
Welcome to the Moro zone part four

Kage, Unknown, Wayne, and Lex started walking the last stretch to Kirata village, but all of a sudden they were surrounded by giant fly-like creatures with mouths covered up by some type of beak. The three boys stand back to back.

"Aye, Wayne, what the hell are these?"

"Oh, so now you want to know."

"Shut up Unknown this isn't the time or place."

"Both of you get serious; these beasts aren't something that we can play around with."

"Ok, then can you explain what they do?"

"Alright, alright, these beasts are called Screechers; they aren't that powerful alone, but when they start grouping together like this, they become a formidable force."

All the Screecher's beaks unfold and show off their wide mouth with many sharp, long teeth.


The Screechers let out an unbearable scream, leaving the three dazed.

"Ahhh, what the fuck is that noise?"

Quick, both of you cover your ears before your brain gets fried."

Wayne's words are helpful, but he's too late; both Kage and Unknown are too dazed to hear him. Kage and Unknown fall to the ground, screaming in pain.

"Shit, they can't hear me."

Wayne looks on his shoulder and sees Lex holding its ears with its black feet. As Wayne struggles to get out of his situation, he starts to think to himself.

"Damn it I have to think, if all these Screechers are gathered up together like this, that means a Screecher queen is nearby, so this could get even more dangerous. Wait, I got it!"

Wayne digs into the pouches on his belt and pulls out two handfuls of adaptive ore.

"Hold on, let me rest real quick."

Wayne throws the adaptive ore on the ground around him. The adaptive ore grows and surrounds Wayne and Lex with a blue crystal.

"There we go, nice and quiet. I almost forgot adaptive ore can be used to block out sound, but I have to hurry up before those two get their brains completely fried. Ok, Lex, I know you hate medicine, but you need to take this medicine to fix the damage the Screechers did to your brain."

Wayne pulls out a blue pill from his bag and feeds it to Lex. The Dazed Lex chews and swallows the pill. Lex's face turns green, and he jumps up.


"Yeah, I know that shit tasted disgusting, but don't worry, you're not alone; I have to take one too."

Wayne pulls out another blue pill and puts it in his mouth. Just like Lex Wayne's face turns green and he jumps up in disgust.

"Ewww, why did they make the antidote taste like that? Whatever, it's time to save them. Lex, I'm going to need your help; you know what to do."


Outside of the crystal, Kage and Unknown have collapsed on the ground due to the Screecher's scream. The crystal breaks open from the inside, and Lex flies out of it. Lex grows his six snake tails up to 8 feet and blasts fire from them at all the Screechers. All the Screechers burn to smithereens.

"Good job, Lex; now come back."

Lex goes back to his normal size and flies back to Wayne.

Ok, now that those things are gone, let's give those two some antidote so they can get up."

Wayne grabs two blue pills out of his bag and walks up to Kage and Unknown who are both knocked out. From the shadows, another beast appeared. A 7-foot, skinny humanoid beast with wings and Screechers for a head and hands appeared in front of Wayne before he could get to Kage and Unknown. Wayne quickly jumps away from the beast.

"Oh well, if it isn't the Screecher Queen, I knew you had to be nearby somewhere."

Wayne looks over to the knocked-out Kage and Unknown.

"Damn it, we have to hurry this up before it's too late."

Wayne pulls out his shotgun and then digs into the pouch on the back of his belt and pulls out some bullets. Wayne reloads his shotgun and shoots at the beast. The Screecher Queen quickly flies up to get away.

With the beast out of the way, Wayne quickly rushes towards Kage and Unknown. The Screecher on the Screecher queen's hand opens its mouth and screams.


A shockwave comes from the scream and hits Wayne before he can make it to them.


The scream tears up Wayne's clothes and leaves cuts all over his body.

"Damn it, this is where it gets difficult. The Screecher Queen scream not only does damage to your brain but also does damage physically. I guess we have no choice but to focus all our efforts on her. Lex, help me out, please!"


Lex uses his wings to fly up and shoot multiple balls of fire at the Screecher queen. She dodges all the fireballs and uses the Screechers it has for hands to scream a shockwave at Lex. Lex gets hit and falls to the ground. Wayne puts up his shotgun and pulls out his black blade.

"Don't hurt my Lex!"

Wayne rushes at the Screecher queen with his blade in hand. The beast flies up to get away from the attack. Wayne pulls Adaptive Ore out of his pouch and throws it at her left wing. The adaptive ore makes contact and completely crystalizes her left wing.

"Yes, now you won't be able to fly properly."

The Screecher Queen starts to descend to the ground. She attempts to flap her wings aggressively, but thanks to Wayne's quick thinking, she can't fly and is forced to hit the ground.

Ok, no more running away for you. Rahhhh!!"

Wayne rushes at the Screecher queen. She attempts to slow down Wayne with a scream, but Wayne throws adaptive ore in front of him to block the shockwave. Wayne, breathing heavily, sits down on the ground, hiding behind the crystal shield he made with the adaptive ore.

"Damn it, even with her grounded, I can't get close to her."

As Wayne thinks about his next move, Lex appears behind him with many bruises.

"Oh shit, Lex, are you ok?"

Wayne goes to grab Lex, but before he does, Lex grows out his wings and grabs onto his back.


Huh, you want to keep fighting, but Lex."

Wayne looks into Lex's determined eyes.

"Yeah, you're right; there is no time to waste. Let's beat this bitch and get all of us to Kirata village in one piece."

As Wayne hypes himself up for battle, the Screecher Queen starts to scream at her maximum, attempting to break the crystal on her wing. Wayne places his black blade on his belt and reloads his shotgun.


"Oh damn, she's mad now. We should finish this quickly. Adaptive ore is strong, but it isn't unbreakable."


As the Screecher queen screams, Wayne, with Lex using his wings to fly him in the air, comes from behind the crystal and flies at her with great speed. Lex grows his snake tails to 6 feet and uses them to shoot a barrage of fireballs at her. With no time to react, she gets hit by multiple fireballs.

"Good job, Lex; now it's my turn."

Wayne pulls out his shotgun and shoots the Screecher Queen in both hands.

"Great, now I can worry less about that screaming."

Wayne grabs his blade from his belt and, with his left hand, grips it with all his might. Wayne breathes in and out and remembers the words of his father, Kirata.

"You cannot come back till you become not just a man but a man with real ambition!"

Remembering those words, Wayne grits his teeth and screams.

"Sorry to have to do this to you, but I need you to get the fuck out of my way!"

Lex flies Wayne directly into the Screechers queen's face. Wayne, with a face of determination, slashes the Queen on the chest.


The Screecher queen screams in pain and runs away to the right side of the forest while holding its wound with its wrist.

"Yeah, you better run!"


Wayne pats Lex on the head while he sits on his shoulder. Lex growls in satisfaction.

Yeah, you did great, Lex; now let's go get the others up."

As Wayne and Lex get Kage and Unknown up on the far right side of the forest, there's a giant orange Screecher's hive that the Screecher queen Wayne just fought currently rules over. The Screecher Queen has returned home with multiple injuries from the fight with Wayne.


As she walks into the hive, she looks around and sees a bunch of regular Screechers dead on the ground with huge bites taken out of each of them.

"Oh, I see you have returned Screecher queen I got bored and decided to take care of your children for you. They tasted delicious I wonder what the manufacturer tastes like."

The Screecher Queen looks up to see her throne, but on her throne, she sees Hunter, not only the same man who has been following the boys through the Moro zone but also the man who Nisusgi refers to as a perv. The Queen, while shivering, looks up at Hunter. Hunter grabs a Screecher and stuffs it in his mouth.

"Ok, ok, now that the appetizer is finished, it's time for the main course. Accelerate!!"

Hunter jumps out of the throne and uses the accelerate technique to get behind the queen.

"I hope you taste good! Raaaahhhh!!!"

In about 30 seconds, Hunter eats the queen whole, leaving nothing but blood splatters everywhere.

"Yes!!!! It takes so good!!! Hahahahaha!!"

Chapter 23 end  

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