
Battle for Respect Paul edition

Seth slams his hand onto the ice and screams at the top of his lungs.

"Ice manipulation!! It's time for you to learn and fear the name Seth!"

The ice glacier under Seth breaks into big chunks of ice.

"Haha, time for me to show you the power of my ice manipulation!"

Seth lands on one of the chunks of ice. The ice chunks start floating while he stands on top of them.

In the spectating room, Selena, with a shocked face, says:

Wait, he's making ice that big float at will!"

"Is that bad, Selena?"

"No, not at all Unknown it's just that I didn't think he was capable of such power. Floating multiple things that big at once must take a lot of focus."

"So Seth must have been training then."

Back on the battlefield, Seth uses his powers to throw multiple chunks of ice at Paul. Paul, with amazing grace, jumps out of the way of the ice chunks. Paul lands on the icy ground, rushes at Seth, and kicks Seth in the neck. Seth, with great speed, backs away from Paul.

"Don't you think this battle is kind of pointless? We should just stop."

"Go to hell!"

Seth shoots a blizzard from his mouth at Paul, causing the right side of his body to freeze.

"How do you like that Mr. Perfect not so perfect anymore?"


Paul, with a blank look on his face, starts to glow. Seth's face turns to shock as Paul activates level one.

What? He didn't activate level one yet, and he was able to dodge my attacks and hit me!"

Seth grits his teeth and starts surrounding both of his hands and arms with ice.

Paul uses his left hand to break the ice on the right side of his body. Seth's hands and arms are now surrounded by ice. Seth uses his powers to sharpen the ice on his arms.

"I've taken my ice manipulation to a whole new level, and I'm glad the top student gets to go down to my power."

Seth rushes at Paul with his sharpened ice.

"You better dodge or I'll put a hole in your chest."

"No need; just swing those icicles as hard as you can."


In the face of a potentially life-threatening attack, Paul continues to be calm.


Seth, with a pissed look on his face, slams his left icicle on Paul's chest. The icicle completely broke on impact.

What, but I put my all into that attack?"

"I told you it was pointless."

Paul punches Seth in the nose and sends him flying. Seth grabs his broken nose and says:

 "Screw you—"

As Seth looks up, he sees Paul appear in front of him.

"I told you it was pointless. Please give up before I have to end this battle for real."

"Go to hell, Mr.Perfect."

Seth attempts to punch Paul, but he dodges it and kicks him into an ice glacier. The Glacier breaks due to the impact, burying Seth under the ice. Back in the spectating room, everyone is in awe of Paul's strength. Kage, looking in awe, says:

"That flex and accelerate technique is on another level; he really is at the top."

Back on the battlefield, Paul is standing in front of the rubble with his hands in his pockets, waiting for Seth to come out.

"There's no way he's down already; he's weak but not that weak."

Paul closes his eyes.


OGI starts to flow into Paul's ears, causing them to glow. With Paul using the sense technique, he can use his ears as a way to see what his eyes can't. Paul opens his eyes and looks to his left.

Seth phases through the ice under Paul and tries to grab him by the leg, but Paul jumps up high to escape.

"Interesting, you can phase through ice; no wonder you picked this battlefield."

"What the hell, how did he know I was coming?"

Paul lands back on the ground and lunges at Seth so fast that he doesn't have time to react.

"Oh shit!"

Seth attempts to phase back into the ice, but Paul catches him by the collar and slams his head into the ice. Seth's head starts to bleed out on the ice. Paul puts his hands in his pockets and starts to walk away from Seth.

"You son of a bitch, come back here; I'm not done with you."

"You're finished; there's no way you can beat me, so I please ask you to give up."

"No, I refuse! I might be the number one in class six because I lost to Aurora, but I'm different now!"

As Seth struggles to get up, Paul, with a blank face, walks up to Seth on the ground.

"I guess I have no choice."

Paul steps on Seth's knee with his right foot.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Give up now or I'm going to break your leg."

"Tch, you're full of shit I would like to see you try."

"Please don't test your luck."

Seth tries to once again get up. As Seth tries to get up, he hears a crush sound. Seth's mouth starts to tremble as he slowly looks back. When he looks back, he sees Paul lifting his foot off of his broken leg.

"Ahhhhhhh my...my leg's broken!"

"Finally, the battle is over. I told you this was pointless."

The battlefield turns back to normal. Paul puts his hands in his pocket and, with his cloak blowing in the wind, walks away from the battlefield. Everyone in the spectating room looks at the TV screen, shocked at what they just witnessed. Selena taps both Kage and Unknown on the shoulder.

"Come on, we have to go get Seth and take him to Doc."

Kage and Unknown Simontansley say:


The three run out to the battlefield and find Seth lying on the ground, screaming in pain.


As he screams, he starts crying and flailing in pain. Unknown Watching Seth in pain exclaims.

"We need to calm him down before we can do anything."

"Yeah, you're right, but I don't think my energy manipulation can help him."

"Don't worry, I'll handle that part."

Selena walks to Seth and starts glowing intensely. Selena looks into Seth's eyes. As she looks into his eyes, Seth falls asleep.

"Perfect, Kage and Unknown pick him up and carry him to the infirmary."


Kage grabs Seth by the shoulder, and Unknown grabs Seth by the legs and rushes him to the infirmary. In the infirmary, Doctor David is giving a student a check-up.

"Ok, kid, make sure you don't overexert that arm of yours, or you will be back in this infirmary in no time."

"Ok, sir, I'll make sure to do just that."

The student walks out of the infirmary with a smile on his face. David pulls out a cigarette and lights it.

"I hope he keeps his word; healing takes up a lot of OGI."

Selena rushes into the infirmary and exclaims:

Doc, it's Seth!"

"Oh man, what is it now?"

Kage and Unknown run into the room carrying The injured Seth.

"Of course, right after I just healed someone, put him on the bed so I can check him out."

Seth gets put on the bed, and Doc activates level two. A yellow flame flies from David's hand onto Seth's broken leg.

"This will take a while; his leg is completely broken. How the hell did this happen, Selena?"

"He challenged Paul to a battle, and as you can see, he lost pretty badly."

"Uh, this idiot, he's always going off to get his ass beat for what, just to get some respect. I'll make sure this never happens again after he wakes up."

Outside of the infirmary, Kage and Unknown are sitting in the waiting room.

"Hey Unknown I've always wondered why Paul only uses level two against strong opponents. Like shit, the entire school hasn't seen his powers once."

"Well, I remember that on the first day of school, he said something that might answer your question."

"Wait, I was there on the first day of school, and I don't remember him saying anything."

"Come on, do you really not remember? Just think, man."

Hmm, let me think. Oh right, I remember now."

Kage starts to remember what happened on the first day of school.

On the first day of school, the students of class one were introducing themselves to the class and saying their goal of coming to Grava Academy. Paul was the last person to introduce themselves to the class.

"Hello class I am Paul, and my goal is to become strong because I need to become strong, and the reason why I need to become strong is for me to know. If any of you know someone strong, please tell me."

Kage is now remembering this statement made by Paul. Kage remarks. 

"That guy thinks he's so cool talking about it's for me to know. One day, I'll find out what he was talking about.

"Hey, Kage I suggest you worry about our training instead of Paul's reasoning for being the way he is."

Tch, whatever, it's just that that guy annoys me."

Selena walks out of the infirmary room. Both Kage and Unknown look over at Selena in anticipation.

"He will be fine; he just needs to rest."

Kage giggles and remarks:

"He might be annoying, but he's a tough cookie to crack."

Great, now that we know Seth is okay, we should get back to our training."

"Yeah, you're right; we leave for the Moro zone in one day. Let's go ahead and step on the gas."

Both Kage and Unknown rush out of the waiting room in excitement.

"Let's go!!!"

Chapter 16 end

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