, the boy starts to lose his grip on the rock.


The boy starts to inhale a dangerous amount of water.


Kirata looks over to his left and sees another huge rock flowing down the river toward the little boy.

"Oh no, if that rock hits him, he'll be crushed to death! I guess I have no choice!"

Kirata uses his powers to form a black cloud over the oncoming rock. A lightning bolt came from the cloud. The lightning bolt destroys the rock before it can get close to the boy. Even with the oncoming rock gone, the boy loses his grip on the rock and slips into the water.

"This is really bad!"

Kirata jumps straight into the water with no hesitation. Kirata swims as fast as he can, using the rushing current to his advantage. After just a few seconds, Kirata finally sees the boy knocked out while the current takes him away. Seeing him knocked out makes Kirata realize he's not going to last much longer underwater. So he wastes no time, swims to him, and grabs the back of his shirt with his mouth. Kirata swims back to the surface while holding onto the little boy. Kirata jumps out of the water and back onto land, carefully putting the little boy down on his back.

"Hey there, are you okay?"

The boy doesn't respond to Kirata's question since he is still unconscious.

"Oh, right, the water! Um, let me see; oh, I know what to do!"

Kirata takes his finger and gently pushes it onto the little boy's stomach. When he does this, the boy instantly starts shooting out the water in his body from his mouth. Once all the excess water in his body is gone, the boy starts to awaken. As he does, Kirata jumps away from the boy.

"I can't forget what Papa said—this is my enemy!"

Kirata started to growl and drool from his mouth in an attempt to look scary. The little boy woke up and looked at Kirata with no fear.

"Hello, my name is Seto. What's your name, doggy?"

Chapter 35 end 

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