
To Return Home

Chapter 490

The morning breeze came in from the mountains, brushing across the roofs of the keep, flowing into the west side of the garden, and finally, it kissed the Hall of the Dead.

"By the mercy of Arkay, may you be reborn into wealth. May you be delivered from the agony of poverty, war, and pestilence. May Sovngarde open its halls for your brave souls. May you rest in peace in the eternal kingdom."

The prayer came to an end, and the priest waved his arm, covering the mangled bodies on the stone tables with a layer of magic light. The charred remains of the soldiers were crushed by a great force. Light from the candle shone upon sorrowful and solemn faces. The bereaved went up to say their goodbyes and condolences, then they left.

The trio called Irileth to a corner and said, "Irileth, here's a thousand coins. Please, give these to the bereaved."

Irileth was surprised. "What is the meaning of this?" Irileth shook her head. "The Jarl will compensate them adequately. They can live well enough with the coins they receive, and for a Nordling, there's no higher honor than dying in battle."

Flynn shook his head. "It's what we want. We just want their families to live better lives. Please, take it."

Irileth was silent for a while, and she nodded. She then looked upon the trio more favorably. Not many could be as noble as these three in a time of chaos. "Thank you for your kindness," she said. "As Thanes, I'm sure you'll be staying in Whiterun for a long time. Do please come to me should you need anything. I shall help wherever I can."

"Oh, right. Forgot to ask," Arvel said, "What's a Thane, anyway?"

Irileth smiled. "The Jarl granted you this title as thanks for your great contribution toward the keep. The soldiers will be more lenient to you should they know you're a Thane, and Thanes have a certain degree of immunity too. They also enjoy a lot of benefits when they're in the keep. You'll understand soon. Should you need a housecarl, you may request it from the Jarl. He shall grant you someone perfectly loyal. You choose the gender."

Flynn was a little tempted. A housecarl. They're even curvier than the blacksmith. "It's a pity Goldeneye can't have a housecarl."

"Is he going somewhere?" Irileth asked.

Arvel and Flynn looked at the witcher. He risked his life to kill a dragon, and just when he gained fame and glory from it, he bade his goodbye. Just when everyone's lives were about to get more interesting, their leader wanted to leave, and the adventures would come to a halt.

Arvel and Flynn were more than a little melancholic, of course.

"Home," said Roy. "Somewhere far, far away from Skyrim and Cyrodiil. My friends, business, family, comrades, and lover are there."

"Will you still come back?" Irileth looked a little down too. She had witnessed Roy's battle prowess in that fight against the dragon. Without someone like him, it would be hard for them to fend off another dragon should it come.

Roy smiled and slowly said, "I'll come back for visits, but first I need to settle some problems." Roy was worried about the being who warned him after that dragon slaying, and he needed to go home just to lay low.


They left the Hall of the Dead and came to the enchanting room beside the main hall in Dragonsreach. Roy wanted to know if he could still use his powers he gained in Skyrim back in the witcher world. The Shouts and Conjuration skills, to be exact. Farengar was a wizard, and people like him did extensive research on different worlds and dimensions.


"So how far is this Novigrad you speak of?" Farengar put the dragon bone down and arched his eyebrow. "It must be really far for you to be this worried."

Roy clenched his fists. He saw no reason to hide his secret anymore, so he said, "It's another world entirely."

Flynn's eyes went wide. "Ah, no wonder you kept saying it's a faraway place. That also explains why you can't speak Skyrim tongue or understand its culture. You're not from Tamriel, nay, you're not even a resident of this world."

Arvel said, "Calm down, lad. He only ran into us because an enemy of his tossed him into a portal, and he was thrown into this world."

Farengar didn't seem surprised at all. "I had my suspicions. The unique enchantments your sword has is proof, but I had no concrete evidence, until yesterday, that is. The moment you summoned those tentacles, I knew you came from a different world." A hint of interest flared in Farengar's eyes. "So your enemy tossed you into a portal, eh? Then they must be powerful Conjurers indeed. How did you cross them, anyway?"

Skyrim's magic system was deep and complex. The Princes or Divines probably put a limit on things, so no regular sorcerers could open up portals. None but the strangest Conjurers could do that.

Roy smiled bitterly.

"It's alright." Farengar looked at the witcher. "This is the first time I've seen someone from a different world. Can you tell us more about your world? How does its magic differ from ours? You've cast some sort of telepathy spell on Arvel before this, haven't you? That's why he can understand you." Farengar asked him a lot of questions.

Flynn shot Arvel a look of displeasure. Hey, why does he get to have telepathy with Goldeneye but not me? He's a thief. Wait, is it because I'm stupid?

Roy shook his head. "It could take days just to answer those questions. Days I can't afford. My friends and family are in danger. I need answers."

"I did promise you a favor, and I'm repaying that. I think you can use your Conjuration in your world." Farengar rubbed his chin. "It is, after all, a branch of magic that specializes in spatial manipulation and contracts. The contract is already embedded in your head. Seems rough, but all the terms and conditions are there, right down to the most minute detail. Unless you wipe it off yourself, it will always be there."

So the runes are contracts, huh?

"And Oblivion is a vast place. So vast, words aren't enough to encompass it. The Princes only live in a corner of it. Conjuration is already a branch of magic that touches crossing different planes. Tamriel and Oblivion exist on different planes of existence after all. If you can control space, distance should be no problem for your minions. You can summon the gate no matter where you are. Tamriel, another continent, even another world, it matters not. The only thing that changes is the price you have to pay."

Roy heaved a sigh of relief. Elder Blood's partly awakened, and its spatial ability's changed a lot. I should be able to summon the Atronach and Hellhound back in the Witcher world. Probably going to expend more Mana though.


"Another question. What about Thu'um? Can I use it in another world as well?"

"Hm?" Farengar looked stern. "You wish to learn a Dragon Shout? Not even a Nordling can learn that easily. The Jarl's been jealous of those who can. You're someone from another world. I don't think you can do it, so you should give up."

Roy turned around and shouted at the door. He didn't take any time to store his strength, and the shout only had one-tenth of its full strength. A small shockwave blasted ahead and blew the door away.

Farengar was in awe and shock. "By Mora, you're a Dragonborn as well? No. You didn't absorb any dragon soul."

"His soul is powerful enough, so he learned something from the stone back in Bleak Falls Barrow," Arvel said.

"Is that so?" Farengar didn't believe that completely. A while later, he licked his lips. "That door's worth twenty coins. You'll be paying for that. As for your question… The college hasn't done any research on this, but I can hazard a guess. First, an explanation on the magic of our world. It's split into two parts. One takes its source from Aetherius, the plane that provides us with light and souls. Souls without a sentience, of course. Aetherius is the antithesis of Oblivion and is home to beings as powerful as Daedric Princes."

Aetherius. So that's what the big hole and the small holes I see in the world of meditation in this plane is.

"Aetherius provides us with magical energy, and most sorcerers rely on that to cast spells. However, Dragon Shouts originate from the other branch of magic, and its source is the Bones of the Earth. Dragons have been done for a thousand years, and before Flynn, the last Dragonborn died a few hundred years ago. Still, the college has never stopped its research on Thu'um and The Greybeards."

Farengar continued. "The Bones have merged with the very land we stand on, and it is the planet we live on. They have always been dormant, and yet within them, great power sleeps. Dragons can invoke that power through their language, and so do Dragonborns." He paused for a moment. "Regular humans need to take on the disguise of a dragon's soul through the sheer strength of their own spirit before they can even invoke this power. You can use this power whenever you're on Nirn, of course, but this is the only place with Bones of the Earth. You can't use a power that only exists in this world in your world. The source for that power does not exist there, understand?"

"Perhaps I can summon the Bones through the door leading to my world?" Roy asked.

Farengar shuddered and looked at the witcher like he was a fool, then he sighed. "You think the Bones are lowly minions like your atronach and familiar? Not even the Daedric Princes can summon them to Oblivion even if they were to band together."

"Of course they can't. Nirn is a whole planet." Roy asked, "But what if all I summon is its strength?"

Farengar froze for a moment, and then sweat drenched his back. Flynn was fiddling with a soul gem, his cheeks twitching. The Dragonborn had no idea what they were talking about, and he felt a chill run down his spine. I understand and don't understand them all at once.

"You mean you'll only be using the Bones' power? But who's going to lend that kind of power to you?"

Roy looked at the naive Dragonborn. After they shared that dragon soul, the two of them had a deep bond, and Roy could use Flynn as a waypoint to lead him back to this world. I know one.

"This is hitherto unheard of. That's an odd… no, a genius idea." Excitement filled Farengar's eyes, and he rubbed his chin, circling the witcher and the Dragonborn.

"Alright, stop moving around. You're making my head spin."

Farengar paused. "The fact that Goldeneye can learn Conjuration spells means that he has talent in spatial magic, and Dragonborns are born with the talent to master both martial arts and spells. Flynn must have a talent for spatial magic as well. If we use the contract the college came up with to build a bridge between you two…" Farengar clapped his hand. "I think it's worth a shot."

"Wanna do it?"

Farengar, Roy, and Arvel stared at the Dragonborn. "Don't give me that kind of look. I'm still single. W-What do you want?"


Farengar switched into his mad scientist, or to be exact, mad wizard mode. He whipped out a black tome and parchment drenched with magical energy, flipping through the pages, discussing with the witcher, and writing down everything his mind came up with. Before the sun was down, he came up with a contract and made two copies of it. "Alright. Drop some blood on this, sign it, and tear it apart, then the contract will take effect."

Farengar stared at the witcher and Flynn with anticipation. "Goldeneye will gain a rune akin to the ones you will gain from using a spellbook. Channel some magical energy into it, and the rune will be activated. You can then use one of Flynn's powers, but only the most basic, and it comes with many restrictions. It's fundamentally a kind of Conjuration spell, though the thing you summon is the power of the Bones that the Dragonborn activates."

"I see." I don't get it. Flynn whipped up the contract and was about to sign it, but the witcher smacked the back of his head.

He doesn't even know he's being used, the lad. "Think about this, Flynn. You sure you want to lend me your power? This contract brings you no good."

Flynn smiled. "It's alright, Goldeneye. I'd have been dead in Helgen if not for you. I don't mind doing this."

He took a copy of the contract, and the two of them signed their own copies. They then dropped some blood onto the parchment and tore the contract. Right away, the parchments turned into ash and flowed into their bodies.

Roy saw another string of numbers showing up on his Conjuration rune. Aside from his atronach and familiar, he now saw a black dragon on it. It felt weirdly beautiful.

'Conjuration Level 2: You have learned Conjure Flame Atronach, Conjure Familiar, and…

Conjure Shout: You have signed a contract with the Dragonborn. Through him, you can summon the strength of the Bones of the Earth. This skill costs 1 Mana at least (this skill costs 60% less mana. The further you are from the Dragonborn, the higher the Mana cost will be. This skill can only summon Unrelenting Force—Fus.

This skill is activated in the same way you would use a Shout. You will expend your EXP as well.

Cooldown: 21 minutes.'


In business terms, Flynn had an exclusive supply source, but he didn't make any profit from this, while Roy was his customer, and the Bones of the Earth were the manufacturer of that power. Roy would expend his EXP, and Flynn would use that energy to purchase some power from the Bones of the Earth and supply it to Roy so he could use a Shout. The Mana was the delivery cost for the Bones. This rune wouldn't get in the way of Flynn using his Shout.


Roy could feel that Conjure Shout was vastly different from a real Shout. The energy would come from the Dragonborn instead of the very earth itself in the former. After this contract was established, he could feel his bond with Flynn growing stronger. Before this, he could only vaguely sense where Flynn was, but now he could feel Flynn's status vaguely.

Roy had a feeling if this went on, he could eventually feel what the Dragonborn was thinking. Perhaps he could use more of Flynn's power or even his items. And maybe I can summon him to my world. The moment that thought was formed, Roy felt queasy. It was a warning from the Elder Blood, and he quickly dashed that thought.

Arvel looked at the two of them, a bit envious. Still, he was just a regular human, so he would never dare to dream about getting into an exchange with someone like Goldeneye. He wasn't worthy enough. Besides, he was already grateful for Roy's help.


"Thanks for the help, Farengar. This is alright."

"We're creating a miracle here. Using this world's power in another world is nothing less of a milestone." Farengar looked serious, and he said hesitantly, "But don't count your eggs before they hatch. Whether this works or not hinges on what happens after you return to your own world. The laws that govern our worlds are different, after all."

"Still, I owe you one," Roy said. At least this experiment inspired him a lot, and he realized that even Conjuration could be used extensively and creatively.

"I'll take you up on that. When you come back to Skyrim, you have to tell me how it feels using a Shout in your world. That's the only payment I'm taking."

"Of course."

Farengar checked on the two of them to make sure he didn't miss anything.

Roy then spent all the coins he had. He bought five lesser soul gems, and adding that to the soul gems he had, he now had five lesser, two regular, and one greater soul gem. Then he spent five hundred coins to buy an arcane enchanter. He was sure Kalkstein and Coral would be interested in this, and this could be the bargaining chip to keep the alchemist around the orphanage permanently.

He then spent the last of his coins to buy a third Conjuration spellbook. 'Conjure Frost Atronach: Costs 60 Mana (Level 2 decreases the cost by 10%. Elder Blood reduces that by 50%) and 15 EXP. Summons a Frost Atronach from Oblivion to aid you in battle. The atronach can exist for 10 minutes in this plane of existence.'


Roy didn't have time to try out his new skill. He took a deep breath and checked his inventory. The herbs from Whiterun, arcane enchanter, dozens of Potions of Minor Healing and Potions of Minor Magicka, a hundred pounds of dragon blood, dragon bones, dragon tendon, soul gems…


And I learned some new skills, like Dragon Shouts, Ring of Time, Worldgate… This has been a fruitful journey. Time to return home.


The trio left Dragonsreach and went to the maple tree in the garden.

"Sure you don't want to see The Greybeards, Goldeneye?" Flynn reluctantly gave Gwyhyr back to Roy. "You can stay until you learn the whole of Unrelenting Force. We'll set off tomorrow."

Roy shook his head. Flynn hugged him.

"Don't forget to come back soon, comrade. Perhaps I'll have a surprise for you."

"And I will be waiting."

"So how are you leaving? A carriage? A ship?"

"I have one thing left to do." Roy looked at Arvel, and the honest gaze made the thief tear up.

"It's alright, Goldeneye. This has been the happiest time of my life. Once again, I found my reason to live. I never felt pressured or enslaved." And he smiled bitterly. He couldn't believe he wanted Goldeneye to keep that contract. He was worried that if the contract ended, he would turn back into a regular adventurer who might die in a measly trap in an unnamed ruin. All his titles and estate would mean nothing to him, then.

"Sounds like a syndrome to me, friend." Roy grinned. "I promised I'd give you freedom before I left. You should enjoy your life, but we're still friends, got it?" He hugged the two of them and patted their shoulders. Then he handed them a sack. "I won't be around for a while, but you two can adventure together. This is everything I looted from the dragon. Seek out Eorlund and have him make something out of this in the Skyforge. Maybe he can make some dragon bone gear. A parting gift, if you will." Roy winked. He would not leave without giving them anything, not after Flynn generously lent him his power.

"And now…" Roy snapped his fingers, producing three mugs of mead in his hands. "One last drink. To a glorious journey for the both of you."

The adventurers raised a toast, and foam flew everywhere, glinting under the sunlight. It rained down on the falling maple leaves, hovering and fluttering away into the distance, and the scent of honey filled the air.

The adventurers downed their mead, and their cheeks turned red. This was the time to laugh and sing and be merry, and yet Arvel and Flynn had nothing but melancholy in their hearts. Arvel, especially, felt something was missing. That bond he shared with the witcher was gone.

The witcher opened a black door out of nowhere and leapt right into it. Then…

He was gone. Not a trace was left, like he had never existed in this world.

Next chapter