
Lurking Darkness!

In An Abandoned Factory.

Ancient symbols was shown on the ground, and for each symbols, individuals are standing on it.

One who is know as Anubis, The Banished Sorcerer for trying to kill the Pharaoh Akhenaden, before

his son was the Pharaoh.

The other who is shrouded in mystery, Trapped in the mirror, his shadow silhouette was shown in the mirror.

''So are we on an agrement?''

''His father Akhenaden sealed me away but i will have my revenge, so yes, with our combined power, we shall end the Pharaoh and make a new era of darkness!''

The mummy and the shadow both laughed, each thinking on when to end their partnership after they defeat the pharaoh, they rather not share their power of the world but they will hide it untill their us is done.

''So what do we do with Marik Ishtar? What you have told me, he was the gravekeeper of the pharaoh, he is hiding a great darkness inside of him, one that keeps growing and growing.''

The shadow in the mirror laughed and looked at Anubis with a smirk, ''Let him play his little game, maybe he even do us a favor and destroy the pharaoh for us.''

Anubis looked at the mirror with a frown, ''Do you really belive he can do it?''

''Well, he does posses a Egyptian God card, the Winged Dragon Of Ra so he should be fine, however the tournement is no longer an issue since we found who we are looking for..''

Anubis looked at the mirror with a suprise and made an evil smile.

''Lets hope he has the power to contain a god then, But what about the Evil spirit? the darkness in that Millenium Ring contains darkness even i can´t sense.''

The mirror was silent and just didn´t know what to do, this spirit was unknown to him and was very powerful, even got defeated by the pharoah 2 times already but still is alive is an impressive feat.

(1st time is from the manga when they were playing the Boardgame at Bakura´s place and the second is when Yugi was in Duelist Kingdom)

''Leave him alone for now, we have more pressing matters to face, The young man named Ryze, the very man we been looking for.''

Anubis was looking at the mirror and thought he was foolish, why bother to watch out for a unknown young man then the Pharaoh and Seto´s decendant, ''What is so special of this boy?

he cannot be more important then the Pharaoh himself.'

The Shadow in the mirror smiled and was just looking at Anubis with confident.

''That my friend is where you are wrong.''



Meanwhile the spirit of the Millenium Ring was in a conversation with Marik in his mind at the hospital.

''Seems like everything is going acording to plan.''

''Yes, and i already did more then i agreed to do, i took care of bakura as you asked, so you could rescue him and gained the trust of thoes fools, now it´s your turn.''

Marik smiled, ''You get my Millennium Rod and the other items once you complete your end of the bargain, Now you obtain a duel disk and enter the Battle City tournement finals, I hand you what you seek once you hand me the cards i desire.''

Evil Bakura then started to laugh which made Marik not happy, ''I guess you are not duelist enough to win them yourself or is there something else you are not telling me about this scheme of yours Marik?''

Marik got angry and started to look at Bakura with spite, ''Do you want the Millenium items or don´t you!? if so i suggest you do as i say, You need to obtain 6 locator card in order to enter and i suggest you find them soon, time is running out.''

Marik disappears from the mind of Evil Bakura which makes Him just laugh.

''I will Marik, while i don´t trust you, i know you need my help and that will be your biggest mistake yet, Hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHA!!!''


Ishizu couldn´t belive what Ryze said, ''You help me, Why?''

Ryze looked at Ishizu and had a teasing smile, '' I have a hard time to say no to a beautiful lady such as yourself.

Ishizu was suprise of Ryze flirting words which made her face abit red, ''I´m flattered you find me attractiv but i would like you to take this serious, why are you helping me?''

Ryze knew that she was serious so he stopped teasing her and walked with her inside the museum.

''Well, strange things have been happening ever since the tournement started, also i can´t let my friend Yugi to tackle it alone, tho i am confused, that doesn´t stop me for helping.''

Ishizu was looking at the man before her, a great duelist and for some reason, don´t show up in the visions of what her Millenium Necklas shows her, which made her more intersted of him.

Ishizu smiled and then handed him another Locator card, ''Here you go, from what i know you only needed one more locator card right? With this you should be able to participate in the finals.''

Ryze was suprised, ''You are just gonna give it to me? what about you?''

Ishizu was shaking her head and told him she will no longer participate in the tournement.

''What? but why, didn´t you participate to stop your brother?''

''Indeed, however you defeated me and i trust my judgment, so i will follow you in the finals as a visitor not a participate and let you duel for me.''

''(Well this is a suprise, last time ishizu participated in the tournement to stop her brother and help the pharaoh, but now that im here she gave her spot to me).''

Ryze was looking at her and smiled, ''Okay Ishizu, once again i can´t say no to someone as beautiful as you so i will help you.''

both Ishizu and Ryze smiled and shaked their hand together for a partnership that might last longer then they think.

After everything, Ryze and ishizu seperated and agreed to meet at the museum in 2 hours before going to the finals, Ryze went towards his apartment and sat at his bed.

''System, Show me the Rare card and this special item that i got.''

System: [Confirmed, Obtained Beast Machine King Barbaros Ur x1 also obtain Relic Of The Past item.]

Ryze was suprised, Beast Machine King Barbaros Ur Was a really powerful card, but looks like its ability is diffrent then his real version, I need Beast King Barbaros and Machine Lord Ur in the graveyard instead of only have Beast warrior and machine in the graveyard, but it can Damage while the real version cannot.

''What is this item, Relic Of The Past?''

System: [it's a special item that will give you a trial, a trial of a duel, with it you will be challenged and if you win, you will obtain a powerful card.]

Ryze was thinking, he does need more card that could help him to defeat Marik and the Unknown darknees that is lurking.

''I will us it, activate Relic Of The Past Item!''

The relic in Ryze hand shined and disappeared and Ryze then collapsed on the bed clouded him in darkness.

System: [.... Activate Relic Of the Past, Challanger has appeard, Activate Duel Arena.]


Well 3 more chapters to go, Seya there guys.

Next chapter